[3.11] Devon's Arcing Cyclone | Assassin | Most content Viable

ALonardo เขียน:
I am looking to play this build but i dont see a section for passive tree to follow as leveling. can you put one up

It is inside the PoB pastebin.
"Let your smile change the world, but don't let the world change your smile." -unknown
"The Emperor beckons and the world attends." -Izaro
"Shine boldly so that all may find you when the night falls." -Izaro
how is the speed of the build? Watching the videos it looks painfully slow

Nevzat เขียน:
how is the speed of the build? Watching the videos it looks painfully slow


The speed of the build is great. Search for another build, thanks.
"Let your smile change the world, but don't let the world change your smile." -unknown
"The Emperor beckons and the world attends." -Izaro
"Shine boldly so that all may find you when the night falls." -Izaro
devon752 เขียน:
timmi07 เขียน:
I'm having the same problem at lv84, feels like my leech is super low, and I have to pop Vaal Discipline to keep my ES up.

Also on that note, its a very fun build to play, pack clear speed is really quick but my boss damage seems a bit low especially for higher tier yellow maps or low red maps. Especially the metamorphs.

Any ideas @Devon?

Can't really help without checking your char/pob.
For the leech part, it's harder to get ES leech for some reason, the same values that you would have on your attack builds (0.4%) is more or less halved on ES leech builds (in this case, we have 0.5%). And if you check the ES leeched per second it does say close to 700 ES leeched per second. This difference is really noticeable if you've been playing attack builds.
I have an active attack char that I'm building atm and his 0.4% leech gives him straight up 1400 life leech. So I'm positive that the ES leech is inherently weaker.
If you want to try you can take the 2 nodes before
Light eater, according to PoB, it provides an additional 150 ES leech.

As for the damage. The damage is more than enough if you've followed the build and got to at least 200k average hit on Arc in PoB. And the metamorphs are another thing. I see people mentioning that a lot. Metamorphs have their HP values from ranges of 1mil to stuff like 100mil. It's unrealistic to expect that every single one will melt. Furthermore, the T16 maps make it so that boss HP values are equal to Shaper Guardians. Once you combine a T16 boss and add some extra life values from the organs, maybe some life regen (not to mention the map mods themselves) you're gonna have a bad time. I've been doing metamorphs a lot and what you need to watch out is how you build them. I've also died to one shots, even with 9100 ES. I've also melted them and I've also had a hard time killing some. You've seen streamers die to them A LOT. It's not because the builds are trash, it's because they are overtuned.

TL;DR ES leech is weaker than Life leech. If you get to the damage values that I have you shouldn't have any problems with most Metamorphs.

Loozka เขียน:
Hey bud,

i'm new to the whole ES thing and i just can't seem to leech ES. I don't know if that is normal, but it's tilting me alot :D.

Whenever my ES get's low from a single hit i keep on spinning and i don't leech at all. Everytime i have to run away and wait for the recharge to start.

I read that my damage might just suck and that's the reason why, so i tried speccing into every ES leech i could find and it still does nothing.

What am i misunderstanding here? Thanks.

Read what I've written in this post as a response to somebody else. Also, you shouldn't be relying on your leech, that's just a nice bonus. Rely on your vaal discipline and wicked ward.

This is likely due to Wicked Ward. 50% less Maximum total recovery per second from Energy Shield leech.

Going to try this out...have a 5L shav's and working on a few other pieces first.

I don't think I'd turn down an ES on hit Discipline Watcher's Eye if it just came along for this. Not as many hits as ball lightning but lots of chains in packs and hits from cyclone.
This build feels really great, good speed good single target dps good clear. I did all content but sirius (5% hp 2 times lmao) and uelder. Also farmed this beauty in 4 days
. Thanks for the build !
What level does this start to 'shine'?
As soon as u get good crit chance it feels good
I'm at 32% chance in combat its 62% with 271 multiplier.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Morpheus666#5660 เมื่อ 30 ธ.ค. 2019 23:12:18
Morpheus666 เขียน:
I'm at 32% chance in combat its 62% with 271 multiplier.

After you get deadly infusion from Cruel lab and you equip the recommended uniques widowmaker + lycosidae.
"Let your smile change the world, but don't let the world change your smile." -unknown
"The Emperor beckons and the world attends." -Izaro
"Shine boldly so that all may find you when the night falls." -Izaro
How control mana ?



