[3.14]CoC Poet's Pen Blade Fall/Blade Blast |League start to All content down |16M+ Dps fast clear

Tornukin22 เขียน:
Astarift เขียน:
Tornukin22 เขียน:
Hi ! just started the build yesterday and im liking it a lot. i did a build before where i used lethal pride and i really liked that jewel.. you think it would work well with this build? since it can give you crit life and double damage?

Lethal pride will not work here, because we have to give up militant faith which provides us with inner conviction(21% more spell damage, this is a multiplicative modifier)

You can only run 1 timeless jewel per character on your skill tree

Oh right didn't see the militant faith.. at wich point in the build should we use militant faith?

Militant faith comes in about the time you can get all your power charges, i would say you should have it by about the time you start mapping, assuming you can afford one

totalover เขียน:
Why we use pride ? Skills says nearby enemies, and we use sand to be away from mobs ? I think herald of purity would be better ?

Using flesh and stone in sand doesnt mean we want to be away from mobs, flesh and stone here is purely as a defensive mechanic to keep us alive. Pride however is a very strong aura for single target dps and can be give us up to 39% more dps after 4 seconds, which is important in boss fights
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Ch3ck เขียน:
Hi am new to your build and I am already at level 40. Been looking at your PoB on current setup. I was wondering since I saw your Chest armour with Blade fall + awakened spell cascade + concencrated effect. Also your weapon says BF + Awakened Spell cascade + CE. My question is, do I need to get TWO awakened spell cascade gems?

Almost all of the Awakened Spell Cascade gems for sell have 20% quality (you mentioned they shoudn't have quality) and are around 14e atm if that makes two of them that is 30 exalt almost in gems alone. Just was wondering before I go into a crusade on leveling this build and find out I cant even down a boss without them. Thanks again and really fun build so far, even leveling ;)

I have gotten A7 Sirus down without using an awakened spell cascade. Using them just bascially increases our single target dps. They used to be 10ex, seemed to have went up in prices for a moment considering a popular streamer is using a bladefall/blast build

Whats important however, would be awakened increased aoe, this is the gem that truly boost our single target dps

sullisaur เขียน:
I'm just so squishy, I'm dying a lot in tier 12/13 maps I just get popped. I'm really trying to increase my defense, I have all the cluster jewels every life node I can get, I don't have watchers eye yet though.

Heres what I'm working with so far

I have 5.5k hp with like 14k evasion with jade flask up, I'm not using diamond flask cus my crit is already 96% fully buffed.

Just don't know what else to do... my gear is no where near perfect but feel like I should be able to do t10-13 maybe, idk.

I believe you are dying constantly in delirium content. The thing about delirium content is that could can never be in the same spot you were at the last second or so, because of all the constant on death effects and explosions. 5.5k health should be just enough to not die 1 hit most of the time(unless you do some sort of rippy AF map with multiple damage mods)

Most hits should not 1hit us and we should recover back really fast due to our life gain on hit + cinderswallow

If you still have issues with defenses, i suggest dropping jade flask, too much evasion has its diminishing returns(flesh and stone on sand blinds enemies, giving us more chance to evade). Use a basalt or granite flask instead to get a flat reduction in phys damage.

I climbed all the way to T16/killed sirus a7 without using any sort of awakened gem or expensive items, the idea is that we have to use our mobility moreso than tankiness
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Notrickg เขียน:
Can you help me about the attack speed?

Currently its 3.79 at hideout.

Got 27% cooldown rec. speed in total.

how much AS should i aim ?

You will not be able to hit enough AS to hit the cap. We are looking probably at about 8 attacks/second for maximum possible speed. This is highly impossible, but if you have around 4.5-5attacks/second thats good enough

reciprocate เขียน:
Quick question regards to CoC proc rate and barrage. Assuming you do have 100% hit and Crit rate, does each hit in barrage's sequence at 100% for both proc CoC or Awakened CoC? If so, then maybe adding volley fire jewel would be useful as it adds 6 additional projectiles for Barrage.

Each hit in barrage's sequential barrage triggers coc. However, volley fire works like GMP and does not fire in a sequential way to be able to shotgun. Volley fire isnt worth it in our set up to use a jewel slot, it just increases our barrage attacks' coverage

Also, added a new PoB with acrobatics, survivability boost with a slightly weaker anti 1hit cover
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แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Astarift#3417 เมื่อ 28 มี.ค. 2020 23:43:13
Hi, im wondering. why do you say to craft +1 to minimum frenzy charges on the amulet? also, i really like this build so far, thanks for making it!
WoefulWolf เขียน:
Hi, im wondering. why do you say to craft +1 to minimum frenzy charges on the amulet? also, i really like this build so far, thanks for making it!

