[3.21] ShakCentral's Cold DoT Elementalist For Everyone

Ah thats my bad actually. Ele focus just make the skill not chilling ON HIT not the ground that leaves dot. Ignore what I said on that part. I checked your PoB your vortex dmg is kinda low even on a 5L.

The thing with Wintertide is if you want to get the most of it, you need some brand durations so the brand lasts enough to reach 20 stages to do a lot of damage. You might not have enough duration on your brand to be fully use it.

Im not using Wintertide so dont trust my word completely. Better wait for someone that knows more explain
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย TsunaH#3575 เมื่อ 28 มิ.ย. 2020 07:46:41
Even on all magic gear without jewels equipped, Shak has higher dmg than I do. That's why I think something HAS to be off, but I have looked all over and compared again and again, I can't figure it out.
I have added fire damage to spells on my wand. However that shouldn't be it, as it's not added cold damage, right? Enemies are pretty much vulnerable to cold all the time.

Edit: I see now, why it showed up that way in Shak's PoB. It was because all the gems were enabled, even the LL setup. When disabling those, the damage is pretty similar.
Then I'm even more confused, because for me, 350k-400k PoB DoT Damage feels awful ingame.

I guess a helmet upgrade for a 5 or 6L Wintertide is what's needed now.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย pheeeL#5305 เมื่อ 28 มิ.ย. 2020 08:04:19
I am doing zDPS vs bosses and some tough elites with this build. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong aside from not having a super great wand.
ArisFuser เขียน:
Hello fellow Occultists. Wonderful guide here. I have been trying to find a helmet that allows me to have better QoL than Mind Gaze. All POB tests show that even a 7 exalted Shaper Hubris helmet pales in comparison DPS Wise for a marginal ES Gain. Almost same happens with Bated Breath belt. Tons of ex investment for almost no gain. What am I missing here?

Ed. Also, Enduring Cry with Zealoths Oath, to me, must be the best gem introduced in 3.11. Massive ES Regen on demand+Phys Red.

Ed2.Noobie one: I can´t make POB show any DPS increase with EE, with Orb of Storms triggered by Wand along with Frost Bomb. Do I need non cold flat damage anywhere in my gear to proc it?

Rime gaze is great but I hate it's 50% reduced recharge rate. On a budget it's op. Bated Breath is simply best in slot if your aim is pure ES. A perfectly rolled one simply can't be beat. However, a massive crystal belt comes with resists and utilities like reduced cooldown and such, for a price

Enduring cry is my new best friend. Enduring cry - second wind - dash.

For PoB, in Configuration tick "Enemy was hit by lightning damage" and "Ignore skill hit damage" in the bottom right.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย roselan#6478 เมื่อ 28 มิ.ย. 2020 09:56:40

Finally managed to drop a frostbite ring allowing me to drop blasphemy and use malevolence for more damage

Picked up Zealoth Oath with Enduring cry linked to second wind. Perma End charges and really good regen.
For PoB, in Configuration tick "Enemy was hit by lightning damage" and "Ignore skill hit damage" in the bottom right.
Yes, figured it eventually, thank you. Those two ticks alone helped put my Vortex DPS to 3.5M, so bossing is looking great.
Great build and I'm currently working on switching from CI to LL.

One thing I couldn't find is, what about amu annoint? I allocated deflection for now to get some more survivability, but what's the best overall option for that?
Hello Shak and Thanks for the guide dude is awesome!

I wanted yo now if you could help me improve my current set up, i feel very squishy even tho my resists are capped,im trying to go CI but i dont know what should i upgrade next?

Also my tree is looking awful
Might be worth redoing it or should i respec all my HP nodes into ES nodes?

Thanks For the help, any tips gratly appreaciated!
ookazzi เขียน:
Also my tree is looking awful
Might be worth redoing it or should i respec all my HP nodes into ES nodes?

Set up the CI tree in PoB and see how much ES you're going to have with your current gear, with the life nodes switched to ES. It'll probably be a pretty pleasing bump.
ookazzi เขียน:
i feel very squishy even tho my resists are capped,im trying to go CI but i dont know what should i upgrade next?

Fix your wand. The chaos damage affixes are entirely useless for this build, so your damage output is poor. You're looking for (ideally) increased cold dot multi, but +1 cold gems and increased spell damage are good, too. (Make you don't get "added cold damage to spells" because it will nerf your EE).

The only time this build does chaos damage is when you're ascended into Profane Bloom and corpses are popping--none of the core skills deal chaos.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย GERWARIC#7694 เมื่อ 28 มิ.ย. 2020 22:10:33



