[3.12] Hasunic's Toxic Rain / Caustic Arrow Trickster | Leaguestarter | Ailment Immunity | SSF

mschultz32 เขียน:
Is witchfire brew old news? I'm not seeing it on the various PoBs. I know we get the despair in other means, but is the damage not worth it over say a granite flask?
Eh, using a granite on low armor build after vaal molten shell nerf doesn't do much. Jade or basalt probably could do more. However I don't think witchfire is crap, it combines stibnite and sulfur (40% damage) effect in one. Even if you don't always proc the curse it's not a wasted slot.

Sexyme เขียน:
I was looking forward building this but with all the nerfs I'm very hesitant. I will play 3.11 and not SSF (just normal).
Do you think this is still worth it or do you have any other recommendations? I only played impale cyclone champion last league.
This will be my second build.
All builds got nerfed, except maybe volatile dead necro (and one of the version of them still got hit by the nerfs to herald of ash rings giving smaller reservation bonus and smaller herald effect).

For example if we take impale cyclone, first they cut the node that gave 1 extra impale (deep cuts), second they nerfed dual wielding (if you were going something like paradoxica + saviour), then they changed herald of purity (mostly affects facebreaker, not sure about hollow palm, but generally it benefits 2h more than dual wield, and ofc the herald of purity rings got nerfed too), and finally they nerfed starforge. Oh, they also nerfed all the crit multi for those who didn't play Resolute Technique.

So yes, it's not like this build was nerfed more than others, it was actually nerfed less. Archmage got completely dumpstered and crit builds got nearly every crit / crit multi nodes nerfed. Not to mention dual wield nerf for melee.

Hasunic เขียน:
If it doesn't cancel itself, it's definently worth it. I 100% assumed it would cancel itself.
It doesn't, I'm pretty sure Assassin version doesn't either even though I never played Assassin.

It's only withering step, wiki says "Using any skill ends Withering Step's effects and removes all buffs." https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Withering_Step (All buffs I understand as elusive, phasing and the apply wither stacks to mobs "buffs", it doesn't remove external buffs ofc.)

Which is sadly true, I heard Assassins were using cdwt withering step to "reset" elusive to full power, then it gets removed but they insta reproc it from attacking, I tried that but I disliked it a lot, I prefer the gradual drop off than having to rush to reproc it.
I Dropped brew in favour of quartz flasks and it is so much better since now I have extra protection in flask sufix and phasing. It helps to move trough enemies while arrows are on the way(my main skill is TR).

I also don't see a need to have jade flask and brew, and if I achieve aliment immunity(I have no idea how right now) I think I can find better use for that flask slot.

I check out which changes esoro did on his build and he mentioned that he is now anointing Exceptional Performance(25% increased skill duration) and I think that is super powerful now. What you guys think ?

Should I farm at the league start for a tabula or should I farm for the 22 div cards? What do you guys think is better and has more impact?
I think the 6L bow would be better, since u can simply gemswap TR/ CA for early mapping and get whatever chest/ stats you need or simply buy the tabula later on.
morfer เขียน:
Should I farm at the league start for a tabula or should I farm for the 22 div cards? What do you guys think is better and has more impact?
I think the 6L bow would be better, since u can simply gemswap TR/ CA for early mapping and get whatever chest/ stats you need or simply buy the tabula later on.

If you kinda rush at start I suggest to make a live trade filter with corrupted 6-links from vaal areas. Last league I got my 6-link at like 4.00 AM for around 10c. This corrupted 6 links are always better then tabula bcs of the stats. Just look that you buy one with the right socket colors ;)

/Edit: Maybe it was 20c. I had luck and found one 6-link by myself with wrong colors and sold it for kinda the same price
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย SimplymeJP89#0327 เมื่อ 18 มิ.ย. 2020 07:03:15
Yeah was thinking about smth like that, since TR/ CA is a pretty quick leaguestarter and it would be bad to waste the headsup in BA.

So better of farming div card for the bow and buying cheap corrupted 6L.
In everyone's experience and seeing the new map pool, is it better to farm porcupines or imperial legacys day 1?

(i don't believe in farming aqueduct/foothills non stop so my plan was to farm some map that can drop a few and buy the rest)
No need to farm anything in trade league.
[3.9]Hasunic's Toxic Rain Trickster: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2712106
[3.7]Voidforge Flicker Strike Slayer: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2532214
[3.7]Oni-Goroshi Fire Vaal Reave Zerker: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2583978
morfer เขียน:
Should I farm at the league start for a tabula or should I farm for the 22 div cards? What do you guys think is better and has more impact?
I think the 6L bow would be better, since u can simply gemswap TR/ CA for early mapping and get whatever chest/ stats you need or simply buy the tabula later on.

Never farm tabula. Farming tabula made sense pre div card nerf. If you were playing casually it was viable to farm since you could have farmed it in an hour max. Now it takes like 3-4 hours it is just not worth in any scenario.

At least that is my opinion.

Don't gem swap it is going to be annoying since it is not matter of changing 1 gem also your build might not be optimised for CA or TR.

I think you need to pick TR or CA as you main skill and optimise your build for it and then use other as supplement. TR is going to feel bad if you don't use bow with good base attack speed and if you don't get some attack speed on tree from stuff like Master Fletcher.

In trade league just get silverbrench and 5link it, that will set you up to map like a boss and get currency then craft double dot multi bow with +1 +2(thicket if you also use TR)

First of all, thank you so much for the guide. Greatly enjoyed my test run through the story, and will pick this up for 3.11.

One question though, coming from someone who's never used more than 1 movement skill before; is your setup comfortable for flame dash, withering step and smoke mine + detonation - all of them together? If so, what hotkeys do you actually use for each? My hands got confused trying to keep speedy with all of this. :P
MadCat04 เขียน:
morfer เขียน:
Should I farm at the league start for a tabula or should I farm for the 22 div cards? What do you guys think is better and has more impact?
I think the 6L bow would be better, since u can simply gemswap TR/ CA for early mapping and get whatever chest/ stats you need or simply buy the tabula later on.

Never farm tabula. Farming tabula made sense pre div card nerf. If you were playing casually it was viable to farm since you could have farmed it in an hour max. Now it takes like 3-4 hours it is just not worth in any scenario.

At least that is my opinion.

Don't gem swap it is going to be annoying since it is not matter of changing 1 gem also your build might not be optimised for CA or TR.

I think you need to pick TR or CA as you main skill and optimise your build for it and then use other as supplement. TR is going to feel bad if you don't use bow with good base attack speed and if you don't get some attack speed on tree from stuff like Master Fletcher.

In trade league just get silverbrench and 5link it, that will set you up to map like a boss and get currency then craft double dot multi bow with +1 +2(thicket if you also use TR)

Thanks for your input! So in this case I would go for CA mapping as mainlinks with 5L silverbranch and TR as support for bosses in the early stage of the league and then setting my stuff up, once I got my 6L and use both as needed/ wanted.



