[3.13 UPDATED] gr0bbs | Poison Blade Vortex | Budget Viable | Endgame 50Mil+ DPS | Video Guide
Here is where I'm at now. Absolutely annihilating everything!
So where to next hrm. The additional curse chest allows you to run corruption annoitment, but does corruption really add more than denrobate does? Could also go for tailwind boots, but those would be super pricey if also has resist and life. Maybe a hunter belt with % life? Actually I still need a better large cluster jewel with 3 notables, so maybe that. Oh and a lvl21 BV. Also some lab runs for enchants. I'm thinking the spell dodge for boots, the ice ground effect gloves? And helm lets be honest, super low chance of actually hitting anything good. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Shaddolf#0993 เมื่อ 29 มี.ค. 2020 06:29:54
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I tried to find a way to be a little more defensive, so i went with aspect of the cat instead. Plus the chest ( free aspect due to no mana reserve ) so I was also able to run with Flesh and Stone as well. ( I have the embalmer gloves was just testing something out hence the spider aspect gloves. ) Let me know if I am missing anything important. My dps from POB is around 26m from what I can tell(not sure if I calculated it properly). I know it could be alot more if I went with a Cold Iron but for now I like how it feels. Destroy all content so far but Sirus but didnt play last few leagues so I am new to fight. Any input would be nice! Also edited a gem in pob to mimic thread of hope so it says I have remaining points to spend but I only have 1. https://pastebin.com/vN5Uxj31 แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Sheldon_ballantyne#2597 เมื่อ 29 มี.ค. 2020 06:53:52
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Is it better to get a the endgame glove or start crafting cluster ?
here is my stuff
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thanks for the build. I`ll try it now.
How about getting a secound jewel cluster (upper right) instead of going for constitution (going left on your skill tree). |
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here is my gear .
built with the cluster jewel im feeling a bit low dps on boss T.T Any suggestion ? |
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If I run Flesh & Stone instead of Skitterbots, I could replace the Enlighten Gem with Unbound Ailments or Culling Strike for Herald of Agony. Or should I run Skitterbots? What do you think? แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย HorstSchlemmer87#6163 เมื่อ 29 มี.ค. 2020 09:43:17
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" Damage was already through the roof, survivability was the problem. Mistwall + jade flask allows me to roflstomp 100% delirious maps, while before I would be oneshotted all the time one 3 delirium orbs. Feels great. No athenath tho, just explody chest. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย PahanoKKK#5183 เมื่อ 29 มี.ค. 2020 10:30:15
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" That is great! Thanks. I did not realize there was a Watcher's eye variant with an antivenom like stat. That does give us more flexibility. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย AndyLovesHisBge#5265 เมื่อ 29 มี.ค. 2020 10:44:57
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If you have Sporeguard, but not Asenath yet, do you guys still need Bino's?
I am unsure if the explosion from Sporeguard were good enough to help clear speed or if you still needed Bino's |
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" I received this answer when I asked this question on reddit. I did not understand that the poison spread with the physical damage. That is the key to why this works: ====== As an assassin you get 100% chance to poison (herald + ascendancy), so 3% of monster life poisons everyone around it (for 20% of the hit per second for 2 seconds baseline). Now, this poison is pretty insignificant, right? Then you add assassin's "gain 20% phys as chaos against poisoned enemies", so explosion counts as 3.6% life causing 20% poison for 2 sec, or 0.72% life/sec for 2 sec. How much poison damage, duration, damage over time and chaos damage over time you have? should be around 400% increased poison damage, double duration (coralito flask +malevolence), ~60% dot multiplier -> (0.72 * 5 [100% base + 400 increased] ) *1.6 (damage over time multiplier) * 1.2 (malevolence) ~ 7% monster's hp/sec. Now add despair for more damage over time and another more damage from negative chaos res.. let's say explosion would cause 8% monster hp/sec poison. Duration? 2 base * (100% base + 100% coralito+malevolence, +noxious strike 5% per poison applied recently). BV does ~10 poisons per second, when you plow through a pack it will be easily a hundred poisons applied recently for 500% duration boost = 14 second poisons *8 hp/sec = 112% monster's hp as a damage against the same monster in the same pack. Applied to EVERY monster around the dead one. Personally, I used Crusader explode chest instead of asenath gloves (more convenient), but they have the same base 3% phys damage, and clear boost was massive. The most notable application where you can see it is Metamorph - there's a huge difference before it spawns first wave of adds and after the wave dies and poisons the boss. |
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