[3.14] Kami's Life | LL | CI CoC Ice Nova Assassin | all Content | deep Delve | max Block

N3llx เขียน:
Just so I understand this properly when building... you only need ONE CDR stat on either belt or boots to hit 14% since hitting 52% is... impossible? Just curious why BP 2 is even an example in the build if it's not feasible to hit it. Or is it?

It's possible to get to 52% with CDR on your boots and belt plus Awakened CoC.

juju666 เขียน:
Magus45 เขียน:
I don't know if anyone has completed all the uncharted Atlas content with the build yet - does anyone here know?

Did all in like 6-7days after league with this build (CI/GB block)

Failed first try but at the end when got bottled faith and more DPS i did kill all new atlas stuff to unlock points... but yes i played alot and invested much in build at that point :D

Damn, congrats. Now I know whose PoB to copy - I see you went for a big cluster jewel setup.

Spent all day crafting these gloves. I don't need Unnerve because I have it on a cluster jewel. A few harvest crafts away from being done, but I'm really happy with them. Playing LL btw.

Its T1 flat ES and T2 %ES

แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย BuckinKaeding#2430 เมื่อ 13 ก.พ. 2021 23:10:48
BuckinKaeding เขียน:
Spent all day crafting these gloves. I don't need Unnerve because I have it on a cluster jewel. A few harvest crafts away from being done, but I'm really happy with them. Playing LL btw.

Its T1 flat ES and T2 %ES

No 50% damage with hits against chilled enemies?
Anyone got starter tree with stacking inspired learnings for this build? I wanna try as my late league start
Hi, I'm following the defensive CI POB and this is what I currently have.


What I'm looking to do next is to get Hatred mana reserve reduction enchant on the helmet and craft assassin's mark ring and change the curse gem set up a bit. Apart from this what should I do next in order to up my dps.

Thanks !
Hi guys,

Really enjoying the build atm, playing the life version.

Just wondering if there is a point to rolling a LL version while I save up for CI version or just keep plugging away on my life character?

I got lucky with a HH so I was thinking of using that and the LL version to farm some delerium. Opinions?

Coatesy เขียน:
Hi guys,

Really enjoying the build atm, playing the life version.

Just wondering if there is a point to rolling a LL version while I save up for CI version or just keep plugging away on my life character?

I got lucky with a HH so I was thinking of using that and the LL version to farm some delerium. Opinions?

Nah fam dmg difference aint that large and honestly LL is even squishier than life based,played LL coc last league and holy shit did i die alot. This league trying CI since we got harvest back.
Honestly you can do it even with life version that being said i dont find delirium maps that profitable unless you run one of those mirror maps. I make more profit by just spamming canyon maps going for harbingers than making new map once all of them are dead. making 6-8ex per hour that way. But again doing what you enjoy is more important
papagoja1 เขียน:
How is Sirus? I always let my friend do them

Same as he's always been, a cakewalk for this build.
N3llx เขียน:
Just so I understand this properly when building... you only need ONE CDR stat on either belt or boots to hit 14% since hitting 52% is... impossible? Just curious why BP 2 is even an example in the build if it's not feasible to hit it. Or is it?

Read the original post. 52% CDR is possible now, just expensive.
IGN: Zergtrap
Coatesy เขียน:
Hi guys,

Really enjoying the build atm, playing the life version.

Just wondering if there is a point to rolling a LL version while I save up for CI version or just keep plugging away on my life character?

I got lucky with a HH so I was thinking of using that and the LL version to farm some delerium. Opinions?


Isn't LL version more expensive than CI?
IGN: Zergtrap



