[3.9] Crit Orb of Storms Assassin - [ReWork In Progress]
![]() 3.9 Update
I wont be making this build for this league. I dont advise it if you want to be farming metamorphs and sirus. You wont make it. Plus the gear to get for end game is pretty expensive this league. I would suggest going marylenes falacy early as Badge of the Brotherhood is expensive.
So 3.9 took a big nerf hammer to the way OOS levels and plays. You can still get some good damage but now costs a lot more. The build is also more glass cannon then before as I dropped some ES for more damage. You can reverse that but will need a dedicated single target for bosses. I've changed up my movement skill to Lightning Warp. Currently its my favorite minute needing to be 4linked. Its rework feels great and amazing with zooming around. POB 3.9 Update - 1/30 Updated GEAR
Videos Coming Soon Gear Update 9/9 - Got lucky and got most of my end gear stuff. Mapping is a breeze and can easily full clear blighted maps. [spoiler] 9/8 Waiting for a few items to drop in price but damage is amazing and clear is great. Please Read First
So while I'm leveling the gems and stuff are going to be a little different and such as I'm also tinkering. FOLLOW THE POB.
DONT LEVEL TEMPEST SHIELD - You need to understand that you are holding and spamming tempest shield to make OOS damage proc so much faster. Thats all. Dont level it to 20 because you wont sustain the mana cost. Think of it like a delicate dance. You want to make sure its high enough to proc a decent leveled arcane surge, but you dont want to be out of mana in 2 seconds. Figure out your comfort zone. Intro: Hello everyone EveryDayEngineer here bringing you another Orb of Storms guide and this time Crit Assassin Herald of Ice Bomber. I had a lot of fun leveling this toon as AoE scales crazy for orb of storms chain reach. I made this build as I wanted another GG Legion mechanic farmer. ![]() How To Play Orb of Storms:
Drop your orb of storms and make sure you stay inside the orb if you need to do single target damage. Hold down tempest shield and wait for it all to explode. Orb of storms will chain and proc creating massive explosions.
Darkness Farming
While the video guide is showcasing a Trickster, the same gear and such applies for Assassin. Just focus on stacking more ES. Getting 5k ES shouldnt be too hard if you spec a bit into ES over Dmg. Pros/Cons:
+League Starter +AOE! +Fast Clear +Speed Farm +Non-Meta +Fast Leveling +Delve OmegaLuLz +- Can do bosses but need some Mathil evading! Most my Guardians are down. -Can't FaceTank (Not saying you’re a glass cannon but Legion Projectiles will one shot me if Flasks are down and not actively trying to avoid.. -Must have basic knowledge of game mechanics -Min Max can be expensive -Resists can be a pain ~ How To Fight Tough Rares as Orb of Storms~
So I wanted to explain how to fight rares as newer players have been having issues and asking what to do against them. If against a boss switch out chain with added cold or hypothermia and intensify for lightning pen.
If on early leveling a rare is too hard just run. It's not worth it early on and at end game you don't have many issues. DON'T USE LIGHTNING TENDRILS
It has an issue when you are using it and hover over a mob it name locks and you can't move.
Use Storm Burst before you make the switch to Tempest Shield, or another lightning spell with very fast base cast since Channeling skills are capped at .5 sec Scaling AoE:
I’ve heard from both sides of the argument of if AoE does anything for Orb of Storms. After playing this damn skill so many times I’d like to say it does, and by a lot. While you don't scale area damage at all, the increase in AoE increases the range that your OOS chain can travel and hit. So far more AoE = Safer boss fights since you get to kite far away from them and still throw in some casts here and there or never worry about not hitting them.
Major - Soul of Lunaris (get all)
Minor - Soul of Ralakesh Ascendency:
Normal: MistWalker
Cruel: Ambush & Assassinate Merc: Opportunistic Uber: Unstable Infusion Gear:
Right now I'm using a Void Battery, which then gives me 8 power charges. Focus on Cast Speed if you cant afford a high rolled one.
If you want to meme your DPS then go Dual Void Batteries. Make sure your resists are capped before doing so. If you cant buy one yet, focus on Crit multi, cast speed, lightning as chaos conversion. Shield:
Few options here. Zeel’s Amplifier - GG for AoE and lets you get massive aoe, decent life and spell damage
Light of Lunaris: GG dps prob BiS, always have the extra 25% as you will crit and non crit all the time. Hi Crit if you need it, but you really shouldnt except for maybe bosses Rare: Get missing resists/life. If you can get a shield with 10-15% reduced mana reserve to socketed gems. It saves you an enlighten gem. Chest:
Shroud of the Lightless will be BiS, other notable chests: Carcass Jack, Shroud of Eternity, Beast Fur Shawl
There are some chances as of 3.8 and will be going more boss killer then clear speed/aoe. If you want to be a Herald Bomber then throw on a HoI reserve on helm.
