[3.21] ShakCentral's Cold DoT Elementalist For Everyone

Really excited to play this for 3.17!

I absolutely love the wand crafting method. Really clever process to guarantee a result in a game where so much of crafting feels random.

I'm going to be playing this in SSF, so the Demon's Horn option seems unlikely... Do you think it's at all viable to farm those div cards in delve?

Also may take me a little while to accumulate the essences and 4 ex orbs for the bench crafting. In the mean time what do you think the best method is for a starter wand? Would you go after harvest cold rolls, frigid fossils, or just alt spam a level 2 wand and settle for +cold gems and a bench craft mod?

Additionally, any other mods you think are useful even if not optimal? I saw you mentioned avoiding +cold damage to spells. Is it completely useless, or just suboptimal? And does spell crit have any effect on the build?
Chubbypuppy เขียน:
I found this guy playing SSFHC winterbrands ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4CG1eT7kAFw ) and his comments say swift affliction is very bad for DPS. When I asked why, he says:

"On wintertide brand you wanna stack duration and cast speed (for stage frequency gain) as much as possible, for example - with average gear you reach 8 hits per second or 0.12 activations per second on tooltip screen, your brand attached duration is 6 second, for max DoT dps you need 20 stages (1 stage - 20% more dmg for brand), so with this numbers for max stages you need 2.4 seconds and with overall 6 seconds duration you will have 3.6 seconds of damage with full stages and "wintertide end's" debuff at the end (this debuff deals extra area cold damage over time (value copied from the removed "Wintertide" debuff) so its basically 4th brand for a 2-3 seconds). Swift affliction will reduce duration by 25% (and its not reduce its less that much worse) and lower your overall damage of a single brand (instead of 6 seconds you will have 4.5 second attached duration) and you need to recast brand often/wait again 2.4 sec for max stages, and it affect on "wintertide end's" debuff durations too. So i prefer to avoid swift affliction in WTB setups."

TLDR basically swift affliction makes the brand duration too short to reach max stacks, so a DPS loss. He also says a new brand will push off an existing brand and starts with 0 stacks, thus a DPS loss as well.

What do you think about his comments?

Shak doesn't use swift affliction for Wintertide or even suggest it in his POB. Vortex uses Swift Affliction and doesn't affect Wintertide at all.

So why is this relevant to Shaks Cold Dot?
ndrobinson เขียน:
Really excited to play this for 3.17!

I absolutely love the wand crafting method. Really clever process to guarantee a result in a game where so much of crafting feels random.

I'm going to be playing this in SSF, so the Demon's Horn option seems unlikely... Do you think it's at all viable to farm those div cards in delve?

Also may take me a little while to accumulate the essences and 4 ex orbs for the bench crafting. In the mean time what do you think the best method is for a starter wand? Would you go after harvest cold rolls, frigid fossils, or just alt spam a level 2 wand and settle for +cold gems and a bench craft mod?

Additionally, any other mods you think are useful even if not optimal? I saw you mentioned avoiding +cold damage to spells. Is it completely useless, or just suboptimal? And does spell crit have any effect on the build?

Hi, without any other means, the best way (and possibly cheapest) to make a good Cold DOT weapon is to spam Cold More Common harvest craft on a good base (high level is better). You can usually get a decent weapon within 10-20 tries. It’s good for early league and SSF. At later stage in trade league, I’d snipe for wand/sceptre with high Cold DOT multi fractured mod, alt spam for +1 Spell/Cold then finish with multi craft.

As for avoiding “+Cold Dmg to spell”, it’s outdated. It was necessary before when this build use Elemental Equilibrium. Now I’d even try to get +Cold DMG to spell to scale the hit dmg. Cheers!
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย hadc#4222 เมื่อ 20 ม.ค. 2022 21:28:36
hadc เขียน:

As for avoiding “+Cold Dmg to spell”, it’s outdated. It was necessary before when this build use Elemental Equilibrium. Now I’d even try to get +Cold DMG to spell to scale the hit dmg. Cheers!

