[3.13 UPDATED] gr0bbs | Poison Blade Vortex | Budget Viable | Endgame 50Mil+ DPS | Video Guide
" With this set up I gain only Master of the Force and Hired Killer, I think it's not worth a try at this point as I have to level up to get some skill points. Regular map bosses or even fight against 10 at Maven arena are not the issue. The struggle I have is Sirus :( " Okay, I saw that some players linked Desacrate to CWDT. Think that may be a good idea to try as when I get hit (and luckily surive) I don't have any good health regen during the fight and flask doesn't help much as it takes some time to get full health. About CWDT I accidentally level up this gem as realized yesterday just before closing the game as I leveled gems for my second weapon slot. Is quality on Vall BV that important as it gives, what I checked, only area of effect? The cost is about 5 ex and I can afford it but wondering if I should drop Asenath gloves for explo chest. About the Sirus fight, I'm quite experienced and know how to dodge him but this build does not forgive mistakes and lack of healing means death. Being randomly one shoted by T16 map boss is frustrating as well :( To be honest I don't know if I did something wrong with my tree or items as this build is quite demanding and requires a lot of knowledge. I never played poison build before and don't know what should I do. I think my lack of knowledge about this build is more frustrating than having a hard time killing a Sirus as I never had a problem like this before. Also to get flesh and Stone as an additional aura I need Enlighten lvl 3 (lvl4 total with Diadem) to make it work, or some mana reservation (2 points) from tree but have to check this out แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย mefistofx#6003 เมื่อ 25 ม.ค. 2021 08:52:35
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Well, i'm playing this build for the fourth league now, and yeah - there's a LOT to learn when you first start this build. There are a lot of variations, depending on your current gear / Atlas state, and on the content you're doing.
Quality on Vaal BV is only for QoL, for bigger AoE. If you have way too much currency and want to get a 21/20 Vaal BV - go for it. But there's absolutely no need. I die to Sirus every now and then too. Most of the time it's because i'm not focussed enough. In the last phase, you can see pretty well where he's teleporting, but you have to be focussed. His character model blinks for a second, then teleports and you have to dash to the middle of the circle to see where he's porting, and the second whirl has to be in his direction. So when he's doing his quadruple-stuff, you'll instantly stand next to him and do dmg. Or when he does his die beam, you can react fast enough. But there's no room for failure with this build on a Sirus fight, that's right. Other builds MAY survive one hit - we don't. |
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Yea, I know the mechanics, I just did A6 Sirus without death for a friend. But somehow I struggle a lot with A8! Dunno why. I think better investment of 5 ex will be malevolence and faster ailments watcher's eye but don't know to be sure. Could you please have a quick look at my items or tree and check what can I do with budget ~11 ex at this moment? I was looking for CIP with Unholy Might but this is for maps, wondering how I can improve my dmg
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Would anyone take a look at my character and give me some hints/tips what should i upgrade. Currently i can blast 16's ok - Feels like some of the boss dmg is lacking.
