[3.13 UPDATED] gr0bbs | Poison Blade Vortex | Budget Viable | Endgame 50Mil+ DPS | Video Guide
I don't understand your answer and no, there is no insult believe me.
Again, it seems you don't read, i also have golden rule, and i also apply poison to my self, again, we have the same parameters, and you have 4M less boss DPS and 12M less non-boss DPS on same parameters (but to be fair, you have more explode). Why are you saying i'm closer to you than you thought ? Poison you inflicted in the 4 past seconds is on ennemies, and it serves to calculate effective DPS. " I don't know what to say. I gave you numbers (I have 44M you have 32M, you dont wither totem while mapping) and screens, and right calculation method. But i think you will not get my point, so it's pointless to continue, if believes does more matter than facts, you have every cards in your hands to compare our DPS with numbers, screens, DPS calculation and other. Tweak on PoB to understand your mistakes; or don't it does not matter, others will see numbers and pob settings and will understand my point if they really are looking for the best suited version to their taste. And again, it's not a competitive game, so it does not really matter except for build optimisation and what version should be considered when mixing defence and offence. But please don't talk about other builds DPS when you don't know how to calculate it or when your results are wrong. Please if you wan't to continue this conversation, i will be pleased, but check the PoB screens, check our DPS comparaison, and try to understand what is wrong with yours, or maybe mine. (By the way, i love the LV426 Hideout too). Here is my PoB : https://pastebin.com/B3NDxBpP (Careful, it's a mess with all my trees, stuff and skills, it is configured on Sirus DPS but you need to switch to wither totem in-game, with only 1 frenzy charge and 1 endurance charge, do not take it as a build showcase, if someone need explanation about different trees and more, please message me in private). You also can check my 3 clusters version if you love more DPS and some less defences. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Sephiloss#7981 เมื่อ 20 ก.ค. 2020 11:07:46
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" First, read our Noxious Strike on our ascendency again. "5% increased poison duration for each poison you applied recently". It doesn't mention "on enemies", and especially with PoE theorycrafting, wording is everything. Poisons applied to yourself via Golden Rule do count, and it's a big difference. But since we both use it, the end results are the same. However, i noticed my mistake. It's not so much about calculations, but about gear. I only have one CiP with increased DoT-corruption, you have two. That alone are ~1M DPS Difference, but that's on me, i could always buy another one to catch up. The more important thing: you got a VERY nice double corruption on your body armor, which gives +1 level to all socketed gems and another +2 to all socketed AoE gems. So your BV is another 3 level higher than mine and support gems +1. So it's not your build that does more damage than the original build... or my faulty calculations. Your corruption is the reason for that. I'm happy for you, that you got that corruption - tried to corrupt a few items myself this and the last leagues and was never that lucky (or willing to pay 50ex+ for it). But if you wanna brag about the dmg in your build, you should point out such things, since nobody will be able to copy your build and recreate the same results as you do, since that corruption is the reason for your big numbers. If i switch your corrupted dendrobate for a normal one to actually compare our gear / build, you lose 7M boss DPS. Reminding you that i was 4M lower than you, i'm now 3M higher than you. As you say - this is a single player game, so who cares who does more dmg. But if you're stating that your BUILD is better and does the same or even more damage than the original one and having better survivability at the same time, you're wrong. |
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" Ah i'm happy to read you checked and found your error. Yes the version i'm running (in my PoB it's V2) is only there because of this armour. If you don't have this armour, but wan't to use yours for exemple, switch on the level 100 clusters tree (just above the one i'm using) and you will be happy to see that this version for mid-game stuff is still beating yours (non corrupt dendro : 31M Sirus DPS) and still have more defences (or different defences may we say), and maybe make your last statement false. I was using this V1 version with a normal evasion Atziri, so nothing expensive. I have multiple trees based on what stuff you got at that time of build, you should easily understand that after having this armour with such a dps boost, it was for me useless to use the 3 clusters tank dps, and i focused even more on defences (was at a stupid 40m Sirus DPS). For someone poorer or starting, you can still check the no cluster trees too, wich are awesome to my opinion when comparing to this version at budget gear. (I could switch to a second cold iron point with power charge on crit to get same DPS for cheaper, but i prefer two damage over time) You are right about ascendancies, wich make my build having even more DPS (28m Sirus DPS, 61m non-boss, it's just , but we are on the same stage here. And that's why i think learning on PoB is better than following constantly a build, it needs to be adjusted to your playstyle and your stuff at any moment. If you wan't this armour (maybe will be difficult for my roll), just snipe double corrupted but not 6L, i already saw some of them for nothing (maybe 10 ex). แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Sephiloss#7981 เมื่อ 20 ก.ค. 2020 13:10:35
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Looking for some suggestions on upgrades.
