[3.7] Frost Spear CoCospri Assassin (budget version 60c estimated / 4ex for all content)
Hey ! Me again !
I'm actually still with a lycosidae, I bought the pandemonius, and I doesn't have the Mark Of the Shaper equipped (since I need to make a theorycraft part where i'll watch for the best ring to equip), anyway, the MotS is alrready bought. My jewels are actually pretty shitty, and I still not have watcher's eye/Lunaris equipped (yeah, I feel like a hobo lul) (you can look at my char, Chbouala on my profile) I know that ways of improvement could be: 1)Buying better jewels 2)Buying The soul of lunaris (I already have a tempered mind) 3)Doing this MotS improvement 4)Farm to buy that Watcher's eye (but I still am a noob at farming maps) 5)Buying 21/23 or 21/20 gems Besides the Mark of the shaper change, which one is, for you, the most important to do ? What would be your priorities ? Also, for gems, which ones should I buy first ? (I am in a Frostbolt/Ice nova on cospri and an Arc on my body) to improve my character ? Thanks for your answers to that long question :) |
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" Hi again! If you are struggling too much with currency, do the chaos vendor recipe. I always do the unid recipe, that gives 2c each, on the beginning of the league. I save the rings, amulets and belts mostly, and when I want to cash in the chaos, I start to pick up the other slots from the ground. You can get some good jewels for cheap. Try this link, you should find something useful: https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Legion/WlZlGzfm The cheapest light of lunaris now is 15c, but you can get a rare shield with life and damage too. Unlink Ice Bite from the Herald to unreserve mana and keep leveling your precision aura, you'll only lose some clear speed. Then put a tempered mind above the witch area, this jewel alone gives you 1500 accuracy. You can try an ice golem on cwdt too. The mark of the shaper is a big improvement, even if the other ring is not that good. you can buy a low level base for cheap, like an elder topaz ring, for 1c, if you are lacking lightning resist. Then self craft, use essences or the crafting bench to get life and the resists you need the most. Get a watcher's eye with 1 useful mod for cheap too: https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Legion/GEjeEOFb The level 21 gems are a big boost of damage. If 21/23 are too expensive, go for 21/20, or even 21/0, because some gems dont benefit much from the quality. Quality on arc only gives chance to shock, which is useless against the hardest bosses, and the 21/0 arc is 30c now. The priority is the spell on your armour, it gives a bit more damage than the other two because of the hypothermia and inc crit strikes gems that are linked to it. The cyclone damage is less than 4% of you total output, so don't mind with the level, but get some quality for the extra aoe. There are some 20/23 cyclone selling for 5c, and I'm going to buy one for myself too lol, still using a 20/7. Considering you got the ice nova helm enchant, two of them for bosses are nice if you feel that your damage isn't good yet. I used to switch arc for another ice nova on bosses before upgrading my gear. Also, try ice spear instead of arc. It is a matter of taste, but I'm enjoying the ice spear so far. So what I'd do now is: 1 - buy cheap jewels 2 - work on your elder ring to equip mots 3 - improve accuracy to change lycosidae 4 - get lvl 21 gems |
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" I actually have 8 Ex to spend (dropped one, bought some cheap div cards, ...) so my currencies are good actually, I was just needing to know what I should focus first on to spend these ex. I changed my gloves (to earn more dexterity to be able to sustain changes on my ring), my shield, I set the tempered mind and upgraded precision to lvl 9 (I now have 97% hit chance, 92% on evasive monsters according to the poe tooltip). I feel bad changing the ice bite support to level my precision aura aha Next step will be changing my jewels. I'll now have to level up to give me access to other jewels spot. And use my currencies to first buy better jewel on already existing spots, then buy better gems. I should be able to buy an unnatural instinct when I will get to the right spot ! Thanks for the answer, it was perfect :) แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย abigor0208#0938 เมื่อ 24 ก.ค. 2019 13:35:28
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" You're welcome! I had to go through these steps to min/max the build, so it is easy to answer most of the questions. And I'm sure there is still a lot to improve! |
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A last one for me:
I tried Ice Spear and it was awesome ! You Use Ice Spear instead of Arc right ? Why do you delete the frozen trial jewel since you still have frostbolt equipped when you use Ice Spear ? Thanks again ! :) แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย abigor0208#0938 เมื่อ 24 ก.ค. 2019 13:39:00
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" Yeah I'm using it now! It synergizes really well with the build, it is cold based, has some aoe, and the damage with extra projectiles is really good. Since both Frostbolt and ice spear benefit from extra proj, I switched my life flask for a dying sun. But I only did that because I have one of those anti corrupted blood jewels, otherwise, I would switch the atziri's promise and keep the anti bleed life flask. Then without the frozen trail you have and extra jewel slot for more life and crit multi. Arc still has faster clearing and smoother legion encounters, the downside is only the damage, but not by much. I noticed the difference only on the harder bosses (T16 and higher), where I used to switch Arc for another Ice Nova. Ice Spear could have a better clearing if we invested in piercing, but the only viable options I found are Lioneye's body armour, Voidwalker or raider Ascendancies. And still won't be a guided lightning like arc lol. So in summary Arc does everything a little better than Ice Spear, except for the damage output. |
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I tried Ice Spear but for me Arc is way more supreme at clearing and opening monolith(Vaal arc). I also feeling not good at dropping the life flask, I often would have died when Leech is not enough. Also got the corrupted blood mod on my Frostbolt Jewel so I’m staying that.
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Hello, i have made this build. The damage is good but my survivability very bad, i often take one shotes. I can't kill uber elder because he and shaper oneshotes me with every skill.What can i do with my survivability. Just lvl up and take more life nodes or change smth from my gear? My hp is 5k
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Luskanderon#2110 เมื่อ 25 ก.ค. 2019 12:49:52
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You really need some Jewels with Life , def buy 2 Might of the meek jewels they give 266 HP each if socket correctly. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย MartiniHenry#0571 เมื่อ 25 ก.ค. 2019 13:51:00
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" Life is definitely a problem, 5k is not enough to survive T15+ encounters because we lack physical mitigation and you are vulnerable to chaos without Atziri's flask up. Aim for 7k hp and drop some damage nodes, you'll get them back if you don't die too often. Your profile isn't showing the jewels, but get increased life on all rares, and one the anti corrupted blood implicit. For shaper, with 7k hp you still have to dodge the slam and avoid the balls. If the first one hits you and you aren't spinning (immune to stun), the other 2 will finish the job. For elder and uber elder, you have to avoid the spikes as much as possible, so keep hitting and running around him, even when targeting shaper. You'll be able to take their melee hits without any problems. Also, keep in mind that leech is your source of sustain and blind is a strong defense (adds 50% to evasion), so you have to be always spinning (which also makes you immune to stuns) and hitting your enemies, plus they'll be chilled or frozen. For this build, offense is the best defense. |
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