[3.13] HC/SC/SSF All Content Miner - Any Mine Skill - LL/CI - 12k ES w/ Videos!

sn3kox เขียน:
Hey what should i upgrade next to increase my damage by alot ? because now only 10k BL in hideout :( and it looks like not enough for T16 bosses dying pretty much often :( because it takes a while to kill bosses

You should be destroying bosses with that gear. May be a playstyle issue. Check the vods.
Hello i started with your build BeerLeague and it was awesome:) now its time for a little change:P if anyone is interested in my gear he can pm me

ign SoDynamic_Balllicker :D

Good luck Exiles :)
according to watchers eye,

how would u rank this mod:

Consecrated Ground you create while affected by Zealotry causes enemies to take 8% increased Damage

Better than 8% pen?
Guild "Metal" /// POE 2 and POE 1 /// NO voice-chat necessary
but as i see in your vid's my leeach is not even near that you leach.
cuz that ghost reaver look like it doesnt work at all because of that shit i die alot of times in harder maps.
Hey, i played poe quite a bit but never with CI, im really confused as to how my aura's are supposted to leech life with blood magic while im capped at 1 ?
i have seen the videos and he has arond 1k hp which makes it even weirder.
xMYR เขียน:
Hey, i played poe quite a bit but never with CI, im really confused as to how my aura's are supposted to leech life with blood magic while im capped at 1 ?
i have seen the videos and he has arond 1k hp which makes it even weirder.

I'd go back over the guide if I were you. Low life and CI are very different. Its all explained in alot of detail.
Not too many things left to improve but if anyone can direct me please do.
Really happy with some of the crafts this league is amazing!

Anyone mind perusing my POB and helping me find upgrades?


Ive probably about about 10 ex...
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย citron#7879 เมื่อ 3 ก.ค. 2020 12:26:26
hey dude
https://pastebin.com/BKjpr72 my pastebin got 32 exalts atm and im crafting a better wand atm dunno what to upgrade.
HEY what should I improve next in my gear for better dps and survivality ?
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย darfuru#5567 เมื่อ 3 ก.ค. 2020 16:11:44



