[3.10] Storm Burst Trickster - The Tesla Tower
To be honest, I think everyone has abandoned this build and is playing something else (you can click on the profiles here in the forum and check everyone's characters).
I still have rolled only this char this league cause I do only one char usually, but without a real discussion etc. it is kind of boring so I stopped playing for now. Once you saw gameplay of those zombie armies completely destroying T16 maps with 200% Movement Speed without even clicking on anything, you kind of lose the spirit to continue, at least for me. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย JaniC84#7216 เมื่อ 10 ม.ค. 2020 12:08:07
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" Yeah no real discussion here but I am still playing this build. In fact I leveled 2 other chars to 80 and rerolled both twice or three time and always was coming back to this character. Found necro really boring and at this stage I am really committed to taking this build to another level. I'm planning on getting atziri's reflection + cowards legacy and switching to CI build which will fix problems with chaos dmg and dps will go through the roof. Of course this will cost me 30ex+ and I realize I could have made few necro builds with this currency but I just like the playstyle. |
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One possibility is replacing shield charge - fortify - faster attacks with Cwdt - tempest shield - curse on hit - enfeeble. This should help survivability, 3% extra block from tempest shield + enfeeble curse, and lets us drop Oskarm for some better rare.
I have never played Diablo 2 or Diablo 3...
I have played FATE and it's successors, though, and I'm told it's similar to Diablo. |
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Yep, Oskarm is a pretty big hit on general stats and survivability.
Would be great to get rid of them. But I let you guys test it first. ;) Also, which weapon do you think is better? Currently running this one: Arcane Surge on this one freed up a slot in Orb of Storms for "Energy Leech", which helps keeping the shield up against trash, just running around and spamming Orb. But I bought this one a while ago for 5c and could craft lightning damage or sth. else on it (I am not into fossil crafting, slamming etc, I find the whole crafting system super intimedating): The crit chance on this one does not work since it's not global, right? Find it hard to find a nice weapon upgrade, since I think PoB does not calculate everything correctly. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย JaniC84#7216 เมื่อ 11 ม.ค. 2020 14:58:59
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" Right on the weapon crit, you want the mod "Critical Strike Chance for Spells". I've been playing around with different setups for Wave of Conviction. I'm going to give CWDT/Tempest Shield a try. Also Swapping Herald of Purity in over Herald of Ice hurts clear but is a pretty decent survivability boost. I upgraded my armor and weapon to be a bit tougher. I'd recommend getting chaos res on gear where you can once you have the other resists sorted. So far I've been able to take out all 4 elderslayers, shaper, and elder with this build. I lost to Sirus awakener level 5 but that was more me not knowing the fight. I got to the last phase but couldn't close it out. |
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could you update "current gear" in the OP with what you are using now? this build is my first 'serious' run and its working great so far (up to map 11)
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" I've updated the gear section. I'm still playing around with Gem Links to find the best mix of damage and survivability. I've pulled Shield Charge off in favor of a CWDT + Tempest Shield + Immortal Call setup. The Onslaught on Wave Of Conviction is more for bossing than clear since I can't proc the abyssal jewel onslaught without killing something. I went with self cast WoC over CWDT so I could fit the extra support and I'd prefer to have control over when I use it but you could replace Onslaught with CWDT and put Onslaught on Orb of Storms if you're good losing the blind effect. Since dropping the Shroud of the Lightless I've been looking for Jewel upgrades but I haven't found anything I can afford and would also be a significant bump but a Hatred Watcher's Eye would be huge (also pricey). Also I can't recommend enough getting a jewel with "Cannot be inflicted with Corrupted Blood". It's absurd how often that's a problem. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Bladeslaw#5273 เมื่อ 13 ม.ค. 2020 10:15:46
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Hey all. Been following Esoro's guide this league - my first real character. Absolutely love the playstyle. Finally hit a wall though doing T16 maps and T15/T16 conqueror fights. Not sure what to do here really - if I stand still to cast I just get shredded. Wondering if somebody might be able to take a look at my gear and see if there are any obvious upgrades I should try to get?
