[3.8] Assassin Poisonator | Cobra Lash / Venom Gyre | All Content | Uber Elder Video |

Mecielle เขียน:
braniels2 เขียน:
Hello, this build is good for delve? with the new ring "poisoned enemies shatter on kill"

I am actually thinking of using that just to not constantly get one-shot by the quill mobs. For everybody wondering what we mean:

Honestly, it should actually not be that bad for the build. Shattering + 100% chance to chill enemies? Insane defensive mechanics. And some damage on top.

I was thinking to use that ring with toxic + herald of agony build, but later i see the " kill with hits" and now i think that only works with this build, since give more hits
Mecielle เขียน:
First time in 7 years of playing this game that I see someone talking about stat priority in relation to PoE :D

Only thing I can think of is get as much life on your rares as possible and enough resists to cap at 75%. Not sure if that is what you mean though.

Basically every build thread discusses stat priorities. It's almost always listed for slots that are intended to be filled with non-unique items.
Mecielle เขียน:
First time in 7 years of playing this game that I see someone talking about stat priority in relation to PoE :D

Only thing I can think of is get as much life on your rares as possible and enough resists to cap at 75%. Not sure if that is what you mean though.

Legion was my first full on league, so I'm still a bit new to the game and don't fully understand all the damage scaling mechanics behind different types of damage. I definitely know to cap res and life on most if not all gear. I'm talking like when I ID random rares, or pick up unique items, what stats will do the most, preferably in order of importance?

Something like affix X > affix Y > affix Z, or you really want A, B, and C on your gloves and A, C, and D on your boots. The ED\Cont guide I followed for Legion had a breakdown like this and said you want to prioritize non ailment chaos damage over time. That was the premier stat you wanted, and was always the goto if possible, and if it wasn't there was a secondary stat that provided the next largest increase in power, and so on and so forth.

Granted I haven't had a chance to check out the PoB due to work, I'm not sure what this build scales with. Phys damage? Flat chaos damage or % chaos damage? Is it all poison\DOT % increases? Is attack speed important? Stuff like that.
Thank you very much for the guide.. I'll be probably playing as my league starter.
omglapizza เขียน:
Granted I haven't had a chance to check out the PoB due to work, I'm not sure what this build scales with. Phys damage? Flat chaos damage or % chaos damage? Is it all poison\DOT % increases? Is attack speed important? Stuff like that.

Attack speed scales poison damage from what I've learned through stacking multiple poisons on a target.

https://youtu.be/C0AvZgJLgwQ This is a video from Mathil's Viper Strike Pathfinder build, he explains pretty well how you can scale poison damage the most. I used this and his PoB link for it to model what I am going to use for my Pestilent Strike league starter. Though I will be using the Assassin ascendancy and not Pathfinder.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Eadles#0623 เมื่อ 5 ก.ย. 2019 20:19:49
omglapizza เขียน:
Mecielle เขียน:
First time in 7 years of playing this game that I see someone talking about stat priority in relation to PoE :D

Only thing I can think of is get as much life on your rares as possible and enough resists to cap at 75%. Not sure if that is what you mean though.

Legion was my first full on league, so I'm still a bit new to the game and don't fully understand all the damage scaling mechanics behind different types of damage. I definitely know to cap res and life on most if not all gear. I'm talking like when I ID random rares, or pick up unique items, what stats will do the most, preferably in order of importance?

Something like affix X > affix Y > affix Z, or you really want A, B, and C on your gloves and A, C, and D on your boots. The ED\Cont guide I followed for Legion had a breakdown like this and said you want to prioritize non ailment chaos damage over time. That was the premier stat you wanted, and was always the goto if possible, and if it wasn't there was a secondary stat that provided the next largest increase in power, and so on and so forth.

Granted I haven't had a chance to check out the PoB due to work, I'm not sure what this build scales with. Phys damage? Flat chaos damage or % chaos damage? Is it all poison\DOT % increases? Is attack speed important? Stuff like that.

Ok, got it. Didn't realize that poison builds can be a bit confusing for newer players. Even more so with the crit multi acting as a poison damage multiplier too. As OP said, the Viper Strike video of Mathil 100% applies to this build and you should find a good base of knowledge of what to look for on items. Any questions after that should be quickly answered in this thread.
Here it is super explained by ZiggyD YouTube and doc version.



I cant listen Mathill. He makes videos for quantity not quality. XD
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย loczek123#6858 เมื่อ 5 ก.ย. 2019 21:30:35
Excellent, thanks for the information. Looks like I've got a ton of info to dive in to. :D
loczek123 เขียน:
Here it is super explained by ZiggyD YouTube and doc version.



I cant listen Mathill. He makes videos for quantity not quality. XD

100% disagreed, can't listen to Ziggy for longer than a minute without getting a headache. And knowledgewise they are on very different levels too.

But hey, to each their own. It's good that we have the choice between content creators.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Mecielle#3021 เมื่อ 5 ก.ย. 2019 21:56:40
loczek123 เขียน:
Not worth the pathing cost imo. There really is no boss that is that long without adds to fill up the flasks. 2x4.8s to apply poisons will burn any boss down to the next phase, usually an add phase.

Hmm, I began to think more deeply about it and I think you're right, at first I calculated this path through the prism of HP, which is so hard and that's another 14 valuable percent. And all in all, it's worth giving up this path from Jewel. This will give us an additional 8 points. 2 spent on 8% HP on the wheel at Written in Blood. Additional Jewel for 2 points (that nobody noticed that I was miss it lol :o), 3 points to finish claw wheel (60 Crit chance and 30 multi) and we are still one point on plus! Thanks for your valuable comments!

I will do PoB and poeplanner update tomorrow morning, well now I'm at work on a night shift and I have only a smartphone available XD

I updated what you mentioned here. I took that one point as well as removed the growth and decay tree and put those 5 points to go get Dire Torment and pushed a little more DPS. Your thoughts would be appreciated. :)




