[3.9] Crit Orb of Storms Assassin - [ReWork In Progress]
Hello thanks for your nice guide I want to try it out in 3.8. There's one point I can't figure out: Why use tempest shield? As I know TS trigger secondary arcs only if you block any damage. Why not just self cast lightning spell like Arc?
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" Fair enough, if you take a look at the OOS gem skill and read the middle section. It says any lightning skill grants increases proc rate. Channeling skills as I have been told cap at .5 seconds, where as TS is .04 (fast as I've got it). Theres math equations and what not but to sum it up, you do more damage per second using TS to proc OOS arcs more then you do with a channel skill that does damage. The key for OOS is to drop it, quickly tap TS and then move on to next pack. If harder rare mob then just hold TS and avoid mobs. |
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Thx for your quick reply!
One more question is that during league start there's no 6L-helmet available. What's your recommended link for 4L/5L HOI? And do you think this build can go pure-life + Acro? 65% attack/55% spell dodge is so sweet and amazing imo. How about Disciple of the Forbidden node above the witch starting area for the 9th power charge? แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย fangfang830617#4158 เมื่อ 6 ก.ย. 2019 02:47:14
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" So 4/5l is gonna be HoI/Icebite/Hypothermia/(Enlighten)(PcoC for more multiplier. Sure you can do a pure life, but youre better off as some type of life es hybrid for the es on hit mechanics. (9th power charge) Let me test this, 100% forgot about this haha thanks! Will see what i might have to rework to make it fit but yeah you def could, have to do some messing around with the tree to fit, might lose to |
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Hello can you update your ascendency?
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" done |
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Wow, Truly a budget build! Loving this build. TyTyKiller and CuteGod_ used it as well.
One problem I am running into with the league mechanic is when enemies with proximity shield spawn. If a few are near each other it's quite hard to kill them and as soon as I run into the shield I usually die. Any suggestions? The PoB shows such low dps yet I crush content, ha. I made it to yellow maps on a 4L. Currently using Herald of thunder and Herald of ice as auras. TyTyKiller suggested wave of conviction and it helps a lot. Current 6L in tabula: OoS - Power charge on crit - Inc. crit strikes - Energy Leech - Chain - Inspiration. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย TerminalLife#6468 เมื่อ 8 ก.ย. 2019 11:41:10
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Hi i did this build for 3.8 as my first build and never before have i struggled as much as with this build. I must be doing something horribly wrong but i dont know why since there is really no guide or alot of info. Im struggling to kill rares and bosses. And im dying alot.
//https://pastebin.com/a8LP5dht |
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" Yeah been talking to TyTy about it a little, didnt know CuteDog started playing OOS. Ahhh the dreaded proximity shield mobs....Them and totems are the bane of this build. Best way to deal with Proxy/Totems is to have a phasing flask going and run to the middle. Wave of Conviction is BAE I wish i thought about it earlier. I wouldnt use HoL at all as it fucks up your initial proc chance for OOS and then doesnt count as the big massive 100% multi crit at full life. Go Aspect of spider in place when you can. Also yeah PoB numbers might be low, but you have to consider theres a few notables that arent shown in the damage for PoB. Its all about your crit multi/chance and cast speed. I haven't messed with Inspiration yet as my OOS doesnt cost enough to consistently keep it up, but will mess with it. |
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" Need to remove the two// before the http to fix the pastebin I would highly recommend using "wave of conviction". My supports for it in priority. Innervate - physical to lightning - inc. crit strikes. The exposure + Shock this skill gives will greatly inc. your dps. You have hypothermia on your OoS but Herald of ice doesn't give enough Proc of chill to make the hypothermia proc enough. Replace hypothermia w/ "Chain" I don't see a curse generation. Use Curse on hit + Assassin mark on your Herald of ice then switch your Power charge on crit to OoS. If you have a 4L use OoS - Power charge on crit - Inc. crit strikes - Chain. Herald of ice - ice bite - curse on hit - assassin mark. Hope that helps. |
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