[3.11] Bashtart's HERALD OF PURITY GUARDIAN: cheap starter & endgame boss farmer with insane dps!
aurelaureel เขียน:
Hey thanks for fast answere, nope i don't play SSF, i just liked the helmet & throught it will be ez to get the enchant on lab ^^
IT IS NOT, but i got 2 Exalted in 20 run (with Twice enchanted & Unbearable Whispers V so i have the inya's key & sell it back)
So i must say the lab is pretty worth & train my aim to map, also i'v started the game 1 mounth's ago, with your build ! Was a very good enter in mater =)
So u didn't answere the first part, how can i upgrade my build now ??
I'v seen Holy relic does some dmg too, might be worth i'll try it !!
If you are still asking this only the Holy relic can't taunt others mobs i read, but your others minions still can taunt, (HR can't taunt cause it's a nova spell launched)
+ Any advice / recomandation for lvl 100 tree ?
+ Blood and sand has to be run in blood stance right ? Do you swap in certain circonstance ?
Thanks again <3
Your gear is pretty decent... so maybe you can get better jewels, or things like +1 to all phy. skill amulett, + to sockted skill gems and small things like that.
I've been playing the build for around 24 hrs playtime in SSF and I think im starting to get some decent gear, but I'm really struggling around t16 maps and metamorphs.
Im trying to chance/find a coming calamity but have had no luck so far. Anyone got any suggestions?
Hi all, and thanks @bashtart for the nice guide.
I've been doing averything easily with it since I got bored of my starter (Bane Occultist), and it feels one of the most facerolling builds I've ever played: 34/40 Challenges with 5 more easily achievable, depth 300+, Elder/Shaper/UberElder/UberAtziri/Mastermind/Metamorphs all at AL8 with close to no problems (excluding lag spikes/freezes from blood stance poor performance and connection being garbage).
I changed a few things in the gear
dropping the Proxy spectres (they died too often) for War Banner and a nice pair of HotHT instead of the Shaped gloves. With all the +lvl to gems from CIP, Amulet and Corruptions from body armour and gloves I end up running sweet gems like 31/20 HoP, 33/20 Pride, 32/20 War Banner, 27 and 28 golems with a few more gem levels available with corruption, although the damage is already enough to instantly phase Sirus, Shaper and all those slow buddies.
My next goals will be some kind of upgrade to the belt and helmet slots, get my Awakened gems to max lvl, and sniping some better abyss jewels. And maybe a +2duration/+1socketed double corruption on the chest piece.
Feel free to point out anything I might have missed in term of possible gear upgrades!
Hi all, and thanks @bashtart for the nice guide.
I've been doing averything easily with it since I got bored of my starter (Bane Occultist), and it feels one of the most facerolling builds I've ever played: 34/40 Challenges with 5 more easily achievable, depth 300+, Elder/Shaper/UberElder/UberAtziri/Mastermind/Metamorphs all at AL8 with close to no problems (excluding lag spikes/freezes from blood stance poor performance and connection being garbage).
I changed a few things in the gear
dropping the Proxy spectres (they died too often) for War Banner and a nice pair of HotHT instead of the Shaped gloves. With all the +lvl to gems from CIP, Amulet and Corruptions from body armour and gloves I end up running sweet gems like 31/20 HoP, 33/20 Pride, 32/20 War Banner, 27 and 28 golems with a few more gem levels available with corruption, although the damage is already enough to instantly phase Sirus, Shaper and all those slow buddies.
My next goals will be some kind of upgrade to the belt and helmet slots, get my Awakened gems to max lvl, and sniping some better abyss jewels. And maybe a +2duration/+1socketed double corruption on the chest piece.
Feel free to point out anything I might have missed in term of possible gear upgrades!
Hi all, and thanks @bashtart for the nice guide.
I've been doing averything easily with it since I got bored of my starter (Bane Occultist), and it feels one of the most facerolling builds I've ever played: 34/40 Challenges with 5 more easily achievable, depth 300+, Elder/Shaper/UberElder/UberAtziri/Mastermind/Metamorphs all at AL8 with close to no problems (excluding lag spikes/freezes from blood stance poor performance and connection being garbage).
I changed a few things in the gear
dropping the Proxy spectres (they died too often) for War Banner and a nice pair of HotHT instead of the Shaped gloves. With all the +lvl to gems from CIP, Amulet and Corruptions from body armour and gloves I end up running sweet gems like 31/20 HoP, 33/20 Pride, 32/20 War Banner, 27 and 28 golems with a few more gem levels available with corruption, although the damage is already enough to instantly phase Sirus, Shaper and all those slow buddies.
My next goals will be some kind of upgrade to the belt and helmet slots, get my Awakened gems to max lvl, and sniping some better abyss jewels. And maybe a +2duration/+1socketed double corruption on the chest piece.
Feel free to point out anything I might have missed in term of possible gear upgrades!
Stay sane, Exiles!
Hi, can i know how much dex & life u run with ?
I'm not logged atm, but I'm close to 6k life (5970ish) + a few hundred es. Dex is something higher than the 155 req of vaal BV. I'll post you my PoB when I'm back home.
You can also import my profile in PoB (account name: 3ntr0p14, character: WhipForDaSlave).
Thanks was just curious because i didn't see so much of it on the stuff / jewels
I run 160 ex for Vaal BV lvl 21 (require 159) & it's pretty hard to find some good jewells with dext ^^
I got now 8K hp with realy good dps, so i'm not dying anymore (happens if i yolo on 9+ mobs map) but in general pretty safe & allow to missread 1 potentialy deadly mechanics from hard bosses :)