[3.8] Assassin Poisonator | Cobra Lash / Venom Gyre | All Content | Uber Elder Video |
Hei guys, how do you apply 2 curses temporal chains + despair (via Witchfire brew)? To apply both you'd need to have "Whispers of Doom" active in the passive tree or have it on the gear. I have tested running temporal chains with blasphemy run into a mob and take witchfire brew, unfortunately temporal chains is not beeing overwritten (at least visually). I guess it does not make sense to run both as long as we can only apply one curse?
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a couple suggestions:
-plague bearer is not worth it cause micromanagement and 20% less poison damage while it's charging -5L herald of agony is a blast in The Embalmer and with withering touch support -You can allocate constitution with oil enchant, that's free 14% life or Diry Techiques for a good chunk of damage -Lycosidae is also an option as it allow us to drop accuracy nodes and mods in favor of more damage |
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" Plague bearer only does 20% less poison damage while it is not at max stacks. It takes under a second to stack it to max. It then reverts back to full damage until it is both used AND completely depleted. It is a massive damage increase and has 99% uptime while mapping with no tangible downside. |
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" On top of that it's also pretty much 100% needed to do blighted maps and even some normal blight events in higher level maps depending on the branches. The build isn't great at blighted maps in the first place and without plague bearer it would be nearly impossible. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย lagsmoke#5065 เมื่อ 10 ก.ย. 2019 11:32:49
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" Can you explain please? im failing to see how miserable 120k dps stored in plague bearer can help where my 600k dps from cobra fail |
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" You answered your own question. ;) |
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" Don't need to stop moving while its up (which is pretty much always), hits a LARGE aoe with levels, aoe gem, and quality. With the right setup you can get it to MUCH higher than 120k dps. With a level 26 gem and the helmet enchant it does ~240k dps. Monster debuffs that increase damage taken also do apply still (eg: wither, spider web, etc.). |
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Well I updated my gear now Im just melting everything in sight with ease in T7 maps. Going to try 8 and up later. Thanks everyone for all the help so far.
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Anyone care to check my gear and tell me uppgrade. I allready know that i need a wasp nest and a better chestpice but what else?. And allso check my passives too if you have time. Ty!
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I just wanted to come here and say thank you to OP for this guide. I am having so much fun. Venom Gyre is one of the most active and exciting skills to play - and its synergy with whirling blades is something I want to see GGG implement much, much more of as the game goes on. It reminds me of contagion/ED, which was an ingenious synergy in itself!
After playing Cyclone last league and Soulrend/Bane and Winter Orb in the league before, those just seemed like walk+autokill everything builds, where you just... didn't have to do much at all. But this?!? I'm zipping around the map, aiming, slicing, poisoning, whirling, dodging, covering them in plague, backstabbing and... actually PLAYING a game! Can you believe it?! That's the draw for this build, to be completely honest. If you want an active, skill-based play-style, that's not just "hold right-click to kill everything", then for anyone reading this and wondering - this build is for you! OP, you made my leveling to 81 so far, a total breeze. It was the smoothest leveling experience in all my years of PoE. I died one time (before the Shavronne fight and her stupid lightning, lol) and made it through the base-game in my personal record time. Now, breezing through Tier 6 and 7 maps. Just when I got the 6exa needed to buy Fenumus's Weave, it went up to 8exa. Dang it. Really looking forward to chasing those gloves as the price goes up! But a double-abyssal-gem Bubonic Trail just dropped for me, so I'm hoping to get 1.3 from that :D Anyway, the point is: Super fun. Melting everything, beating every blight, destroying bosses with Plague Bearer, and getting some good drops! Also fills me with delight every time a timeless monolith is on a map! Great league, and special thanks to OP! |
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