[3.21] Vatinas' Spiders + HoP Guardian - CI, 70K armour, 1400 ES on block, millions of DPS

So what colors are needed on Skin of the Loyal? And with what gems?

Your character is 4R-2B.
In the guide 4R-2B.
"Trade site links - Skin of the Loyal" 5R-1B and 4R-1G-1B.

I'm confused...
Lorrimannen เขียน:
Am I doing something wrong, or is the build not optimised for end-end game bosses?
There's two parts to the 'Raise Spider' skill the build is using. You need to kill, but you also need corpses to produce the spiders. If you're getting at least 1 spider you're getting a kill, but if you're only getting 2 spiders it means you're short on enough corpses to summon more and you only had a single corpse available.

The limit for spiders is 20, we can grab 2 spiders for each corpse consumed and we have a Desecrate that can produce 5 corpses for us. So before you pop your worms be sure to Desecrate twice so you're grabbing 20 spiders rather than just the 2. If you're on a boss where you're killing minions you can be lazier with your corpse production, but if in doubt avoid wasting flask charges by popping it twice. You can basically just treat the boss fights or any time your spiders despawn like you would starting a fresh map.

Vatinas, thank you very much for this excellent guide! I'm having a blast so far with the survivability and the solid DPS of this build, and I'm not even done yet.

I am currently playing in Standard with a friend in this build, rather than playing in Harvest. As such, I have access to legacy items to do my build (though I don't have a ton of currency - I've blown through about half of my 25ex that I had in Standard). In looking at Circle of Guilt rings, I saw the old ones with up to 40% reduced mana reservation for Herald of Purity, and decided it was worthwhile to spend the extra currency to get one of those, so I'm wearing this:

The build stipulates a total of 45% reduced mana reservation across two Circle of Guilt rings, and I have 48% on the one ring there. As such, I can run all three auras without needing the second Circle. I'm wondering if, as a result, I would be best served to go ahead and invest in a second Circle (further reduce mana reservation and buff my sentinels' damage) or if there's another ring that might be a better option.

Further reducing my mana reservation doesn't appear to have much benefit, as I don't need the extra mana and I don't have any empty slot to put another aura skill gem in, but I don't know what other rings might work well with this build.

Any thoughts or ideas would be much appreciated!
^^ Try page 71 - Alberto legacy build - uses aspect of the spider on belt.
2 legacy rings enables 4 auras apparently.
Hi everyone,

this build looks amazing (and the guide does too) and since I've got a few exalts to spare, I'd really like to give this one a go.

What I'm not sure however is: How do you level this build?

Maybe I overlooked it somewhere in the guide, but the "levelling section" only talks about how to go ahead in the skill tree. But what skills would you all recommend to level with? Dominating Blow? Or is there something smoother for a Guardian? Arakaali's Fang requies lvl 72... what are you all using until then?

Just intersted :)
MrWay เขียน:
How much exalts do you have to invest in this build to be able to faceroll content like in the videos shown in the guide?
Tanking Sirus 8 skills was impressive

I think in order to facetank Sirus 8, you mainly need the Aegis, the Memory Vault, the Skin of the Loyal, and Determination (you can play with HoP in 4L or 5L before you get the mana reservation rings), so it should be doable on a 4ex-ish budget. You won't have the damage I have in the video without more investment (Circles of Guilt, lvl 4 Empower, lvl 21 HoP), but you'll be able to facetank everything. If you're afraid to not have enough flask charges for the fight because of your lower damage, you can swap flasks for the fight and get 4 (maybe even 5) worm flasks.

PhantomZA เขียน:

Seriously, this things SLAPS! SO after a CI-CoC build and really not feeling the build I was looking for a change and came across this build. After putting about 30ex into it (This is NOT needed, I just went extreme with the rings and jewels and already 21/23 gems) I decided to put it through its paces, and boy oh boy did it not disappoint.

New Uber Lab [Gift to the Goddess] - Easy Breeze, no issues at all.
Mental T16 juiced map with 4 +1 watch stones - Besides spider spawning being a fail at the start the map, super chilled and didn't die.
Sirius conqueror's - Thank you , next.
Sirius with my mate in the map - Need to learn how to manage the flasks better and besides me not having the full Pantheon upgrade or the chill node from the tree, the fight was a breeze (face tanking my way to the drops - Yep even the DIE beam). Died once tho, but that was because I decided to spin in those pools that give the degen due to trying to meme the tankiness of the build while being shot with the DIE beam xD.

Just a QOL question, as we already have 90% phys mitigation with the armor being around 65k without the Granite flask active (94k when active), do we still need the flask or can it be replaced? I am trying to use the Bottled Faith to get MOAR POWA with dps, but am I sacrificing defense? The molten shell without the flask active is at 10k, and with the flask active remains at 10k - hence my question regarding its place.

Overall, amazing build and really super happy I have discovered it, might be a 100 push! :D [Now to get a decent corrupted implicit chest]

You can check the FAQ, "Isn't it a waste to stack so much armour?". On top of what I say there, you need an anti-bleed flask, so you can 1) get anti bleed on your quicksilver, sacrificing some speed, or 2) swap your granite for Bottled Faith for Sirus/UElder/etc. It's up to you, but know that it's definitely not a waste to stack that much armour.