Want to be able to do 5orbs Del maps comfortably. Maybe switching gem setups/optimizing tree - probably have to move to second cluster - would that make me way more squishy? แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Duba#4123 เมื่อ 25 ม.ค. 2021 09:41:07
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" 0 issues with mob packs even in the most hardcore beefed up delirium maps, Kintsugi does it's job. No wonder you haven't played more, this build is broken on a few levels, dodge and evasion has nothing to do with what kills this build. It has no life and sustain on encounters which are not possible to one-shot. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย drbokorkati#0767 เมื่อ 25 ม.ค. 2021 10:12:30
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" Yes only one problem but it's unsolvable becaues no life and sustain for hard encounters, don't let people who do sirus 4 1.5 week after league start and haven't even dared to enter a 60% delirium map say it's your fault, it's not. It still happens with 30 ex sunk in but it can actually do league endgame except others did it a week ago with a 5ex golem or melee build and without having migraine from random deaths. Told everyone before league start that this will happen and nobody believed it, now nobody on earth plays this build on leaderboards. I play since essence but never suffered so much with so much invested. There's nobody at lvl 100 with poison bv, everyone is using coc, brand and bladeblast แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย drbokorkati#0767 เมื่อ 25 ม.ค. 2021 20:03:26
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" Get lvl 21 BV gem. You can get a better large cluster jewel with 3 nodes for 1 ex. I would grab 4 points from the life/flask wheel and that random dex node and get whispers of doom and buy a 1 ex Hands of the High Templar with Temporal chain on hit and maybe +2 lvl curse or any +2 for your despair (so you're applying 2 curses). Those three things together will double your DPS. |
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" First of all, i haven't played more because i couldn't get a week off of work, also it's competitive push week in another game i'm playing. And it's just not true what you're saying. I killed Aul multiple times last league, from delve depth 200 up to 1000. NO build can face-tank Aul at depth 1000 - i tried it, i talked and copied the 250ex-build from a deep delve Inquisitor who made a shit ton of Auls and could facetank Sirus. I also killed Sirus 8 at least 30 times, with a death counter of ~1 on average. That takes into account those tries late at 1 am where i simply couldn't focus anymore and used up 4 to 5 portals on the last phase. " Quit talking BS. I've been in this thread for couple of hundred pages. I even posted videos of me doing juiced up T16 5 Delirium-Runs the last leagues. You're just salty that you can't play mechanics. This build isn't capable of "catching you when you fall". If you want a char able to facetank Sirus, try investing 200ex+ into an aura-stacking build... oh wait, they got nerfed. Nevermind, i played them too and it was fun. |
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This character absolutely destroys if you put in the currency.
Here's a video if anyone is wondering what it looks like to T16 100%: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUccmpntm68 Map in the vid (easy 100%): https://imgur.com/7YUa1rN Items below. Please note the chest is not finished (atk crit is useless, life is low). Also, I ran a +2 duration tabula (15c) until yesterday, and managed to destroy most of the content in the game with it, although you do need obliteration/asenaths then for for explosions if you don't have explody chest. If you're ok without explosions like me, running CIP without asenaths is also fine if you're running 2 curses, you do SO much damage it barely makes a difference, and it's a little better for bossing. I HIGHLY suggest running 2 or 3 curses for those who are able, whispers of doom is so close to our tree already. Despair + Temp + Enfeeble is a ton of damage and survivability. Misery everlasting is also huge (see PoB for numbers, fiddle with your jewels haha!). Running 1 Overwhelming malice is enough. Getting to 0 mana and using diadem is easy, enlighten 3 works perfectly, don't even need enlighten 4. Spider aspect on ring is huge and cheap. It also means Touch of Cruelty (which is hella cheap on large clusters) is 10% MORE damage, insanely big. It worked well as a starter, AW8 down 3 days into the league. It's VERY squishy and the boss fighting isn't great unless you go only 1 cluster + scion wheel + wind dancer path, but if you go all into DPS with double cluster you can do tons of damage and walk through endgame. Scaling with gem levels meant getting a 21 BV 12 hours into the league carried me to red maps alone, without anything except 6L 21 BV. Scaling up from there with currency farming was easy and fun. 10/10 build. Big boi items such as precision flask/malevolence watchers eye are amazing for QoL but not needed. For max enjoyment of farming/bossing you need to switch between setups, getting both nicely in one setup without switching passives is expensive (60-100ex) Total cost of my build currently: 80ex Total needed cost to AW8/Maven/T16 speed farm: ~20 ex Total needed cost to scale to comfortable alch and go t14-16: ~3-5ex Starter viability 9/10 End game farming 10/10 End game bossing 9/10 (IF you switch your tree to be boss friendly/tanky. Double cluster is maybe 7.5/10) Fun build :) Thanks for the guide Gr0bbs <3 แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Foolmaster#0356 เมื่อ 25 ม.ค. 2021 12:32:15
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hey how can u run mave + flesh + herald of agony + despair ?
i get like -8% mana reserv so i cant turn on mave any suggestions? |
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