3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game
Is there another fossil I can use with Bound to limit the number of wasted prefix and suffix that are rolled? I was thinking Atheric since I don't think caster modifiers will roll on an Axe.
Hi, thanks for the guide! Started playing casually in legion and this is the only build I feel like I can actually start playing higher tier maps. Just wanna ask how I can possibly reach 1000 strength though. All my accessories are giving me 50+ str but I'm barely scraping 600 total currently, 1k seems unattainable.
Without knowing what gear you're using we cant really offer much help.. your profile is private.
this is also an option for get vulnerabilty right?
Rarity: Rare
Pandemonium Twirl
Sapphire Ring
Level: 59
Item Level: 83
+29% to Cold Resistance (implicit)
+46 to Strength
+32 to maximum Energy Shield
+60 to maximum Mana
Curse Enemies with Level 5 Vulnerability on Hit
+51 to maximum Life (crafted)
I think end-game tree needs some changes(In case of using skeleton setup instead of auras) my zombies have only 30k hp with queen's decree so they are dying almost in every map. Skeletons does nice dmg actually seems better than zombies but i can't respawn them quickly due to mana problem plus having socket problem so it's impossible to use convocation, carrion golem etc.. yeah unset ring can solve that but its extremely overpriced. Seems like budget version of the build can no longer clear end-game content like the last league (sadly)
Budget gear can certainly clear all content, it will just take a lot longer given the nerfs to us and buffs to monsters.
Also why are you still using a Queen’s decree - the build uses a Queen’s escape. You can upgrade by using the prophecy “The Misunderstood Queen”. None of your gems are maxed out let alone at level 21, nor do you have quality on them. Your build is severely underpowered. Didn’t look at tree, probably in same state. No wonder your minions are dying. Don’t blame the build. Get your build in line with the recommendations (even 3.8 setup will do). You will see a huge improvement.