[3.21] ShakCentral's Cold DoT Elementalist For Everyone

ArisFuser เขียน:
I was wondering, using Empower 4 instead of Hypothermia in 6L is giving me the highest DPS for Vortex and Efficacy instead of Bonechill higher for Vaal Cold Snap. Any ideas?

Hey Aris nice to see you around ! i was following your build during summoner OP league :D

re your question
vortex is now pure 6L and vaal CS as 5L with Hypothermia helm.
my best bet is trying the POB manually to see how much damage u get, i think empower should outclass the weakest gem in the 6 link i.e. swift affliction but you can probably play around if you find it better do share !
Really hate Maven as a boss and its mechanics! pls give us something cool like Elder/Shaper
Enduring Cry+Zealoths Oath. Use it. Love it. Phys Red and ES Instant Recovery with great cooldown on demand.
Have people been having success with this for delving? I'd like to get a fossil farmer going and I'm wondering if this would be a good option.
I think I can easily take it to 600, probably even 800-900. Beyond that you need a Titanium Shield with Recovery on Block and many defensive Spell block nodes taken.
ArisFuser เขียน:
I was wondering, using Empower 4 instead of Hypothermia in 6L is giving me the highest DPS for Vortex and Efficacy instead of Bonechill higher for Vaal Cold Snap. Any ideas?

Bonechill is in Cold Snap to have it improve Vortex damage, by up to 60% increased cold damage taken (30+30, I believe PoB doesn't calculate the increase part from chill effect).

Empower 4 and Hypothermia are pretty close to each other in damage, with Hypothermia of course being cheaper.
ArisFuser เขียน:
I think I can easily take it to 600, probably even 800-900. Beyond that you need a Titanium Shield with Recovery on Block and many defensive Spell block nodes taken.

Thats pretty deep! I've not really played a CI character in delve so forgive my stupid question, but how does it deal with the darkness damage? Can you regen ES while that's happening? I don't really want to do full darkness farming but I want to feel safe while going to offshoots if that makes sense.
You can use Arcane Vision in the tree for massive Light Radius, then spend all in Darkness resistance.
Has anyone tried the new Abhorrent Interrogation gloves? They're only a few chaos, but seems like a good damage multiplier. Bit of a loss of a defensive slot though.

Edit: I'm dumb. It only increases elemental damage from HITS per wither.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Distrakshun55#6486 เมื่อ 4 ก.ค. 2020 13:32:14
im going back through the guide now that you have been updating it and im guessing we dont use wintertide or tempest shield anymore?
Hello, have been playing this build since the season started, after a rough early (respecing like 60pts), everything is great.

I've just looted bottled faith, I wonder if that's a goot fit in the vortex CI without Zealot's oath.