If boss killing then you want to go with something with cast speed for OOS Enchants: Orb of Storms Cast Speed, OOS Damage, Herald of Ice mana reserve, Ice Golem % effective. Doing test now between a few helms to see which will be better. Gloves:
Rare and find missing Res/Life/Dps. A good early pair of gloves to get are Shadows and Dust for crit/multi and rampage.
Lot of combinations here you can do. Right now I’m using a Opal ring and a GG life ring with lvl 12 Ass Mark on Hit. You will need one ring to proc Assassin’s Mark. Till you get those just make sure they cap your resists.
Life/Res (If you can get a Shaper belt with inc cast speed during any flask effect.
3.8: Badge of the Brotherhood - This amulet is a lot of fun to use. We end up with 7-8 power charges and that means we get that many free frenzy charges. Few ways to get frenzy charges, blasphemy or curse on hit poachers. Marylene’s Fallacy BiS (Corrupted with either +1 curse/Power or Frenzy Charge/ Lightning Damage Leech). Below are some other options as well. Can go rare with crit multi if you need resists or poor. Boots:
Few options but I want to run dual curse. So right now I'm going with Wind Shriek. You can go with what you want here.
Darkray Vectors are a nice option for movement speed, dmg, and defenses. If you go this route you want to stack more Frenzy charges then before. Or for ES on Hit get the Fenemus Spinnerets For the enchant you want life/mana regen after kill. Flasks:
Rework In Progress but you can get Wise Oak and been good for a while
Grand Spectrum x3 *You want to find corrupted ones with Reduced Mana Reserve. It helps. Unnatural Instinct goes in witch jewel slot next to Power Charge. If you can't afford Instinct then either save the 2 points till later or use a crit multi cast speed life jewel on, or a res jewel.
Brutal Restraint Timeless Jewel - So far this has been my favorite, as it gives you lots of flat dex, and has some great chances at bonuses for this build. In PoB I'll have the gem and added bonuses. Blind on Hit is great for defenses, and Onslaught on kill is GG. Currently I have it in the shadow jewel slot, which is between Blood Drinker and Mind Drinker. This is always a WIP and testing. Gems/Links
Main Links
5L OOS: OOS - Chain - Power Charge on Crit - Added Cold (you can use a blue for more dmg but I like more cold damage for crits) - Energy Leech
Boss Swap: Drop Chain for Hypothermia/Added Lightning and either Lightning Pen/Faster Casting/ Controlled Destruction (Your choice) 3/4L Tempest Shield: Tempest Shield - Faster Casting - Arcane Surge *4th link if you can afford the mana cost/regan quality culling strike for faster casting Be careful not to over level arcane surge or tempest shield. Since now trickster we don't get a lot of mana regan. HoI Helm - You want a pseudo 6l on your helm. On the helm you want at least Innervate and Inc AoE so your 4l in helm will need to have : HoI - Ice Bite - Power Charge on Crit - Inc Crit Strikes (ONLY IF GOING HERALD BOMBINB IGNORE IF NOT) If you can't afford the helm, then focus on finding one with the OOS Enchant: 30% Increased Cast Speed for Orb of Storms Aura’s/Movement Skills:
Temp Chains or Enfeeble - Blasphemy - Enlighten lvl 3 or 4
Vaal Grace - Vaal Haste - Inc Duration (if you have the red link put in Steel Skin) Movement: I'm not gonna tell you what to use/where. I'll just list my links and reasons Shield Charge - Faster Attacks - Fortify *So I don't have the links to really fit it in Flame Dash - Faster Casting (Still Bugged, still double porting your cast speed is super fast) FAQ
So you might have some questions if you haven't looked at my Trickster Orb of Storms guide. Click on the link to see a more detailed guide on leveling tips and uniques. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2509015
It's usually better the catch me Live to ask. https://www.twitch.tv/everydayengineering Makes it easier to explain if you're newer to the game. Videos:
*I swear like a sailor so sorry ahead of time.
