[3.13] HC/SC/SSF All Content Miner - Any Mine Skill - LL/CI - 12k ES w/ Videos!

faelz123 เขียน:
First time I saw your guide was thinking about going pyroclast but I got my hands on
and went purifying to take advantage of all +4 it gives. You think icicle or pyroclast can match the clearspeed of purifying? The regen it grants is pretty attractive too. I'm probably starting next league with mines, really liked the playstyle without using minefield, for me minefield is awful.

Clear speed wise, icicle is far better and safer. PF is a great skill though, if you do like it, that works well.

Honestly, all of the meta skills - PF, GC, Icicle, Pyro and BL are all good imo, mines are OP in general.
BeerLeague เขียน:

Clear speed wise, icicle is far better and safer.
Honestly, all of the meta skills - PF, GC, Icicle, Pyro and BL are all good imo, mines are OP in general.

Speaking of that... I've switched from Arc Mines this league, and while I am immensely enjoying the ability to shatter everything (I've lost count how many times I died to Porcupines with Arc because Acrobatics is a meme instead of a proper layer of defense), my subjective perceived feeling is: Icicle clears miles worse with Arc. I also had way worse gear with Arc, I have 6Ls of Arc and Pyro both, yet bosses died from Pyro about 3 times longer than now with Icicle - imagine how bad the gear was, no jewels, nothing but Tremor Rod, crappy resist/life rares everywhere...

And still, Arc cleared better (on perceived level). It mostly comes down to the fact that Icicle just misses everything. When I saw a pack of enemies in some room with arc, I just threw a mine there and went on my business - everything will be dead. With Icicle, it's especially painful with Legion Obelisks (I 'fully' clear them before the timer runs out in like 1 case out of 20 at most), also clearing the 100% bar in Incursions, clearing the Oba's Cursed Trove levels also feels way worse with Icicle than with Arc.

When I said that to a friend, he said that perhaps I am simply too used to Arc and playing it a bit wrong - I'm used to jump forward and throw mines at my feet instead of directly close to the enemy packs; also, I am extremely used to chains. Perhaps I just try going with Awakened Chain instead of Pierce - simply to test whether my subjective pain would go away this way?
sfletch754 เขียน:
BeerLeague เขียน:

It does depend on the gem level itself, but awakened added cold is much worse in most setups than cold pen or inspiration. for some setups it is also worse than empower.

Remember that PoB is not accurate in its mob resists at the moment as well.

1) POB: what exactly is the issue? (and is there a place where one can see current POB issues?) I'm checking Shaper/Guardian, which says: +50% ele res. If I remove all ele pen from the build, and switch from "None" to "Shaper/Guardian", the damage decreases by ~50%.

2) Empower: let's say you have lv21 icicle and +2 from elsewhere. Added cold gives +1 which makes lv24. Added cold also gives 227-341 flat. Swapping a lv4 Empower would add 2 gem levels, granting only 164-245 flat. Independent of PoB, it's just worse... you need a lv 5 Empower to beat Awakened Added Cold lv5.

Sorry, not trying to be annoying... just want to make sure I understand! Don't want to be wasting currency on min-maxing in the wrong direction.

For 1: Not that I am aware of, but it is not factoring in the increased resists. I've tested on standard w/ all kinds of different gear, it is certainly not working as intended. You can test it yourself pretty easily on a big HP target like shaper. PEN is much more valuable than it looks in PoB atm. This is why ele weakness and -res isnt great, as nearly everything is overcapped and they subtract nothing.

For 2: The damage coefficient of icicle isnt 100%, and the damage scaling per level isnt flat. With that said, it is better than empower 4, but should equal about the same as inspiration, perhaps around 10% more depending on setup. If you are using it in a gem swap setup to replace pierce, that works, but you would prefer awakened ele focus as that is the best gem for damage.
LaplaceNoMa เขียน:
Personally, I don't think you are annoying, and I would be surprised if Beer does - because him and this topic, IMO, are the best knowledge bases regarding Icicle mines on these forums, even if someone prefers to choose some different options for their variation of the build.

So if we manage to get down to the bottom of this question, it would definitely benefit everyone.

In my case (https://pastebin.com/e6yY3FzK), I have 50% Cold Pen from gear/flask, lvl25 Icicle (and eventually will get a +4 Shavs instead of +2, so it will be lvl27), and when I set target as Shaper, Awa Cold Pen still shows slightly higher numbers than Awa Added Cold. Awa Added Cold also loses to Inspiration, Emp4 and Hypothermia in that scenario.

