3.7 trickster zerphis heart eternity shroud 2.9m shaper dps ignite

Well mine gives me corrupted soul and in total 36% cold damage 2% cold damage leech as life, 35% chaos damage 2% chaos leech as life, 14% lightning resistances, 27% fire resistances and 15% increased effectivness of my auras which by itself is 300k dps :D.
Any elemental damage penetration is useless to us, because it increases hit damage not base damage. Only exception on this is EE (elemental equilibrium) because we hit with lightning and cold damage which makes fire resistances on enemies by -50% which is 50% more damage multiplier to us (you cannot have any fire damage in hit otherwise you will loose 60% of your total damage so be carefull when buying jewels so that they dont have any flat fire damage to spells.)
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Jacob_Jay#5286 เมื่อ 21 ก.ค. 2019 02:24:35
We do 0 fire damage unfortunately. That would actually lower our damage due to us taking elemental equilibrium and ignite being fire based.

I agree it’s completely insane, even though the chest is currently unobtainable in theory it can exist which means that 7million shaper dps ignite is a possibility which is insane considering 1m ignites were thought to be enough haha.



