[3.14] VolaBomber | CwC - Volatile Dead Necromancer | All Content
" Your boots doesn't have any HP. You can find somerhing interesting on market. Also you can pick more jewel sockets on tree and use some abyss jewels with flat hp on it. |
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can you suggest a list of unique item for lvling?
SHOP : http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/682434
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" Thanks man! Your guide is well done and people will have a lot of success with any version. |
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" I personally leveled as incinerate character with self found random rare items because this character was my league starter for 3.7 and 3.8. Maybe later I'll add leveling section. |
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" Say you have 6 APS, it's what it looks like 0.167->0.167-> 0.167(trigger)-0.264s CD->0.167->0.167->0.167->0.167(2nd trigger) แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย hecatonsphere#7816 เมื่อ 2 ต.ค. 2019 22:45:18
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How are you supposed to generate the Disintegrator syphoning charges with Cyclone when you only have a 25% chance to generate one when you start Cycloning? (channeling skills only count as "using a skill" when you start channeling)
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" To generate Charges you have to flame Dash in between pack. As this got to tiresome for me i switched to a CWC staff, which is a bit more expensive (just go buy one or if u want to craft one, u need to alt spam until hittng lvl 20 CWC pref. with another good mod, hope you hit a good regal and if u hit bad regal u need to anul off the bad mod, after that simply Multimod), but because the whole alt regal is a bit luck dependent, the same goes for the potential anullment(s) it can get a bit more expensive. The linked staff cost me like 5 anuls and roughly 800-1000 alts, as i destroyed the first 2 attempts by anulling of the CWC when it was 50/50 with a bad mod. :( |
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" I know that my English isn't good enough but I really can't understand what you trying to explain. My APS increases from 6 to 21 in a couple of seconds. Anyway, you mean 0.167 is time for first swing. Ok, you wrote that 3 times then something triggers. Trigger what? VD? CWDT? What does 0.264 mean? Sorry I just don't get it. " So how in your opinion I sustaining my corpses and constantly spawning volatile balls? Did you see any videos I posted? Here is my old post from original Chieftain guide. I edited it only a bit. " With Necro we can get 9.4 APS after 1 second spinning thanks to Corpse Pact. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย SiCH13#4211 เมื่อ 3 ต.ค. 2019 17:37:50
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Can I get some advise/experience on those items? I am not rich enought to try them all....which combination would be best?
CHEST: I cant decide between impulsa, carcass jack or infernal mantle BOOT: how good are the Stampede boot? why should I use this over a rare ? RING: 2x circle of anguish VS 1xMark of the shaper+1x Elder ring? which is better? AMULET: How good is impresence VS a rare ring ? BELT: bisco leash VS rare SHOP : http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/682434 แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย xenochaos1#4153 เมื่อ 4 ต.ค. 2019 01:21:50
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" I will try to give you my opinion, although it might differ from OPs :) Chest: Pure damagewise, there should be nothing beating out a Shaper Occultists Vestment with "Spells have 1.x% to critical strike chance" (The tier1 mod and the higher u go to 1.5% the better). If you are lucky and get some nice Resistance ontop of that, you can look for more dmg on other stuff, like amulets or belts. Looking at Uniques there is no right or wrong as it comes down to preference. Inpulsas: offer u good chunk of HP, even more AOE due to the explosions, aswell as shock immunity and a good dmg boost when u shocked an enemy recently. Im not to familiar but the inc shock effect should also provide some more dps gain, although i am not sure how much. Carcas Jack: again offer you a good chunk of hp, the inc dmg should end up a bit lower than that of an inpulsa, but is also gives u some all-resistance which can help to free up a jewel for example. Infernal Mantle: No Life, but a good chunk of energy shield. If u run anger instead of zealotry in your chest and stick with the CWC staff it could be an upgrade, but be aware, we reserve so much mana that you would constantly be taking the "25% increased spell damage taken" Boots: I think the stampede boots are only good when using the "Disintegrator" staff and having to flame dash super often to keep the siphoning charges up. A good pair for rare boots with Resist, Life and MS offer more utility and defensive traits. Ring: 2x Circle of anguish again beats out MotS+Elder ring damagae wise and thats only with the Buff effect increase. If you would get Buff effect and fire damage this dmg gap would only increase (please note that they are rather expensive if u go for both mods). MotS + Elder allows you to get some more resistances via the elder ring if u are struggling to cap urs and it also allows u to pick up some more health if u feel that u are on the low end of hp. Amulet: With 2x Circle of anguish we already have tons of fire resistance and need to try and get some lightning/cold resis, so i think a rare amulett should be better, as it will help you to resistance cap easier. Also Using an impresence would mean we had to drop Assasins mark and use flammability + blasphemy, so we cannot generate power charges and also loose the life + mana on kill from Assasins mark. Please note that you could potentially pick up the Whispers of doom note in the skill tree. That would allow you to apply 2 curses, so you could use assasins mark and flammibility, but we do not have the sockets for that. So you would probably have to drop ice golem and place flammibility into the spirit offering CWDT setup (CWDT-Spirit Offering-Assasins Mark- Flammability). This would also mean that again the impresence would be rather useless, cuz we would not benefit from the mana reduction. Belt: Biscos for magic find, e.g. when spamming T4 burial chambers. a good rare belt (pref. stygian vise) for everything else. Belt should have Life and resists as you need them. If u are decent on resistances you can go and try to fossil craft a stygian vise using: "Prismatic", "Pristine", "Scorched" fossils in a 3 socket resonator. With decent luck u can get a stygian vise with Life, some fire + lightning resistance, Ele dmg and fire dmg, this would be another boost for our dps. I hope this was indepth enough. As i said at the start this is only my opinion after playing this build up to lvl 92. Im still working on my version, but sich13 will probably agree with the points i made :D |
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