[3.13] HC/SC/SSF All Content Miner - Any Mine Skill - LL/CI - 12k ES w/ Videos!

Miggaletoe เขียน:

Do you guys think it would be worth multi crafting the dagger? The wand is what I am currently using at the moment.

Not worth multi crafting it
I can't clear mud flats.
So all you really end up having is playing the economy, and plowing maps. And if you want to get anywhere on your character, you are better off mowing monsters down like weeds and just collecting pennies of the ground as fast as possible than any meaningful item hunting.
I have just transitioned to this build from my life tremor rod build (quit it for a week previously) and having an absolute blast! Clear speed and overall feel of play is way better and smoother even on of sort of budget.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย budynio#1743 เมื่อ 1 เม.ย. 2020 10:42:28
budynio เขียน:
I have just transitioned to this build from my life tremor rod build (quit it for a week previously) and having an absolute blast! Clear speed and overall feel of play is way better and smoother even on of sort of budget.

Glad you are enjoying it
BeerLeague เขียน:
Fiskaflesket เขียน:
Hey again! =) Lightning dmg on rings works aswell? or just spell damage?

Yup it works, just needs to be the craft or redeemer affix

Oh, i ment the lightning damage % from crusader influence. One with lightning dmg %, ES%, and flat ES should be the bis. no?
BeerLeague เขียน:
rainmeadow เขียน:
I've got a crafting question: I bought this base - obviously annull the suffix (= % increased fire damage) and then multimod. Would you risk anulling the fire damage to spells off as well for a prefix or would you go 2x suffix and keep it for triggering Crit Multi on burning enemies from Explosives Expert?

Afterwards, I would craft Crit Multi + Crit Dmg on Spells. Do you know whether double damage when focussed counts for mines? It seems to give me less DPS and I don't really know if I like the focus gameplay at all... However, it could provide a nice damage burst for bosses if it works.

I wouldn’t risk the annul unless you have currency to burn.

Double damage does work, but isn’t great. I’d multi for crit and crit multi

This is going to be an expensive craft... rolled three annuls already and every time it hit "Prefixes cannot be changed" instead of that damn fire damage suffix. 10+ ex crafting costs for a simple wand is one way to burn currency...
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย rainmeadow#3553 เมื่อ 1 เม.ย. 2020 12:51:42
Hi, I begin to play the build with BL and reading the posts, I see lots of ES, I am lv 90 with 6.5 ES and I don't know why i have so little, can you see my profile and check what i have to modiffy, the only thing i am sure now is that i have to change the weapon. THANKS
Shakav622 เขียน:
Hi, I begin to play the build with BL and reading the posts, I see lots of ES, I am lv 90 with 6.5 ES and I don't know why i have so little, can you see my profile and check what i have to modiffy, the only thing i am sure now is that i have to change the weapon. THANKS

Try using the new cluster jewels. They add a lot of ES.
Fiskaflesket เขียน:
BeerLeague เขียน:
Fiskaflesket เขียน:
Hey again! =) Lightning dmg on rings works aswell? or just spell damage?

Yup it works, just needs to be the craft or redeemer affix

Oh, i ment the lightning damage % from crusader influence. One with lightning dmg %, ES%, and flat ES should be the bis. no?

Correct, there are also some nice suffixes you can hit as well.

This is going to be an expensive craft... rolled three annuls already and every time it hit "Prefixes cannot be changed" instead of that damn fire damage suffix. 10+ ex crafting costs for a simple wand is one way to burn currency...

The annul will always hit the prefixes can’t be changed in that scenario. It can’t hit the fire damage. Only way to get it off there is to risk the 1/3.



