[3.21] ShakCentral's Cold DoT Elementalist For Everyone
" As usual, Don is correct. It's not a bad flask in any respect. It's simply taking the better of 2 good things. Our absolute #1 issue is physical damage, and a Basalt flask gives us reduction and a spot to put an immunity or "of Iron Skin". Cold DoT For Everyone: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2661120
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bitter... spent 2 ex to realize, that it is worse then bated breath...
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย ogli#5853 เมื่อ 30 พ.ค. 2021 12:04:22
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Hi Shak,
Thanks for this awesome guide. I've been having an issue with the leveling & ossuary item filter. Line 2184: Invalid sound filepath "RegularJewel.mp3". I'm following it from the forums and was wondering if anyone else is getting this issue. Or if this is just on my end and I need to fix something. |
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" You should of gone with Crusader instead. The shaper mod is indeed very disappointing when using Shav's since its technically low ES compared to a rare Armor This belt give me 1.5k ES and I posted a guide how to make this belt on Shaks discord แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย donbrawler#1981 เมื่อ 30 พ.ค. 2021 17:52:40
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Hey all,
had a late League Start and couldn't decide what to play, so i am not really far in the league progress. In the end i got stuck on that build and managed to get to lvl 88 so far. I was never that much of an endgame player, but try to push it a bit more this league. Right now i feel being stuck at yellow maps. Getting killed quite a lot on tier 10 maps. I have to say this is my first CI char too. My ES ist at 9,8k and i am just not sure what to improve now... Also the last Lab is missing because i just can't find the damn last Trial i still need. Can anyone have a look at my char and maybe help me out a bit by telling what to go for next, or what stupid mistakes i made gear and skilltree wise. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance! |
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" I didn't look at your tree, but looking at your gear you've got the bases for CI covered. In terms of skill gems you are missing the the curse setup with hextouch and storm brand. Regarding the lab trials you could check the global channel /820, they usually post trials to share. Someone more qualified will surely come and help you better. |
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@razhiel - Few things I noticed.
- You are running Zealots Oath, but do not have vitality in your gem setup - big loss of ES regen - You should try and get Faster start of ES recharge on your rings, you can craft them up to 15% each from veiled mods - Your boots and gloves are not qualitied. Also, your boots could have alot more ES on them, maybe look for a pair with around 180 or so - You are running Zealots Oath and Wicked Ward, if you are running Zealots and Vitality gem, take off Wicked Ward - Your quicksilver flask could have another mod - maybe remove curses or something useful - If you get a jewel with "Corrupted Blood Cannot be Inflicted on you" which will again free up a slot on your Basalt flask for some kind for immunity (check Shak's guide for something useful) Hope that helps แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย l33tsmurf#3173 เมื่อ 31 พ.ค. 2021 18:51:26
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WHat about Circling Oblivion. Got it on my Clster with Brush of dead...
I think it is great, because it would only cost 1 Skill point to achieve... Circling Oblivion notable: 25% increased Damage over Time 25% increased Duration of Ailments on Enemies Or am I wrong? | |
" Alright well, when everything I touch dies instantly I have a hard time understanding how more DPS will stop me from getting one shot. The issue as I see it is a lack of true defensive layers that cause damage reduction, as well as the area that we cause damage being so limited which creates more opportunity for ranged mobs to land hits on you. That said, I did basically everything you suggested, and I'm now sitting at 10,500 ES as well. All my criticisms remain... The fact that one of the very first things stated in this build guide is that it's defensive and capable of taking on end-game bosses feels completely dishonest to me. I'm like 50 exalts in and I'm still bloody dying in Tier 15 maps with mediocre modifiers... End game bosses? Yeah, whatever-- if they even look at me the wrong way I die. Vortex as a build offers, from my perspective, absolutely nothing other than pure damage when it comes to boss fights. "A little hint some of us never ran t16 maps with the level of your gear and such low dps." Frankly, there are numerous builds that require hardly any investment to clear T16 maps... I was sitting on probably 20 exalt investment at the time you responded there. If twenty exalts doesn't allow you to run T16 maps, that's a glaring issue with your build... "This is a league starter build at the core" Yeah man, this is an OK league starter. Not sure why anyone promotes pushing it further than that though. Or why one of the very first descriptions of it in the build guide is that it's a defensive end game boss killer. It's just not very good for end game content. It's not a speed clearer and it struggles with bosses. Typically builds excel at one or the other. Vortex seems to just struggle with either. But yeah, that's really all my point in posting here is. It shouldn't be advertised the way it is. It is not a defensive end game boss killer. Period. Maybe it was better in previous leagues, I can't speak to that. I'm just speaking to roughly 300 hours I've put into it this league. I was motivated to write this after I died twice in a ten minute span doing two different low percentage Tier:15 maps for Awakening completion. The map modifiers weren't dangerous. Again, I'd have zero issue with any of this if the build wasn't advertised the way it is. I seriously just want to play a defensive build so that I can learn the end game content. Something that, you know, can absorb AT LEAST ONE HIT. If your build cannot absorb AT LEAST ONE HIT then it isn't "defensive". If it's "defensive" because you dodge around and avoid hits because you know all of the game content personally, that's not your build being defensive, that's your personal game knowledge stopping you from countless deaths. Game knowledge that you likely gained playing a more defensive build while the game was less convoluted. |
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I can't share nor Dons and nor Defiants oppinion.
I'am level 92 and invested less then 30ex. My Gear is worse then urs, Defiant I thing. And I'am doing T13 and T14 regular with no Issue no matter what map (I just don't do ele reflect and less regen). I did 5 T15 without problems but in 1 I died 3 or 4 times (with worse gear then now, about level 88 or 89 I thing). Sometimes I have to panicpush my Flasks during Ultimatums but the Rest of the time, no matter if bossing or mapping my Energy shield is always >80%-90%. And I'am far far away from beeing a Pro. Never played more then one char per league, never pushed one over level 93, beeing a full-time-jobber and a Doubble-Daddy with wife. Real casual Player I would say. So for me the LL-Version is really fun, only I had probs with the CI dying a lot (ok, low level and not the best gear). greetz ogli แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย ogli#5853 เมื่อ 1 มิ.ย. 2021 08:12:43