3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

Since Kay's build is focusing more on Animated Guardian, and I HATE trying to maintain Animated Guardian, and buy uniques for it and hope it doesn't die, I decided to go with this build instead due to the great reviews.....I'm hoping the Tree will be updated before the league start....
brunowa เขียน:
3.9 Tree and POB Added:


Death Attunement is selected but not connected. Is this intentional?
govtcheeze เขียน:
brunowa เขียน:
3.9 Tree and POB Added:


Death Attunement is selected but not connected. Is this intentional?

Pretty sure it is for after you get that on an amulet so it frees up the other nodes.
He has Death Attunement anointed on the ammy Astramentis. You can check it on the PoB Items tab.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย FeralGoddess#2607 เมื่อ 11 ธ.ค. 2019 19:51:07
royc3wicz เขียน:
Okay, so lets take a look on the basic setup:

- General zombie and feeding frenzy nerf is quote okay-ish.
- 2h mace nerf and multimod nerf means we need to hunt for rare or go queen, maybe wand plus shield will do the trick.
- Monster buffs may be pita, need some adjusments with some cursing or stuff.

brunova, You gonna update (or at least try to) the build?

There was a wand build variation put together by lunnnar - page 132 of this guide has a POB link. Here it is to save time - https://pastebin.com/WDTyLiF2

This has two convoking wands, however if you look at character profile I believe they have 1 wand and a shield atm.

In the release notes they put the wand to the sword to a smaller degree than the mace. Basically they made it harder to roll a very good wand on a small amount of currency. Wand may/may not be a go now.
FeralGoddess เขียน:
He has Death Attunement anointed on the ammy Astramentis. You can check it on the PoB Items tab.

Huh OK. First time using POB and didnt play the league with the oil mechanic. I cant seem to find it on the item but I will keep digging around. ty

Edit: NM found it. Im just blind
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย govtcheeze#6473 เมื่อ 11 ธ.ค. 2019 19:54:33
BowWizard เขียน:
brunowa เขียน:
haha thanks man :)

Unfortunately for me I don't get to start until Sat night. Life with 3 young kids and a hot wife.

Hehe - surprised to hear you have time to play PoE at all ... ?

I thought the mace we have now would become a legacy item in that you won't be able to craft it anymore but anyone who has one with MAIM on it now would get to keep it - like any legacy item. Are they actually retroactively removing that property ? That wasn't how I read the blurb but wouldn't be the first time I've read what I wanted to see, not what was reality ...

No, if you play Standard and have the Mace already you get to keep the Maim. So your version of the build going forward will be much stronger than what league players use.

I'm just updating everything to be ready for those doing league.
brunowa เขียน:
BowWizard เขียน:
brunowa เขียน:
haha thanks man :)

Unfortunately for me I don't get to start until Sat night. Life with 3 young kids and a hot wife.

Hehe - surprised to hear you have time to play PoE at all ... ?

I thought the mace we have now would become a legacy item in that you won't be able to craft it anymore but anyone who has one with MAIM on it now would get to keep it - like any legacy item. Are they actually retroactively removing that property ? That wasn't how I read the blurb but wouldn't be the first time I've read what I wanted to see, not what was reality ...

No, if you play Standard and have the Mace already you get to keep the Maim. So your version of the build going forward will be much stronger than what league players use.

I'm just updating everything to be ready for those doing league.

Phew - thanks for the clarification there. I’ve never played a league, though the oils in blight make me wish I had to some degree. I gotta get me that annointment. The oils in the recipe were cheap in Blight. Stupid expensive in standard. Hope that will change now oils are properly in standard.
chendrak เขียน:
saxisa เขียน:
Thoughts on how this build compares to Kay's Spectre Summoner build?

I played that last league and had a lot of fun. I was pretty slow though, but could never afford the really good gear (+1 spectre chest for example).

Very casual player, i.e. have a wife, 2x kids and a job, but this has been my go to game for 4 years. Just want to get in there and do some pack popping with new leagues.

Anyone tried both have an opinion?

I started with Kay's build last league, then had someone point me to this one. Switched over and never looked back. This build is a lot smoother and casual friendly than Kay's. I killed UE for the first time last league, without knowing the fight at all.

Brunowa brought me over from Kays spectre build, was fun, but lagged the shit out of my comp. Way smoother with this build, can finally see what is on my screen, and higher clear speed for about the same end game price except headhunter :P but that's mainly for fun
nechrophagy เขียน:
chendrak เขียน:
saxisa เขียน:
Thoughts on how this build compares to Kay's Spectre Summoner build?

I played that last league and had a lot of fun. I was pretty slow though, but could never afford the really good gear (+1 spectre chest for example).

Very casual player, i.e. have a wife, 2x kids and a job, but this has been my go to game for 4 years. Just want to get in there and do some pack popping with new leagues.

Anyone tried both have an opinion?

I started with Kay's build last league, then had someone point me to this one. Switched over and never looked back. This build is a lot smoother and casual friendly than Kay's. I killed UE for the first time last league, without knowing the fight at all.

Brunowa brought me over from Kays spectre build, was fun, but lagged the shit out of my comp. Way smoother with this build, can finally see what is on my screen, and higher clear speed for about the same end game price except headhunter :P but that's mainly for fun

Think I'll give it a go then. I've never killed UE with any build, mostly because I don't play enough and my luck is crap at finding currency. Usually end leagues with 6 or 7ex found/made total. Even with nerfs even if I can't do UE nekkid the possibility to do it at all is pretty cool.



