[3.13] HC/SC/SSF All Content Miner - Any Mine Skill - LL/CI - 12k ES w/ Videos!
Thanks for replies working getting more ES.
I noticed that I am able to get away with Enlighten(3) in the blood magic setup and only an Enlighten(2) in the blasphemy/discipline setup. I still have enough mana for 19mines, lv 1 Precision and a few flame dashes but i don't have a minion.
Choosing to forgo clarity at the moment as the watcher eyes are too expensive.
hey im thinking about switching from leaguestarter to this on a 10 ex budget.
could u give your 3.9 opinion on t16+ endgame mapping and bosses? blight maps and delving?
would be nice to hear some encouriging words to start this or maybe a warning to dont do it :D
thx, the build looks nice but the gear prices scare me a bit
10ex wont get you the LL version at the moment unless you have good ES rares sitting around already.
It will however get you started on a good CI version of the build which is capable of doing all content. With that said, I'd stay Pyroclast for bosses until you can afford the LL version, at which point you can go icicle.
On the note of budget for the LL version, why is 10ex not enough? Considering going that route, and while I have more to spend, I didn’t anticipate starting gearing the build with more than that. Do you see Machina Mitts or high budget rares as necessary?
What I was imagining:
6L Shavs: 7ex
Presence of Chayula: 1.5ex
Mark of the Shaper: 1.3ex
Rare Elder Ring: 30c
Rare Wand: 10c
Rare Shield: 30c
Rare Gloves: 30c
Rare Belt: 30c
Sin Trek: 5c
Energy from Within: 90c
Slightly over at roughly 11 to 12ex with decent (~30c) rares. Obviously plenty of room to grow, but do you see a CI version as better at this currency level?
hey im thinking about switching from leaguestarter to this on a 10 ex budget.
could u give your 3.9 opinion on t16+ endgame mapping and bosses? blight maps and delving?
would be nice to hear some encouriging words to start this or maybe a warning to dont do it :D
thx, the build looks nice but the gear prices scare me a bit
10ex wont get you the LL version at the moment unless you have good ES rares sitting around already.
It will however get you started on a good CI version of the build which is capable of doing all content. With that said, I'd stay Pyroclast for bosses until you can afford the LL version, at which point you can go icicle.
On the note of budget for the LL version, why is 10ex not enough? Considering going that route, and while I have more to spend, I didn’t anticipate starting gearing the build with more than that. Do you see Machina Mitts or high budget rares as necessary?
What I was imagining:
6L Shavs: 7ex
Presence of Chayula: 1.5ex
Mark of the Shaper: 1.3ex
Rare Elder Ring: 30c
Rare Wand: 10c
Rare Shield: 30c
Rare Gloves: 30c
Rare Belt: 30c
Sin Trek: 5c
Energy from Within: 90c
Slightly over at roughly 11 to 12ex with decent (~30c) rares. Obviously plenty of room to grow, but do you see a CI version as better at this currency level?
Machina mitts are not needed at all, just a luxury.
While you can get the gear together for that price, The rares are going to be pretty poor, but may be a good place to start if you are willing to put more into those pieces down the line.
With what would you multi-mod this :P? im pretty sure the spell damage/non-chaos as extra chaos dmg for the prefix spot left BUT for the suffix left do i craft crit chance for spell or global crit mult or cold damage or other shit ? :P you can go see my build on my profil if you want know better what i need more.
With what would you multi-mod this :P? im pretty sure the spell damage/non-chaos as extra chaos dmg for the prefix spot left BUT for the suffix left do i craft crit chance for spell or global crit mult or cold damage or other shit ? :P you can go see my build on my profil if you want know better what i need more.
I don't think this wand is worth multi craft, can you check in POB compared to a T1 spell damage wands? I think the Penetrates number is low, +1 gem is good but overrated because T2 spell damage (100%spelldmg) is already better. For suffix you can craft global crit, it's the best in slot.
Hi guys, I'm at 9k ES now but I still die often in delve and the dps is not strong enough for Aul. Can I have some suggestion what can I improve? The +4 shavron is out of my ability. Thanks
With what would you multi-mod this :P? im pretty sure the spell damage/non-chaos as extra chaos dmg for the prefix spot left BUT for the suffix left do i craft crit chance for spell or global crit mult or cold damage or other shit ? :P you can go see my build on my profil if you want know better what i need more.
I’m nearly positive the below poster is incorrect. That wand is pretty GG. I’d take multi as the build gets a crap ton of crit from the mines anyway.
Hi guys, I'm at 9k ES now but I still die often in delve and the dps is not strong enough for Aul. Can I have some suggestion what can I improve? The +4 shavron is out of my ability. Thanks
Unsure how you are having delve problems with that, what’s killing you? I did 5 Auls or so with similar gear last league around 1200 without any issue. You do need to know the fight though, if he sneezes on you at that depth you are going to die.
If it isn’t one shots you are dying to, machina mitts are a huge QoL.
With what would you multi-mod this :P? im pretty sure the spell damage/non-chaos as extra chaos dmg for the prefix spot left BUT for the suffix left do i craft crit chance for spell or global crit mult or cold damage or other shit ? :P you can go see my build on my profil if you want know better what i need more.
I’m nearly positive the below poster is incorrect. That wand is pretty GG. I’d take multi as the build gets a crap ton of crit from the mines anyway.
How is it GG? You can put it in POB, even after multi craft that wand is still less dps than my wand.
The +1 is so overrated here for no reason, it is only equal to 60-70% increased spell damage.