[3.11] Aquarism's Ice Shot [All Content]

You can get curse Setup with gems
like frost bomb with curse on hit?
Assassin's Mark with curse in hit
frost bomb to proc the curse on hit assassins mark is what i meant
you don't need the mark of elder ring right away, just adding the assassins mark ring was a huge boost for me.
alright thanks, ill add that one in and see how it goes!
]Is there anything too wrong with my gear, besides gem level?
Because I feel like I'm doing a lot less single target damage than I should with what I have.


No additional Arrow on quiver
My build so far: https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/cassiemeow/characters. Combined Aquarism and Stotth (dude on page 69) builds.

No way I could do Conquerors with this, maps are fine... as long as some kind of magic ball wont bounce against me and burst me to death with 0.1 second or I don't get hit at all.

Currently at 4.8k life.

Ideas what to do next?
I'd like a better amulet with Constitution anointment. I think it would be useless to anoint the current amulet?

I think I have all the core stuff for the build except the amulet anointment?

As for other changes to the build they seem to be minimal? Just more life, more res and whatsoever little changes...
Get rare Gloves...



