3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

avenuee เขียน:
YDoubleDash เขียน:
Would 130% minion damage be better compared to socketed gems are supported by fortify if I am using Skeletons on my chest piece?

Would like to know aswell.
But quite sure that minion damage is better since it buffs your skeles and zombies rather than only your zombies

I got 2 different weapons atm.

One is Fortify+T1 Str and the other is just flat T1 Miniondmg(+ other mods as the weps got)

And the difference is.. eh?

The fortify one gives the zombies a bit more damage, all in all a total of 15% more dmg.

The Minion damage one gives.. yeah, 15% less dmg to zombies but an extra 25% dmg.

This is ofc per zombie and per skellie.

So I would definitly say that in the end, if you run zombs And skellies the raw minion damage is way better but if you run only zombies+auras the fortify is better.
What lethal pride string should i be looking for ?
Nisou เขียน:
denispatty เขียน:
Guys, not sure if this is happening with you in high tier maps, but I'm missing life leech... do you have any kind of life leech? whats the best STAT (leech by minions, physical, etc) considering this build?

Thanks! GL

You have a ton of es regain through cycloning with cwc desecrate spirit offering. That's the main regain mechanic.

With at least 1k strength you also get life leech from your zombies, which will pretty much always hit the cap and give you enough life recovery against chaos damage/dots

While what Nisou said is true, you both missed the fact that denipatty's minions hve zero life leech.

You need to get minion life leech either by slotting a ghastly jewel with minions leech x% life, or take the 0.6% minion life leech right next to the Sacrifice node.

Also, your minions will thank you greatly if you skill into Grave Intentions.
17/04/2021 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3082616/page/1
"We tell people that Path of Exile league starts are a fair playing field for everyone, and we need to actually make sure that is the reality."

Perhaps GGG should consider a leadership change.
Hi All,

Can someone please help me with my crafting? I ended up spending 1ex and screwing everything up with the staff craft.

I have a 6L judgement staff where I am trying to get +1 level to socketed gem and fortify or minion damage.

The way I am crafting is as below...

- Quality to 20%
- Scour and use alteration until I get +1 level or fortify
- If I get +1 level with a different stat I will then use fossil which re-writes everything on my staff losing +1 level to gems...

How do I save the +1 level to gems and aim specifically for fortify or minion damage as the second stat before I move on to add 3 more crafting stats?

Any help is appreciated and if I do end up crafting this staff, I will tip whoever helped.

Life leech To player granted by baron is not affected by minion leech nodes or jewel. He Will have more life leech when zombies deal better damage.

I want to try this build but i see that some stuff are really over expensive in the league, like Emperor's Mastery

So i wanted to ask if there is a gear setup guide for this build but for the Metamorph league since i dont see brunowa's character profil in league i though maybe this build is only affrodable in standard

Hope somebody can help me,
Thank in advance
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย mbbk#6601 เมื่อ 12 ม.ค. 2020 08:38:57
FUCK YEAH! Just found awakened multistrike from Sirus :D Lists for 55 ex but gonna use it to juice up my zombies :D
Nisou เขียน:
PotatoPops เขียน:
Nisou เขียน:
Well, you don't need to drop your auras. You can run Pride and Disci if you want to, you can get vulnerability via spectre instead. Its better than the one you cast and doesn't reserve mana. You won't need enlighten either, since you'll only be reserving 50+35+10.
The problem are the slots for all your skills.

If you want to use your chest for vaal ss, you need to put Pride, Diszi and banner somewhere else.

I'd drop the main support on your golem, since vulnerability gives maim anyway.
Then I'd drop Phase run, because you don't have enough buttons anyway :D
And then you can either drop diszi (because you really don't need it ._.) or get an unsocket ring. Since you'd want to get another 35% aura in there anyway at some point, get an unset ring. Purity of Elements is a really good aura to run, it means you can focus far more on stats on your rares, and you can get the watchers that gives you 30-50% chaos resi.

Now I only run a 5l Vaal ss, because i want a flamedash or whatever to dodge those nasty metamorph attacks. If you are fine without it, keep it as is. But a 5l Vaal ss already adds a lot of damage.

I removed maim and switched it for pride and removed blood magic in my helmet to slot in dread banner but I am torn between discipline and dread banner as I do not have a good unset ring yet, I really enjoy the build with skeletons tho the dps is insane, so now it comes down to dread banner or discipline until i get a good unset ring as i do not want to get rid of phase run

I really wouldn't remove blood magic, it'll make your chieftains use their charge generation things far less frequently, which will cost you a lot of damage.
Do you really feel like you need discipline? Your "regeneration" via spirit offering scales with max hp, not with max es, so all it'd give you is a bit more maxes, and this build has more than enough effective hp as is.

I feel squishy as-is, what if I put blood magic back in, dropped impale on my 6 link for minion damage and didnt use dread banner
I still have my Lethal Pride sitting around and was wondering what modifiers I want besides 5% str. Also I asked a few times several pages back and havent gotten any responses, still wondering how well this build does on Red Blighted Maps?
IGN: DabrixRN
PotatoPops เขียน:
I feel squishy as-is, what if I put blood magic back in, dropped impale on my 6 link for minion damage and didnt use dread banner

With your equip and level you should be on ~6k life and ~6k es without discipline while your offering is active, and your offering should give you 1.5k-2k es every 0.7 secs. Anything that manages to kill you now will probably still kill you with discipline active ^^' And if you don't use dread banner you'd want to use war banner to fully utilize your mana pool anyway