Also -- with the call of brotherhood rings I've been aiming for cold damage rather than lightning damage on my gear. Not sure if I should be doing that or not? Thanks in advance for any help y'all might be able to provide! |
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" I tried looking at your profile but I couldn't see your character's gear. For damage scaling: If you use Turbulent Catalysts on the COTB rings you can safely scale cold damage with very little wasted potential (~4% is wasted I think at 20% quality). Otherwise you want to scale physical or lightning damage when possible. Any Adds X to Y mods should be physical first, then cold, then lightning though for more consistent damage. Any % increased damage should be prioritized Spell, then Physical/Lightning, then Cold to maximize effectiveness. T15 and 16 conquerors are long nasty fights. The real trick is find the right time to pick your battles. Here's what worked for me: Al-Hezim: Bring Chaos Res. I have a couple of gear swaps just for this fight. Gloves and Boots with Chaos Res, jewels with life and chaos res and an Atziri's Promise mean you can survive a lot longer here. Stay out of the middle. Drop Orb of Storms as you circle the arena to keep hitting him. You should be able to channel for a second at a time as you stutter step through the arena. With Leech and Chaos Res you should be able to outlast him. If you're dying in a hurry you need more life, more res, or you need to move. When he starts dropping snakes on you don't move too far too quickly otherwise the entire arena will be snakes. Veritania: She's my toughest fight mostly due to the shrinking storm making it hard to see her and keep her targeted. She has a pretty predictible pattern though. If you go with Purity heralds and taunt you should have free reign to beat on her during her shotgun ice attacks. Keep moving during her machine gun ice attack. Listen for the tell that she's going to dash away and dive bomb. Once you bait the dive bomb you can hit her some more. The hard part is as the fight goes on you have less wiggle room. It's rough but just keep your ears open. Drox: Probably my easiest conqueror. Keep the banners to a minimum, watch out for his big hits (especially the big fist into the ground, and the crushing rock wall) and you should be ok. The stream of adds keeps our flasks topped off so it's really just a matter of keeping the number of banners down. When he's in his bubble take out the banners then beat on him some more. Don't forget to apply Exposure via frost bomb or wave of conviction for extra damage. Beren: Like Veritania he's on a predictable pattern. Avoid the mana runes and the big slam and you should be ok. DPS him during the down times and when he's casting the mana runes (once you're safe). Not much to this fight, just be mindful of your placement because you can trap yourself in a mana rune hell zone if you're not careful. Sirus: Still working on it... DPS up time is hard (especially in the last phase...) so I've been working on upping cast speed and skill duration so I can more readily tap Storm burst for bigger damage. ptherwise you just need to play to the mechanics. Listen for "Die." and get away. Stay out of the fire, and maybe pack a Surgeon's flask of Thawing or boots with "cannot be frozen" so you don't get stuck anywhere (taste of hate isn't guaranteed to help you unfreeze). You can get into a rhythm of flame dash-->channel, flame dash-->channel, flame dash-->channel as you dodge his beams in the first 2 phases. The final phase is really tough to find openings with all the stuff going on. T16 maps: Avoid nasty affix combos (triple damage, ele weakness, and unlucky dodge is bad news bears). Enemies avoid elemental ailments in conjunction with some other mods like +monster speed can be rough. You can do all the above but you're more likely to get murdered the nastier the map. Same with Metamorphs. Actually look at what abilities you'll be dealing with. You can't facetank with this build so you need to be on your toes. Caustic and Chaos hits are rough, as is a combo of accurate + powerful crits + extra damage. Blind is SUPER helpful as a defensive layer especially against metamorphs but even then there's a chance you get hit. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Bladeslaw#5273 เมื่อ 14 ม.ค. 2020 11:10:45
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Bladesaw thank you so much! I'm about to run out rn but I will pour over this later. Also -- my character was set to private for some reason should be visible now.
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