[3.14]CoC Poet's Pen Blade Fall/Blade Blast |League start to All content down |16M+ Dps fast clear
" Thank you very much it got waaaaay better! What would be the order of priority between a second Awakened Spell cascad, tailwind on boots and a Watcher's eye with at least 2 mods ? Thanks again <3 |
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" 2nd spell cascade then tailwind cooldown boots, 2 mods watcher Eye is a super luxury " Have answered that before, spell slinger literally works like an aura(we lose 19to40% dps dropping pride) , triggers at a much slower rate than poet pen or coc, one trigger alone will not maximize our benefit out of blade fall triggers. Blade Fall only drop half the blades when triggered, this is why we have to go all in on triggering them Poet pen however is more consistent(we don't need to hit anything), doesn't reserve mana, triggers faster My Builds/Stream
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2814713 |
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Hi OP or other vet players,
I have about 5 ex currency only. How can I level this build? I know getting 2 poet's pen is pretty cheap and I can start using it at level 12. What skills do I socket inside them? Your levelling guide did not include what if we get poet's pen early. And after poet's pen how should I spend my currency? First time playing these type of build where there's auto casting involved. Thanks. |
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" I would level with poet pen linked with wave of conviction and arc early on, once your attack speed gets to a comfortable level(0.33-4 attack/second), you should be able to swap into bladefall/blast with good consistency Dont run CoC early, just do barrage/increased attack speed, run CoC after you have collected 3 grand spectrums there isnt any required unique besides poet's pen and probably the 3 grand spectrums, so any upgrades you get from the start would be good life/res gear Afterwards, it would be getting good rings/amulet for sustain(life gain on spell hit) Getting a starkonja with bladefall+1 volley enchant or blade blast aoe would be the 1st big upgrade. Either that or an awakened increased aoe My Builds/Stream
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2814713 |
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thanks for the guide. I'm currently trying to level this and I like sticking with the skills I'll use later but the damage of bladefall is so low it takes ages to kill a story boss. I'm using two axioms atm and a tabula. AM I doing something wrong? Am I missing something? Could you give me a few tips for leveling this? |
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Wanted to give feedback on the build. I had 15 exalts to begin with the build. I went for it, levelled with poet's pen and levelling was a breeze. Items are actually cheap for the build. I'd say it's cheap to activate the build. Killed a8 awakener easily right now and still missing 1 frenzy charge, 2 awakened spell cascades, tailwind boots, bottled faith etc. So there's a lot of improvement. So, thanks for the build man.
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Hey Astarift, I love this guide and this build, the clear is insane but I am struggling on some of the endgame. I'm just looking for some advice on my gear that might help me push Sirus. My damage feels good, but so far I have failed twice due to getting oneshot from off screen but that is likely my fault due to not being super familiar with the fight. Also how did you kill Kosis in simulacrum? He makes this build cry due to teleport and high damage, I cant get consistent attacks in to proc life on spell hit enough to sustain. I know im missing cooldown recovery on belt and boots, but what kind of factor does that really play other than more dps? Any advice on how to survive these fights would be much appreciated. POB: https://pastebin.com/XLbSS1Tp แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย semaj356#2643 เมื่อ 7 เม.ย. 2020 17:40:15
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" Your set up seems fine, however, bladefall/blast doesnt work super amazingly well early on because you probably dont attack fast enough to generate lots of blades to blast. Our single target revolves around having blade blast explosions and early on, a CoC set up arent super consistent till we get lots of crit(ascendancy, grand spectrum x3) If you are having issues with leveling and single target on bosses, ill suggest running an unleash bladefall set up for burst " The build is meant to be cheap to start, expensive to min max as we get really strong as you throw currency in. Glad you pretty much destroyed the game content within the 15ex budget " From my experience, fighting Sirus either feels terrible or great. On phases between storms(after he made storms) i try to stay as far as possible so i dont get instagibbed by his meteors/shotgunning projectile. I run in straight and fast to activate his phases and make sure he doesnt start any attacks or sorts when phase happens. In your set up, you probably would have enough dps to kill/phase him before things get dicey, i killed my 1st A8 sirus with no issue except for lag after getting my 1st awakened spell cascade. Getting killed offscreen is a norm in sirus, you just gotta keep moving to make sure the die beam dont home into you and 1shot you As for kosis, my experience with him in simulacrum wave 20s is that the mods are extremely important. Increased aoe effect kosis/somethingphobia is pretty deadly, because wave 20 means they also come with multiple damage mods. How i handle kosis is that i know and expect that he will flicker strike me, so i hold right click for about a second, dash, hold right click, dash. When he does that beam shit, ill burn all my cooldowns and try to burn him down asap. Depends on your gear and whether that wave has +%life, he should die within 10 seconds of holding right click. The best window of dps is when he does the beam, gets stunned for a short while after you break his ES. 2nd best window is when he swings his weapon to throw some sort of projectile(you can really predict how fast he throws shit, he swings his weapon slow). Same thing, dash - rightclick 1-2seconds - dash - repeat Simulacrum tend to spawn both bosses once every 4-5 runs, i always go for the phobiasomething boss 1st because i can burn him down within 5 seconds, kosis is the one that requires more time because he doesnt give much window of dps https://www.twitch.tv/videos/579740552 Fast forward to 2:21:40, i have a kosis spawn on wave 20, i handled him pretty well here with all those shit mobbing me. Trick of the game here is always be moving and not be overly greedy on the dps Oh btw, use a cinderswallow with 50% chance to avoid stuns, that will be your life saver you will 1000%vouch for My Builds/Stream https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2814713 แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Astarift#3417 เมื่อ 7 เม.ย. 2020 17:36:31
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This build was amazing, I loved it and it pushed me through all of the end game! but now Im affraid I must sell all my gear to go for another build. If anyone is interested pm me ingame @testykills (I know the name is fucked but its really me xD) Build comes with everything listed in the spoiler below. all resses were capped and I didnt need str int or dex from nodes on passives. Total build hp was about 5400 and with the cwdt it was more like 8k. the rings leach was more than enuogh to face tank every boss up until t16 without even having to dodge abilities.
this build was sold! "These are the gem =)" -Bex แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Xerosia#1314 เมื่อ 8 เม.ย. 2020 10:37:07
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looks like a lot of fun.. potentially squishy? your HP dips pretty fast in many cases. How often are you dying? Can this build make a run for lvl 100?
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