So, are you saying that "+Cold Dmg to spell" is an outdated admonition given that we no longer have EE? In other words, it might be OK to take if there are no other options at the time? You said +Cold Dmg to spell would scale the HIT damage, does it not affect the DoT?

This is only my third character, cyclone and toxic rain being the others, and I have just gotten to Act 10 with this build and it's dropping everything like a bug zapper on a hot summer night.
Rufus_Scipio เขียน:
hadc เขียน:

As for avoiding “+Cold Dmg to spell”, it’s outdated. It was necessary before when this build use Elemental Equilibrium. Now I’d even try to get +Cold DMG to spell to scale the hit dmg. Cheers!

So, are you saying that "+Cold Dmg to spell" is an outdated admonition given that we no longer have EE? In other words, it might be OK to take if there are no other options at the time? You said +Cold Dmg to spell would scale the HIT damage, does it not affect the DoT?

This is only my third character, cyclone and toxic rain being the others, and I have just gotten to Act 10 with this build and it's dropping everything like a bug zapper on a hot summer night.

Yes, it's now close to impossible for Occultist to get EE and they also nerf it so it doesn't make sense anymore so feel free to take +cold dmg to spell.

As for the question on whether it scales DOT, I remembered it doesn't scale DOT but I couldn't be sure anymore so I did a quick experiment on POB with my current SSF character (pardon the low DPS). I've pasted the result below. What I did was create custom item in POB with only 1 mod (on 42% opal wand) and see how it compares to a normal 42% opal wand. I've sorted them in descending total DPS. So as you can see, add cold dmg to spell scales hit but not DOT. I thought add x to y cold dmg will scale hit as well but looks like it only work for attacks. Cheers! Oh I killed A8 Sirus in SSF, spent around 25-30 hours of relaxing game time.

แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย hadc#4222 เมื่อ 23 ม.ค. 2022 23:25:23
Looks like the only change in cold dot in 3.17 is increased cast speed which should make WTB gearing easier.
Btw, Hall of Grandmasters with CI WTB is pretty easy. I did it two times this week just for fun and there was only one time when they dipped my ES into the lower half.

Edit: hadc great job! Thank you so much for all the info
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Maniollo6#6394 เมื่อ 25 ม.ค. 2022 11:00:56
Hi, big fan of the guide. Looked really neat to try for my 3.17 league start, I'v been messing around in scourge practicing the leveling and keep running into needing str/dex requirements for our gems. I see the leveling tree has us grab the two 30 nodes but thats still not much in the grand scheme lol.

Am I just meant to hard focus on rolling attributes on gear while leveling?

Otherwise the guides been amazing, steam rolling through with almost 0 issues!
hi, i'm new to PoE and want to use the leveling filter for this. but i have no idea what "folder" to copy the custom mp3 files into. the only folder i see is

C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\My Games\Path of Exile\OnlineFilters

i put the files into the online filters folder and i just get "line 2038 invalid sound filepath 5link.mp3

i'm superrr confused.
ndrobinson เขียน:
I'm going to be playing this in SSF, so the Demon's Horn option seems unlikely... Do you think it's at all viable to farm those div cards in delve?

They are quite common outcome from stacked decks and they drop from delve chests too. Dunno when i removed it from filter, but i had about 5-6 more sets in that pile a month ago.
"Path of Exile's engine is currently modern, lean and fast." - Chris Wilson, September 19th, 2019
toize เขียน:
hi, i'm new to PoE and want to use the leveling filter for this. but i have no idea what "folder" to copy the custom mp3 files into. the only folder i see is

C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\My Games\Path of Exile\OnlineFilters

i put the files into the online filters folder and i just get "line 2038 invalid sound filepath 5link.mp3

i'm superrr confused.

You have to extract that zip file one folder higher. It's counter-intuitive. Put the sound files in C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\My Games\Path of Exile



