[3.20] Ice Dancing Queen - Icestorm/Cyclone/CI - Viable For Everything
" Ah didnt realize it had a min and max. To bad the one I got is corrupted..it does have the -10 chill ( i did have that selected in the search before when not finding a large with it) How would I go about re-creating that -10 chill? แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Xeretrax#7705 เมื่อ 2 ก.ย. 2021 22:56:47
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I haven't really crafted my own items before aside from a weapon back in blight. So I am not sure what to do with this chest piece that I alt+regaled into or if it is worth doing anything with since I hit tier 2 %int. Any advice or guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you! |
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" It's a Harvest craft. But don't worry about it. It's currently broken and works only when you use The Brine King pantheon. Which is good only for negating chill and doesn't have the great defensive power of Solaris. |
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" You can craft multi-mod on it for 2 ex, then add 6% Attr and hybrid ES/Life. The result will be definitely worth more than 2 ex. |
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" I had a feeling that would be the way to go but I thought I would double check. Going to get some exalts and find a crafter. Thank you for the help! |
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I've been really enjoying the build this league (just hit level 93, sitting at 2.5k INT), but I think I'm hitting an "exalted wall" here. Unless I'm mistaken, here are some of my remaining major upgrades:
Emperor's Wit: 25ex+ Megalomanic w/Overlord & CttC: N/A Split Personality w/INT & ES: 16ex (8ex ea) Cluster w/Master of Fear & Wish for Death: 6ex+ Chest w/% Intelligence & 500+ ES: 4ex-60ex (or craft, ~1.5ex/attempt) Head w/% Intelligence & 200+ ES: 6ex+ (or craft, ~2ex/attempt) Rings w/% Intelligence & 40+ Res & 40+ INT: ~60ex+ (~30ex ea) Total for top tier upgrades: 140ex-150ex Prices were checked today, within the last 30 mins leading up to this post. For some people, 140-150ex is no big deal. For others like me, it feels impossible. Also, since there are no Megalomaniacs right now with both CttC & Overlord, which would you pick if you had to choose? I went with a jewel that has Overlord & Disorienting Display (+25% increased ele dmg, 10% chance to blnid w/ele skill). Physical damage was shredding me, but since adding Fortify via Overlord my deaths are very infrequent so far in T13+ maps, and I have CttC on the other two clusters w/Prismatic Heart. I'm tanky as hell and slowly but surely making progress despite lacking some of the more expensive gear. My only "problem" is an obvious lack of damage since I'm sitting at 2.5k INT instead of the much more comfortable 3k+ INT. I suppose the only choice I have at this point is to keep grinding until the League ends or I burnout and see where I land currency-wise. Anyone else recently get over this hill that has any advice? |
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" Few "cheap" upgrades to you: Annoint Tranquility. Takes 2 golden oils. This you should do asap. Beastcraft Aspect of the Spider. You need empty suffix for this, does your gloves have one? Also you cannot have Aspect in the item you have Increased Duration socketed so you might need to change your gem setup. Get your chest armor to 6link and Anoint Whispers of Doom (3 golden oils) so you can have 3rd curse (elemental weakness) Remember Stampede is blight unique so you can have annoinment in it. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Cjin#1011 เมื่อ 3 ก.ย. 2021 17:56:43
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" Annoint Tranquility - Done (although switching to this from Mystic Talents cost me ~200 ES and ~100 INT, oof) Beastcraft Aspect of the Spider - I have never seen the Fenumal Hybrid or fought Fenumus, so I do not qualify for this 6L Armor - My armor doesn't have the % INT roll yet so I was holding off until crafting or buying one of those before throwing currency at my current chest for the 6L. Currently Fated Connections is ~3.4ex, which I have, but barely, and don't want to spend that much for a chest I'll eventually replace. Even if I had the 1500 fusings for the crafting bench 6L, I haven't found the recipe yet. I would try gambling with the paltry fusings I do have, but not a single gamble I've tried this league has worked out. 0 for 3 on Crusader slamming for a chest, stacked decks, vaaling things, you name it, I have bricked literally every single gamble this league. The only way I can think of right now how to turn my ~6ex of disposable currency into 150ex is to keep playing and play faster. The fact that some of you have been 36+/40 for weeks is mind boggling to me. I guess I'm even slower than I thought I was. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Rokdog#0006 เมื่อ 3 ก.ย. 2021 19:13:53
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Its mind boggling to me as well.
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note:those i will try to tell you, allready told by many people by many times during those 600 odd forum pages, i will try to pack them while keeping their gists.
I want to clarify damage discrepancy between 2400 int char vs 2800 int char. i might wrong but as far as i understand the build, damage ramps up not linear but parabolic. i think sweet spot is around 2500 int. up from this point damage rise starts distinguishable. and after 3000 int, its adds up quite much. also we are missing a point i think. our damage rsises extensively with our cold/elemental penetration(eddit: not exactly pen, but total dropping enemy rresistance wether due tpo pen or -resist). if i compeare your damage and mine i have around 25-50%more damage (proportunaly) than you due to cold penetration (cames from wave of conviction)(edit. 3rd curse gives many -resistance to the monsters. this like cold penetration. and this comes from 3rd curse. its very good to have 6link armor and 3rd curses). yoe see less effect on your damage total due to less spell damage boost from jewell and int stacks. but once you have big int pool , this proportion will give big big boost. (you will see at build owners tree, many cold/ele pen items or jewells. or you can see other players uses cold pen gem at higher development stage.) at our development stage (you and me), cold pen wont give much than spell boost, but over 3000 int, it will give big boost. still aiming to collect pen boost jewell must be priority. so , best way to rise damage (for less than 3000 int players), is collecting as much %int items as possible. after 1500 bsse int (camaes from +int items and tree (before %int add)), easiest way to collect int is %int items. imagine this: every 5% int rise gives +75 int. (yours 1600 int) so instead collecting pure int from tree, one must focus %int items and gems etc. at out level you and me, rising intelligence towards 3000, cames from (listed from cheapest to most expensive option): 1- using attribute rise viz catalyst (55 int become 66, easiest boost on ring, amulet, belt)(10c) 2- using corrupted rings (%int corrupted rings relatively cheap. i bought one, time to time around 10c-50c to have difference resisteance option. (to keep myself 75% resistances)(i suggest you find a couple with high int+resist. dont go crazy.constantly search,but dont go buy frenzy right now.but keeping a couple is good. at your position it will afect less, but once you collect enough items with %int, it will give nice boost) 3- anointing items. tranquility rises your spell damage (best location on amulet)relative to int amount. (my humble opinion (for you only, is using a speare boot) to have "hard knocks" or "wisdom of the glade" (gives 30 int)). (unless 6link chest 3rd curse is hard to get. till that time use this cheap option)(50c-100c) 4- using extra "cold to the core" items instead of int boosting items. below 2500 mark, CttC gives more bang for the price. so you may think converting some int boost jewell into CttC clusterjewell or CttC megalomaniac. (i use 5 CttC items, and it barely floats me at 18k tooltip damage (for area damage staff setup)) (15c-200c exdepends of the item you use or craft to use) (if you rise high enough int, you will see instead of CttC, genious(5%int) will be more beneficial) 5- helmet with %int 6- body armor with %int 7- int amulet with %int+int damage 8- belt with %int corruption 9- ring with non couurpted %int 10- %int gloves 11- int amulet with %int+%atrributes+int damage แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย nozwizard#7507 เมื่อ 4 ก.ย. 2021 05:54:37
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