[3.13] HC/SC/SSF All Content Miner - Any Mine Skill - LL/CI - 12k ES w/ Videos!

Geraki2019 เขียน:
Hello fellow miners

Is this enchant
"120% increased Critical Strike Chance if you haven't Crit Recently"
good for this build?

According POB fork it adds almost 9% more damage (for my setup) but does it work?
Typically we dont crit, mines do and thats the reason we cant leech.

the crit Chance adds to yours, so ist a good enchant. Not the best ofc.
Guild "Metal" /// POE 2 and POE 1 /// NO voice-chat necessary
BeerLeague เขียน:
Ancalime1337 เขียน:
Hello Guys,

Any suggestions what may I improve to get better DPS? The build is going ok, however, sometimes I have troubles with blighted map t14+ dps to bosses is too low.

Thanks in advance!

Drop quartz for another dps flask.

Wand is also really bad for GC. GC doesnt really want spell levels, GC wants phys conversion.

You want a dagger w/ double phys conversion (+1 spells is nice there, but that triple combo is mirror tier)

Thank you very much for your help, I listened to your advice - I have bought 1 ex wand like this one, what would be best multicraft options(if it is worth to do that) ?
An1m4ls_ เขียน:
someone can tell me why my cwdt setup isn't working?
As far as I can see on your character, you don't have a cast when damage taken equipped.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
Am I missing something or is there no PoB link for the whole build? I can just find the skilltre link without items or calcs etc
Most people seem to run Awakened Ele Focus - any opinion on Awakened Ele Focus vs. Swift Assembly + Ignite (Adds Fire Damage to Spells) to make use of Explosives Expert (Ascendancy)?

I haven't calced it DPS-wise yet, but Swift Assembly also adds some QoL while mapping - opinions?
BeerLeague เขียน:
mrsarun เขียน:
I'm a bit late with this question, think I had the same "issue" last season. I can't use all auras, not enough life.
Will 4% reduced mana cost sort this?
Can't see any life on your active gear and my points in tree is a copy of yours (I am working on the jewels rn and that's why I am asking really).

Still working to get Shavs linked, should be done within a day now I recon. And saving for the mitts, so expensive atm ;)

Ty mate!

You need both of the mana reduction wheels that are specced to hit all of the auras

Doh, ofc, checked your tree here on the site. Think I had an old one in my PoB, all sorted now. Cheers!
DiZzY2k เขียน:
Am I missing something or is there no PoB link for the whole build? I can just find the skilltre link without items or calcs etc

You can import to PoB, just use Beer's name.
And import: BeerFarms

Marragus เขียน:
Does anyone know how to calculate dps if I've thrown 19 mines? POB shows what I assume to be damage per ball lightning hit

Stacked dps is 19x13xpob number x 60. 13 being the number of times BL can hit. 60 being seconds. Pretty easy to achieve this on a boss.

That number will look absurd, it’s in the 100s of millions usually, which isn’t realistic dps.

Instead you should calculate your mines per second (differs depending on throw speed- typically this number will be around 5-6) x 13 x pob number + (total x .58) = real dps. The .58 is your chance to throw an additional mine with swift assembly.

Generally speaking the build is capable of high end 40-50m dps. Low end, just switching to LL you should be seeing 5-10m.
Geraki2019 เขียน:
Hello fellow miners

Is this enchant
"120% increased Critical Strike Chance if you haven't Crit Recently"
good for this build?

According POB fork it adds almost 9% more damage (for my setup) but does it work?
Typically we dont crit, mines do and thats the reason we cant leech.

It’s in the guide, but yes. It’s a good enchant. Once you get dying sun you will want to drop it for PEN or lightning damage.
Ancalime1337 เขียน:
BeerLeague เขียน:
Ancalime1337 เขียน:
Hello Guys,

Any suggestions what may I improve to get better DPS? The build is going ok, however, sometimes I have troubles with blighted map t14+ dps to bosses is too low.

Thanks in advance!

Drop quartz for another dps flask.

Wand is also really bad for GC. GC doesnt really want spell levels, GC wants phys conversion.

You want a dagger w/ double phys conversion (+1 spells is nice there, but that triple combo is mirror tier)

Thank you very much for your help, I listened to your advice - I have bought 1 ex wand like this one, what would be best multicraft options(if it is worth to do that) ?

I haven’t messed around with those too much this league, but if there is a target harvest craft to get another added phys on there that would be great. As of right now you really only have 1 as the tiers are lower and the ele to choas got nerfed.



