[3.9](Updated) Durimon's Purifying Flame Miner, Starter, Extremely Cheap and Crazy Damage
" I really wondered when I started mapping at about 2200 EH. I'm now 88 w/about 3700, using a tabula and other SSF gear. I will admit that I have died more on this toon than any since probably my first league. On the other hand, this is easily the hardest league in forever. I decided to stick with it and assume that I could stop dying if I improved my play enough, and that's turned out to be the case. In addition to a CWDT, I have Enduring Cry plus Smoke Mine and Basalt and Jade Flasks. Using all of that very aggressively, with even more movement than I was used to, I have had no trouble with maps through tier 12 and have now done 10 watchstones. The 3rd go at Drox was a little more challenging, but it just meant I had to learn the mechanics since I couldn't one shot him. lol If the t13+ bosses get tougher, as some folks have said, I can throw in a decoy totem and a quartz flask. I also have uber points yet to go. Honestly, I don't die much at this point any more and it's always a new mechanic or a screw up on my part when I do. I haven't died to a Metamorph in forever, even t10-12, although I have not run one of the bad guys in the lab yet, so that will be a test. Playing a build like this will really improve your game if you push yourself to adapt to it and make use of its strengths. It's been a LOT of fun. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย GreyLensman#5323 เมื่อ 26 ธ.ค. 2019 21:38:19
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i finally went into the final build just the increased damage craft on ring + belt left for me
i'm at 6k ES now also for ppl in low budget like i was i managed to go red maps t16 awaken lvl 3 no problem 1 shot them all and the same for me xD i get 1 shoted with cheap investment u can go like me sacrfice hp and focus on dmg it's before 2 pages or 1 idk i posted my pob there i have 2900 hp and 1 shot everything but at the same time i get 1 shoted the trick was i get the body armor that gives +1 lvl to socketed gems and lvl 21 PF ez life i managed to hit 190k avg mine dmg in the skill tooltip ingame i 1 shot everything until t16 awaken lvl 3 it becomes more harder but by that time u already farmed enough currency to go the 4900 hp build durimon posted or save up some more and go the final build like me . the name of the body armor :skin of the lords simple robe note : it needs ur gems to be corrupted to be able to socket them it was worth it for me i was like 3700hp and struggling too mostly around t9-10 i don't remeber after i got the upgrade and sacrficed hp + 2 wands everything till t16 red maps awakend lvl 3 get 1 shoted ez also care for chaos damage the poison mobs and elderslayer that summon snakes in maps it melt u quickly so throw mines from afar and run away never get close or stand still xDD at the time when i bought my stuff didn't cost me all combined more than 1 exalt u can go cheaper if u can snipe some wands and be patient xD ---- Durimon can you try and theorycraft a build using assassin assendacy and badge of the brother hood amulet i think u might come up with some unbelievable crazy dmg build and will be expensive since the amulet price skyrocketed but i wanna know what would you come up with ? |
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any1 beated sirus with this build ?
awaken lvl 4 sirus didn't stand a chance also grand hall masters map do insta culling since i have low hp cuz of blood magic so far maps nothing changed dramatically for me a bit more survivability |
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Fairgraves Quest for minefield in act 3 ..?
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Got 2 question.
1.Is there any mechanic that involved pyre uniq ring that make we use that?if not is it ok to change it with other rare ring? 2.Is it worth to use skitterbot if we manual detonate mines?That bot takes forever to detonate so I just manual detonate it. |
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" I'm not using the Pyre ring but instead of the Circle of Anguish which buffs Herald of Ash, though I'm sure you can used a rare. Skitterbots are used to shock and chill the enemies rather than detonating I'm pretty sure. I've loved Purifying flame since it came out and this mine build has breathed some new life in to the ability for me. I've currently switching to LL build with everything in place but the wands, I'm still using a 6L tremor rod with great success, currently Awakening level 6 and still slaying everything. Even Just wondering how you're managing 8k ES with 2 wands, are you looking at extremely well rolled gear or is there something I'm missing? Like other people have mentioned jumping in to packs is instant death and on some maps you're trying to off screen certain mobs with projectile attacks, doorways are almost certain death in some scenarios. But I'm sure that's because I'm currently 5.7k ES. Is shield and wand viable without jeopardizing dps too much? |
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Why minefield? i put elemental focus and i win like 25% more dmg
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Does weapon base crit affect mines? Or wich want base would be the best to craft on?
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" Minefield lets you place up to 4 additional mines at once and increases max mines that can be Active " No, the crit is based on the gem skill for spells. Pacific (GMT -8) Time
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for me personally i regret going into the final build
i don't think i gained anything game changing for my investment sirus 1 shot my 6150 ES it was awaken lvl 4 idk about lvl 1 but i'm aiming for awaken lvl 8 and i don't think this build is worth the 11ex other things my 2900hp 190k avg mine dmg is alot quicker and 1 shot conquerors really fast with the final build takes a lil bit more time for more survivabilty although i'm still squishy i'm not really happy about the 11ex upgrade + regret orbs the final build is great for mapping and more saver but it's really easy to dodge stuff and kill before it kills you except when you take more time cuz u don't have the dmg to burst b4 it even breath his first air in the atlas xD, some t16 metamorph 1 shot me and when i were playing my glass cannon 2900hp i 1 shot it easy without a sweat or even being close to touch me what i was expecting with the upgrade is it will be as the title said but with the upgrade i should be more crazier not still squishy and nothing really changed i 1 shot mobs like b4 noting changed but bossing take a bit more i were killing conq + metamorph t16 awaken lvl 3 when the fight starts BOOF doesn't exist now 2-5 more sec to kill it the thing i'm sad about is sirus 1 shoting me xD it doesn't feel right for me with the upgrade i did maybe i'm doing something wrong or maybe the build can't handle sirus or me the player suc but op didn't upload sirus kill so please someone enlighten me show me da wae |
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