[3.21] Vatinas' Spiders + HoP Guardian - CI, 70K armour, 1400 ES on block, millions of DPS
" Thanks a lot. I have just found this option in PoB and came here to edit my message but you were too fast :o |
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Thanks for the insightful sharing guys.
Vat's post made me realise the drawbacks to phantoms - still like them though! Noob question; I am not sure on how Flame Dash (or Shield Charge) procs the double curse setup through Awakened Hextouch support. Does it have to bump onto the mobs? Pass through them? Has an area of effect upon landing? Also, I dropped Maim from the Cyclone setup thinking it redundant since I maim through Vulnerability. I am using the Sand stance btw. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย NaineNoire#4279 เมื่อ 29 ต.ค. 2020 06:31:23
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" Maim support makes the enemies maimed by the supported skill take increased physical damage, so it is not redundant if you don't have maim support on another skill that maims, like Flesh and Stone. :) As for the curse proc, it would be easy to try out in game, but I believe any enemy on the travel path of your movement skill would be hit, and therefore cursed. |
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Thank you for writing this guide, have been having a blast trying it in Standard. T16 maps, low-awakening Sirus and Shaper are all dead so far, going to try harder bosses soon with a few upgrades still to go.
There's just one issue I've been having, and that's Incursions. I don't have any issues with clearing maps in general but somehow I always run out of time in incursions. Anyone else having issues like that? |
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" just ressumon spiders before event starts. |
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" Yeah this, I'll talk to Alva so that she opens up the portal and right before i go in i'll summon spiders then immediately enter |
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why this build die fastly where did i go wrong
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I would highly recommend trying divergent melee splash instead of awakened melee splash. Anomalous withering touch will keep your spiders up for longer. Swap conqueror's efficiency for Fortress covenant, and drop Foresight and the nodes pathing to it and instead get your cluster jewel setup going! And as you level up more and finish the cluster jewels you should notice a difference. Also, make sure you keep up your holy relic, spirit offering and rallying cry at all times. These will boost your dps significantly.[/quote] unfortunately, I messed up and got two 19% rings. So I have exactly no mana without the efficiency jewel. I will try and get the cluster jewel going as well. I just still don't understand because even when I looked at Vatinas pob and removed the clusters and the fortress covenant. It didn't drop the dps down that significantly. So I'm still unsure as to why my DPS feels so low. Or I don't understand how to see the numbers correctly in POB. Also how the heck do I search for anomalous jewels on trade? Yeah, I have had issues with my spiders being on a short life, but other than a very few o-shit moments it hasn't really been an issue. |
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" Try taking off Poe gem and the knife and run some dense map to experiment. It seems to me its everythign in the path of dash/charge plus some tiny radius maybe? Not sure about radius : https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1671359091272389509/C099621187592D99AA39FC82BD0053EAD9B1C3D5/ i just dashed through this pack (did not click end of dash inside thje pack - but outside of it - point being its all in the path not just the end destiantion) |
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I was thinking linking up curses to cyclone would maybe make most sense for example:
link double curse on cyclone , and fortify on dash ? the problem with this is, that i barely ever cyclone now. On regular t16 maps or heists , you dont get to cyclone, everything simply dies before you get to them you only get to cyclone on phased bosses, syrus, and t19 maps (probably on deep delves?) Also does anyone know if dread banner can be considered a replacement for fortify or it only does fortify when placed (not carrried?) |
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