NovAscion_ เขียน:
Hi, thanks for the guide! Started playing casually in legion and this is the only build I feel like I can actually start playing higher tier maps. Just wanna ask how I can possibly reach 1000 strength though. All my accessories are giving me 50+ str but I'm barely scraping 600 total currently, 1k seems unattainable.
There's some improvements you could make to your gear that would help. Your strength rolls on the Baron and Astramentis could be higher. You don't need to buy the absolute top, but close to would be affordable and every bit helps. Additionally, this league has Catalysts that you can use to add quality to the Astramentis (and rings, but I'd go Astramentis first).
Also, you should just naturally have a heap of Blessed Orbs. Spam them on your new Astramentis to improve the implicit to it's max. That's what they are there for!
Replace your boots with Alberon's Warpath. Get the top rolled 18% increased Strength. They aren't that expensive and they are massive for getting your Strength up.
Ultimately, get another Efficient Training but in the mean time (cause they are pricey) get a Brawn jewel instead.
If after this you are sitting at around 950 strength, then respec two points from your tree and acquire the Might node and that should get you across the line.
Another observation, though it's not related to your Strength issue... WTF are you doing with your flasks? At most you need one life flask, and not one that grants life to your minions. Their life pool is so vast that any benefit from the flask is microscopic. Your Quicksilver is OK, but geez will you throw an Augmentation Orb at it gain another mod that could be useful? The Hybrid and Mana flasks are dead space. You could be much safer using a Granite, Quartz, Amethyst or Basalt flask.
And lastly, a quality of life improvement to consider. Because you've annointed Death Attunement and removed that wheel from your tree, you have also lost the "Minions Leech 0.2% of Damage as Life" node which is significantly powerful in keeping your minions alive. Life Regeneration alone won't keep them alive in a major confrontation.
Your pathing from the start point to Deep Wisdom is one I've also contemplated given the minion and ES benefits but I don't think it's necessarily the best use of the four points used. You could go around the side and connect to the main tree using only two points, giving you two extra points which you could then use to grab a Jewel node (get the one below Stamina, that gives you 10 Strength along the way). Then you can use a Jewel that has Minion leech along with any other attributes you want.
Hang in there, you'll definitely get to the 1000 strength and the build just gets better and better :)