Not going to buy watcher's eye, way too expensive. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย BigarettesNBereal#4509 เมื่อ 20 ก.ค. 2020 13:00:42
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" Switch to a second Cold Iron Point since Bino's is useless to you with Asenath's and explode chest. Add Aspect of the Spider on a rare piece of gear with a free suffix. Aim to get/craft a Faster Poison/Tailwind boots. There's a lot you can do with your rare ring as well, including getting a poison damage craft, hunter mod, or spell damage. After that most likely clusters if you haven't done so yet (can't see your tree since your profile is private). Once you get Overwhelming Malice on a large you can drop your Sin's Rebirth flask. You can also get a budget Watcher's Eye for pretty cheap. A single Malevolence mod and a Precision mod can be only a few ex. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Zatheyll#5750 เมื่อ 20 ก.ค. 2020 13:55:12
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That convo between @HornedTerrorist and @Sephiloss was so weird lol. Felt full of passive aggressiveness and flexing.
Anyhow I'm still wondering on what auras to run in the endgame now. Only seen one opinion from someone else who's also in the endgame portion of the build. Is Flesh and Blood,Malevolence,Herald of Agony and dropping skitterbots the best plan? Then I can run despair/precision and aspect of spider with an enlighten 3? Not sure where I would fit in aspect on my current gear though.. |
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" Drop your crafted cold on your boots or cold/lightning on your belt, you don't need it since you're overcapped. You also have a couple free affixes on your cluster jewels that you can slam resistances if you end up wanting. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Zatheyll#5750 เมื่อ 20 ก.ค. 2020 14:20:06
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" I likely won't be resist capped once I drop the resist nodes on the tree I still have since I still need to transition about 3 points to my first cluster jewel. Believe I was 1-2 % fire resist cap off if I dropped those nodes with my current gear. If I drop some resists after dropping those nodes I'm not too sure if I'll still be at cap. Just seems really hard to fit an aspect in too, I remember asking about it like 10 pages back since I wasn't sure if it was worth/possible without spending a ton on my gear to meet all the resists (thru cluster jewels or such). |
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" Was not intended ^^. My english is still far from perfect, was a lot of misunderstanding i believe. Speaking of your build and looking at your tree, you need to make a decision. Are you focusing life and resist on your gear (you still can do some in two, but here you are loosing too much points), or on your tree. If it's on gear, you could easily upgrade it with garden and maybe focus on a second cluster node on your tree, wich will result in higher DPS. For Auras, It's up to you and what you like, Flesh and Stone is nice but this one is changeable, herald of ago and malevolence are excellent, hard to fit better here. I'm not a fan of Skitter, for me, you should replace this with what you like, aspect of the spider can be nice to H&R. For resistance, if you wan't to run any corrupted maps, keep in mind that you will be often under Elemental Weakness level 15, lowering your resistance from 34% i believe. It's always nice to be safe. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Sephiloss#7981 เมื่อ 20 ก.ค. 2020 14:37:45
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" If you're really min-maxing then you'll probably have to drop your second Circle of Nostalgia for a poison damage/resist ring. You'll be surprised how many resistances you can get off of harvest crafting your cluster jewels though. Try rerolling suffixes on your smalls and mediums or annuling them and then augmenting resist. You can also drop Entropy and Will of Blades and the small nodes pathing to them and get Survivalist and the two Jewel Sockets you are next to and don't have for jewels with resist on them. You could also drop your movement speed on your boots if you use Whirling Blades a lot. |
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