Glad you enjoyed the build, we craft +1 minimum frenzy charges because we can not gain frenzy charge due to inner conviction. +1 minimum frenzy charge however, bypasses the unable to gain frenzy charge and its a flat 4% attack speed and 4% more damage multiplier
My Builds/Stream

Astarift เขียน:
WoefulWolf เขียน:
Hi, im wondering. why do you say to craft +1 to minimum frenzy charges on the amulet? also, i really like this build so far, thanks for making it!

Glad you enjoyed the build, we craft +1 minimum frenzy charges because we can not gain frenzy charge due to inner conviction. +1 minimum frenzy charge however, bypasses the unable to gain frenzy charge and its a flat 4% attack speed and 4% more damage multiplier

is it still preferable to craft it on one of the rings as well, or is +1 enough?
WoefulWolf เขียน:
Astarift เขียน:
WoefulWolf เขียน:
Hi, im wondering. why do you say to craft +1 to minimum frenzy charges on the amulet? also, i really like this build so far, thanks for making it!

Glad you enjoyed the build, we craft +1 minimum frenzy charges because we can not gain frenzy charge due to inner conviction. +1 minimum frenzy charge however, bypasses the unable to gain frenzy charge and its a flat 4% attack speed and 4% more damage multiplier

is it still preferable to craft it on one of the rings as well, or is +1 enough?

As much as you can, after you have a shock on focus ring + -mana cost mod on any of your items
My Builds/Stream


Any space for more upgrades? Crafted explode chest now, also got vul on hit still t16 100% delirum wreck me
At what point do we usually activate the focus skill?

and is there any map mod we cant run?
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย imRadial#5438 เมื่อ 29 มี.ค. 2020 11:25:34
totalover เขียน:

Any space for more upgrades? Crafted explode chest now, also got vul on hit still t16 100% delirum wreck me

Ouch, those mods are killer tbh, more life and more life on boss and nemesis. I find nemesis on 100% delirium maps a killer, it ramps up the difficulty by alot because rare mobs uses delirium shit ontop of nemesis mods.

I have done a shaper guardian map t16 fully deliriumed and a t15 elder guardian fully deliriumed(you can check my profile, i got the challenge completed)
It was chimera and purifier. TBH the mods on the map is very important on the difficulty of the fight, phoenix is pretty much a fight with a soft cap on kill speed and you acutually fought him with dual more life mods.

Theres a few things you can possibly consider, for bosses, we want them dead fast, so we can avoid doing more mechanics(dodging shit, doing stuff the boss needs us to do for us not to die). So with this, i actually use shock when focus and war banner and vaal righteous fire to give us a super burst for like 2-4 seconds to dps down the boss before it gets dangerous.
Lightning golem is weak because it dies 99% of the time, drop it

I have done simulacrum up to wave 20 and with 2 bosses spawning on wave 20 and managed to do it decently well(outside of the lag spikes i get) because i could simply burst down 1 boss with this set up. You can check my stream's vod for today, i did a simulacrum with 2 bosses up at wave 20.

Also, cwdt immortal call isnt very effective, it no longer gives us a short immunity phase but a 25% phys damage reduction instead for a short period. When cwdt triggers, it usually means we took a big hit and we arent left with more than 40% of our life pool. Having -25% phys reduction does not give us as much ehp as steel skin would have. I would suggest changing to steel skin here so the risk of dying is much lower.
I can see your issue is partially not being able to stay full life after 1 or 2 hits from some BS delirium explosions
2 life gain on hit rings would be very effective here, you usually gain back all your life before the next hit while having steel skin up

Exploding chest does close to nothing here, delirium mobs get damage reduction as you get higher and higher delirium %, so your 3% damage explode does nothing here other than explode them

I would suggest getting 2 21/0 blade fall, we dont want so much increased aoe on bladefall, it reduces our single target damage

You should not limit yourself to the vulnerability gloves, because curses on boss arent as effective and you are losing some life and attack speed here and some lee way to gear less resist on your other gear. A lvl 11 vulnerability gives us about 8% damage on bosses. (you had to spend 2 points for lightning walker for lightning res)

But honestly with your gear and set up, clearing t16 fully delirium maps shouldnt be an issue, just make sure the rolls arent fully against you, especially with mods like more life+morelife on boss or phys damage mitigation.

imRadial เขียน:
At what point do we usually activate the focus skill?

Once the boss's life bar appear and is ready to be destroyed, press focus, drop war banner and turn on vaal RF

Also, phys reflect might be an issue because we are not super hard capped at 100% crit
My Builds/Stream

แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Astarift#3417 เมื่อ 29 มี.ค. 2020 11:49:08



