[3.13] Power Siphon/Kinetic Blast Poison Assassin - Very fast and tanky poison wander

Rehase เขียน:
Since spellslinger leveling is dead, how would you level this build?

Slinger is most likely still best way, but now we would have to run only 3 link bladefall and max 5 link bladeblast and path to Charisma on tree
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Build updated for 3.12

- Updated tree for 3.12
- Updated leveling section and tree to reflect spellslinger nerf

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How viable would this be starting the league duoing with an aurabot? Just looking for something that will be strong enough to farm juiced maps with an aurabot duo without a huge initial investment, so that I can farm currency until we are able to do 100% delirious t15s. ty
What do you think about the alternate quality gems for this build? Do you think they'd be viable alternatives?

Kinetic Blast (especially "Projectiles Pierce 2 additional Targets")

What about Herald of Agony (especially " Grants 20% chance to Poison on Hit")
Rehase เขียน:
What do you think about the alternate quality gems for this build? Do you think they'd be viable alternatives?

Kinetic Blast (especially "Projectiles Pierce 2 additional Targets")

What about Herald of Agony (especially " Grants 20% chance to Poison on Hit")

Herald of agony not so much but both Kinetic blast +2 proj alt qual and power siphon damage multi are very very good
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Zelphar เขียน:
How viable would this be starting the league duoing with an aurabot? Just looking for something that will be strong enough to farm juiced maps with an aurabot duo without a huge initial investment, so that I can farm currency until we are able to do 100% delirious t15s. ty

Poison builds do not scale that well with aura bot, for solo its amazing on budget but with aura bot there are probably better options.
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Seeing the Poison dot Multi on alt quality Power Siphon I instantly thought of this build. Decided i will league start this build and finally try it out !
Lots of alt qualities seems to be good for this build. Looking forward to see what you think of this
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย __Alx#2563 เมื่อ 17 ก.ย. 2020 04:18:33
Getting errors trying to import from pastebin on PoB, using latest update.
__Alx เขียน:
Seeing the Poison dot Multi on alt quality Power Siphon I instantly thought of this build. Decided i will league start this build and finally try it out !
Lots of alt qualities seems to be good for this build. Looking forward to see what you think of this

Will you use the leveling guide present here or will you work something out yourself
Rehase เขียน:
Will you use the leveling guide present here or will you work something out yourself

Pretty sure Spellslinger is still the best way to level this. I'm not the best at leveling so I'll let more experienced players answer this