Correct, which is why most of the advise I always give comes w/ 'it depends on setup'. The guide is a pretty general LL build, can be used for any mine setup barring PF. The tree and gear is pretty similar for all, the only real difference is going to be people gear and + levels which can make a difference in end game dps.

TBH though, it doesnt really matter. Once you have 15-20m DPS, everything just melts and adding a bit more doesnt do much.
pietoner เขียน:

I have to recolored it right can't really use the white socket with 3 blue. Sold my HH to get this.

Very nice. For pure bossing (or standard where
and the like are available) the 3rd blue is viable to go w/ Ele focus.

I'd try for the greens though as they are more generally useful. Shouldnt take more than 75-100 pulls.

Use 1 green on the bench.
LaplaceNoMa เขียน:
BeerLeague เขียน:

Clear speed wise, icicle is far better and safer.
Honestly, all of the meta skills - PF, GC, Icicle, Pyro and BL are all good imo, mines are OP in general.

Speaking of that... I've switched from Arc Mines this league, and while I am immensely enjoying the ability to shatter everything (I've lost count how many times I died to Porcupines with Arc because Acrobatics is a meme instead of a proper layer of defense), my subjective perceived feeling is: Icicle clears miles worse with Arc. I also had way worse gear with Arc, I have 6Ls of Arc and Pyro both, yet bosses died from Pyro about 3 times longer than now with Icicle - imagine how bad the gear was, no jewels, nothing but Tremor Rod, crappy resist/life rares everywhere...

And still, Arc cleared better (on perceived level). It mostly comes down to the fact that Icicle just misses everything. When I saw a pack of enemies in some room with arc, I just threw a mine there and went on my business - everything will be dead. With Icicle, it's especially painful with Legion Obelisks (I 'fully' clear them before the timer runs out in like 1 case out of 20 at most), also clearing the 100% bar in Incursions, clearing the Oba's Cursed Trove levels also feels way worse with Icicle than with Arc.

When I said that to a friend, he said that perhaps I am simply too used to Arc and playing it a bit wrong - I'm used to jump forward and throw mines at my feet instead of directly close to the enemy packs; also, I am extremely used to chains. Perhaps I just try going with Awakened Chain instead of Pierce - simply to test whether my subjective pain would go away this way?

Could be a playstyle thing, but I do agree, Arc clears better, but does not scale as well as icicle does, As the damage coefficient is even lower and the general power spike the build gets from leveled is more.

With arc you can sit back and cast, with icicle you should probably jump into packs. Should still be safer though with the freeze.

IMO the hardest scaling mine skill w/ the best all around potential is GC, its just annoying to get up and running to an acceptable level. Also plays the best w/ prism guardian.
Thx for your answer, Do you think empower is the clear choice here. For some reason I am afraid to lose pierce but with so much damage I guess it wont matter to much:) Edit: not feeling so good without Pierce even tought my dps is 140k unbuffed, but deleting the boss and Metamorhp in 2 seconds.
Maybe swaping Pierce for Cold pen for clearing is a possibility. I have 15% from Watcher eye.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย pietoner#5947 เมื่อ 22 ม.ค. 2020 21:53:39
I'm planning to start this build next, but I was wondering if Snakepit would be a decent substitute for the chain gem, removing the need to swap in Hypothermia for bosses? Just not sure if the clear would feel good enough with only one chain instead of two.
pietoner เขียน:
Thx for your answer, Do you think empower is the clear choice here. For some reason I am afraid to lose pierce but with so much damage I guess it wont matter to much:) Edit: not feeling so good without Pierce even tought my dps is 140k unbuffed, but deleting the boss and Metamorhp in 2 seconds.
Maybe swaping Pierce for Cold pen for clearing is a possibility. I have 15% from Watcher eye.

So, 100% you will need pierce to clear.

Depending on gear, the best setup should be:

Icicle, trap and mine, swift, controlled destruction, cold pen, and pierce that get swapped out for hypo or inspiration or empower or ele focus or awakened cold.
Shadowbane92 เขียน:
I'm planning to start this build next, but I was wondering if Snakepit would be a decent substitute for the chain gem, removing the need to swap in Hypothermia for bosses? Just not sure if the clear would feel good enough with only one chain instead of two.

Not really. You honestly don’t need to switch, but switching on end game bosses does help. Pierce is much better than chain also imo, but it is personal preference.