T15 - Full Run Phoenix Deathless (OK I died right at the start to not paying attention) https://www.twitch.tv/videos/448178112 T9 - Shaped City Square Monolith Demo https://www.twitch.tv/videos/448180939 https://www.twitch.tv/videos/448215683 Trickster Fossil Farming - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rle5EzQWITs&t Video Guide[Soon] Well that wraps it up, if you have any questions leave them below. I try to answer them as quickly as possible. If you want to watch me live and ask you can come join the class. https://www.twitch.tv/everydayengineering แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย EveryDayEngineering#3142 เมื่อ 30 ม.ค. 2020 11:45:59 ขุดครั้งสุดท้าย เมื่อ 7 เม.ย. 2020 17:57:45
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Thanks for the guide, it's always nice to see Orb of Storms builds.
However I feel the clear speed still lacks compared to other spells such as Storm Brand or Winter Orb. For anyone interested in this build, this league is definitely the time to play it while these items are relatively cheap. |
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" Thanks! Yeah Ive been loving OOS for a while now and pretty much use it to level casters. While WO I might agree with you (honestly haven't played this league with the nerfs), but Storm Brand faster? Im interested to hear why you think that. (Please dont take this as anything but a fun debate haha hard to tell intent from words on the internet) I've played a lot of chars and hours so far playing different OOS builds and right now this has been faster clear then any storm brand build. Thanks again for the appreciation on the build! |
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Im new to path of exiles.. i cant figure out how you are make oos explode on all the guys you are killing on screen.. i must be missing a big skill that makes this happen
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Well most of it is MTX but make sure you're using Herald of Ice. That's what procs the explosions.
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Hi, i have been playing with a Storm Brand Trickster build with SoulTheter and its amazing tank, but I am bored now and wanted to try your build, I see that you have 2 builds with OoS, this in this topic and a trickster variant.
Do you think its possible to adapt my soultheter build to your build? The patching is almost identical less some nodes related do storm brand. This is my build https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/3.7.3/AAAABAYCAQPuBLMG5wceCPQJIA18DkgQWBEtEVARlhZvFr8XLxo4HNwdvh9BIvQkqiSwJNgmlScvKPoqEyycMPgy0TOHM6M1kjrYPmVBh0VHRZ1JUUmxTINTUlONVEdVS1ZIV8lZ81orXfJh4mZUZp5o8mobakNsC20ZcNRxaXIPdIF0pXYRfIN_xoCkgpuCx4VtjDaMdo8akFWTJ5RvlPGVLphTmuCexJ9IoS-iAKQFpWemvqcIpyuu_7Q4tUi3Mbc-uJO86r6KwGbDE8ryzxrVgdWm18_YJNi92jvf8-Nq5Rnr7u-I8B_w1fiX-Tf5pPno-tL79f4K_rM=?accountName=vempire_ghost&realm=pc&characterName=Legion_StormbrandDD I want to lvl up a new char not change this, but I want if you can take a look e can give me some tips, and if you think a assassins can fit in this build because I want something new. Thanks for all and sorry for my bad english :) |
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" Hey no problem! Frankly, I thought you're English was pretty good. I didnt have any trouble understanding that. I cant 100% say it would or wouldnt work. I haven't tried a non-crit variant for OOS. Also OOS truly shines from crit/multi/cast speed. You would want to get Arcane Weave just for the 20% increased cast speed. I want to test out an ignite OOS at some point and test. Leveling should be pretty easy https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2539652 Check out my OOS leveling thread and take a look at the gear and items im using. As long as you focus on Crit/Multi/Cast speed your OOS will clear lvling content no matter the spec. |
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" Thank you for the fast reply :), I made some changes to my tree removing the brands nodes and put in some crit nodes, take a look. https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/3.7.3/AAAABAYCAQSzBUIG5wceCPQJIA18DkgQWBEtEVARlhZvFr8W8xcvGjgc3B0UH0Ei9CSqJLAk2CY8JpUnLyj6KgssnC-dMPgy0TOjOthBh0GWRUdFnUlRSbFMg1NSVUtXyVnzXfJh4mZUZp5o8mobakNsC20ZcFJw1HIPdIF2EXyDf8aApIKbgseFbYnTjDaMdo5kjxqP-pBVkyeUb5TxlS6YU5rgoS-iAKQFpwinK66zrv-0OLVItvq3Mbc-uJO5k7zqvorAZsMJ0PXVgdWm18_YJNi92jvf8-Nq5Rnr7uv174jwH_DV8h33pviX-Tf5pPno-tL79f4K_rM=?accountName=vempire_ghost&realm=pc&characterName=Legion_StormbrandDD For your personal choice, you think is better to go with assassins or trickster with this build I linked? And thanks for the lvling guide, its amazing. |
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Survivability go Trickster, and for max dps go Assassin. If OOS damage is lacking pick up Arcane Weave for the increased cast speed. Cant help you out more as I would need to see a PoB and gear and such.
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