Also, let me know if you get to lvl 100! I'm not sure I'll be motivated enough to get to 100 myself, and I'd like to be able to mention in the guide someone who got to lvl 100. :)

NHPenis เขียน:
Here is my PoB: https://pastebin.com/K1FJpfy5

Btw, which belt enchant would u recommend through DttG?

The main things that you could upgrade are:

1) A lvl 4 Empower. Pricy, but huge.

2) A better roll on your Fortress Covenant. You can get 10% increased minion damage from a better roll, the equivalent of a minion node in the skill tree.

3) An awakened minion damage for your HoP. It takes some time to lvl, but even at lvl 1, the quality grants a lot more damage than the quality on the regular minion damage, so it's definitely worth investing in my opinion.

About the belt enchant, I thought I mentioned it in the guide, but apparently I didn't; there are two enchants that are good for us: +300 armour while affected by Fortify, and Enemies maimed by you take 8% increased damage over time (applies to the spiders' poison, which makes up a large portion of their dps).

Lorrimannen เขียน:
Hello and thank you for this insane build! Steamrolling content like nothing else and can't die even if I try!

I have just one question.

I have some problems killing bosses as my spiders despawn before the boss is killed and when I try to resummon them with my potions, my carrion golem kill them before I do and I get at most 2-3 spiders out...

Am I doing something wrong, or is the build not optimised for end-end game bosses?



Check the FAQ, I explain how to summon the spiders efficiently.

Deonix_ เขียน:
So what colors are needed on Skin of the Loyal? And with what gems?

Your character is 4R-2B.
In the guide 4R-2B.
"Trade site links - Skin of the Loyal" 5R-1B and 4R-1G-1B.

I'm confused...

That's a mistake on my part! The right colours are 4B-2R. The colours in the PoB trade site links are the colours I used to use, I forgot to update the links. I'll do it right away. :)

Seraphgrim เขียน:
Vatinas, thank you very much for this excellent guide! I'm having a blast so far with the survivability and the solid DPS of this build, and I'm not even done yet.

I am currently playing in Standard with a friend in this build, rather than playing in Harvest. As such, I have access to legacy items to do my build (though I don't have a ton of currency - I've blown through about half of my 25ex that I had in Standard). In looking at Circle of Guilt rings, I saw the old ones with up to 40% reduced mana reservation for Herald of Purity, and decided it was worthwhile to spend the extra currency to get one of those, so I'm wearing this:

The build stipulates a total of 45% reduced mana reservation across two Circle of Guilt rings, and I have 48% on the one ring there. As such, I can run all three auras without needing the second Circle. I'm wondering if, as a result, I would be best served to go ahead and invest in a second Circle (further reduce mana reservation and buff my sentinels' damage) or if there's another ring that might be a better option.

Further reducing my mana reservation doesn't appear to have much benefit, as I don't need the extra mana and I don't have any empty slot to put another aura skill gem in, but I don't know what other rings might work well with this build.

Any thoughts or ideas would be much appreciated!

I'm glad you're enjoying the build! :)

A 40% (or 48%) reduced HoP mana reservation ring is definitely a godsend! There are three main things that you could do.

1) Use a Dream Fragments to get immunity to freeze and chill; it's what I used to do, but since we now grab Anointed Flesh, I don't think it's worth a ring slot.

2) Use a second Circle ring, and use a rare belt with Aspect of the Spider. You would lose a lot of minion movement speed, and would "only" have 72% spell block, but you'd gain around 10% global DPS.

3) Use a rare ring with Aspect of the Spider, a lot of flat mana, and other stats you might want. I remember I used a "reduced effect of curses on you" ring a few leagues back, which is a dirt cheap mod that greatly increases quality of life and survivability in curse maps. (It also allowed to me to do Atziri and her curse reflection more easily).

Tehed เขียน:
Hi everyone,

this build looks amazing (and the guide does too) and since I've got a few exalts to spare, I'd really like to give this one a go.

What I'm not sure however is: How do you level this build?

Maybe I overlooked it somewhere in the guide, but the "levelling section" only talks about how to go ahead in the skill tree. But what skills would you all recommend to level with? Dominating Blow? Or is there something smoother for a Guardian? Arakaali's Fang requies lvl 72... what are you all using until then?

Just intersted :)

The "leveling" section also has a detailed, act by act, part.
I bought jewels + 10% all res, but 109% is still far away. Is that okay?

Vatinas เขียน:

The "leveling" section also has a detailed, act by act, part.

Thanks for answering.
I actually saw that section and thought, it was specifically for a league start and there may be "smoother" options - that's why I wanted to at least ask ;)

But of course you're right - those steps there are easy enough to follow.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Tehed#7462 เมื่อ 15 ก.ค. 2020 08:42:12
Rolled my old aurabot to CI Spiderman, makes some changes (still works) and thats build rush like train! Thank so much!

Deonix_ เขียน:
I bought jewels + 10% all res, but 109% is still far away. Is that okay?

First, remember we have 45% reduced effect of curses, which means we don't need 109%. Then, yes, it's hard to reach ele weakness cap with this build; you can fiddle around to try to reach it, but I chose not to. It's really no big deal in my humble opinion to reroll ele weakness maps :)



