Raytscha เขียน:
Get your gems 20% quality, you dont have a abyss jewel socket in your belt, recommend one with phasing. then get your a ORb of storm setup, with power charges on crit, maybe with culling strike, innervate, archmage, or the one for frenzy charges, in your boots. Weapon as mentioned in the post before.
Precordial เขียน:
A better wand, yours has no added lightning dmg to spells/lightning dmg%, fire as extra chaos does nothing either. Catalyst your ring and amulet for more mana, roll proper flasks like anti-curse diamond, anti-freeze quicksilver (why does it even have attack speed %?), enduring mod on mana flask.
Your main 6l storm brand gems, none of them have any quality. Colour 2b1g to socket blade blast in wand, swap gems in glove setup to boots. Use Orb of storms + power charge on crit + archmage + whatever else in gloves to gain power charges.
I understand all of these. And im thankful for your replies. But as I said. With my current not so optimal setup I deal 50k damage per second. With these adjustments you suggested ill deal 10 million damage per scond? I don't get it. Thats my main issue. I doN't see how this changes will have any major impact on my damage. I thought I did something very wrong. I have the pob fork installed and i ticked the same settings as in the post PoB but i have 0.5% of the same build. :(
โพสต์โดยmojito000#5584เมื่อ 8 เม.ย. 2020 13:50:31
Post a POB link, because 50k damage doesn't sound right at all.
mojito000 เขียน:
Raytscha เขียน:
Get your gems 20% quality, you dont have a abyss jewel socket in your belt, recommend one with phasing. then get your a ORb of storm setup, with power charges on crit, maybe with culling strike, innervate, archmage, or the one for frenzy charges, in your boots. Weapon as mentioned in the post before.
Precordial เขียน:
A better wand, yours has no added lightning dmg to spells/lightning dmg%, fire as extra chaos does nothing either. Catalyst your ring and amulet for more mana, roll proper flasks like anti-curse diamond, anti-freeze quicksilver (why does it even have attack speed %?), enduring mod on mana flask.
Your main 6l storm brand gems, none of them have any quality. Colour 2b1g to socket blade blast in wand, swap gems in glove setup to boots. Use Orb of storms + power charge on crit + archmage + whatever else in gloves to gain power charges.
I understand all of these. And im thankful for your replies. But as I said. With my current not so optimal setup I deal 50k damage per second. With these adjustments you suggested ill deal 10 million damage per scond? I don't get it. Thats my main issue. I doN't see how this changes will have any major impact on my damage. I thought I did something very wrong. I have the pob fork installed and i ticked the same settings as in the post PoB but i have 0.5% of the same build. :(
There is no way you are doing only 60k damage per second because you arent, according to the Fork PoB, you are doing 1.6m per brand with flask and exposure on a regular boss, 1.4m on shaper. you dont need the +30 dex node, pick dreamer, you dont need the purity of flesh node, pick another jewel socket below faith and steel and get another fevered mind.
If you want even more damage, drop arcane swiftness and get the jewel node at the north and put another fevered mind.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Clerigon#2130 เมื่อ 8 เม.ย. 2020 14:29:15
โพสต์โดยClerigon#2130เมื่อ 8 เม.ย. 2020 14:26:04
RawDamage เขียน:
Can someone help me to figure out issues with my character(non crit)?
I have only 800k dps per brand(with full awekener gems) on 91 lvl with 9.1k mana and 9.5k es.
here is pob: https://pastebin.com/4GEZgrEK
Seems I missed something important(weapon, jewels??)
I'll appreciate if someone point me to issues(have 15ex to improve). Thanks.
you must not be using the POB community fork to get the correct calculations. its showing at 1.8 mil shaper dps per on fork for me
โพสต์โดยminishamwow#1867เมื่อ 8 เม.ย. 2020 15:00:45
Can someone direct me to the sources of defense? i have all of the required items with only 3k-3.3k ES and 6k mana (still need last ascendancy and better rare items) but I don't see it pushing my ES/mana to 8-10k. Also my tree has not been optimized but its not defense that I'm missing I don't think.
Also, for the ascendancy.. Sanctuary of thought seems to be a large dps decrease for me in POB, but large ES bump. is the trade-off worth? I can easily get 2-3 more fevered minds but am trying to focus on surviving better now.
Also on .ninja, Arcane Blessing is at least twice as popular as Sanct of thought IIRC.
Thanks in advance!
โพสต์โดยDanDannyDee#6397เมื่อ 8 เม.ย. 2020 15:14:30
Clerigon เขียน:
mojito000 เขียน:
Raytscha เขียน:
Get your gems 20% quality, you dont have a abyss jewel socket in your belt, recommend one with phasing. then get your a ORb of storm setup, with power charges on crit, maybe with culling strike, innervate, archmage, or the one for frenzy charges, in your boots. Weapon as mentioned in the post before.
Precordial เขียน:
A better wand, yours has no added lightning dmg to spells/lightning dmg%, fire as extra chaos does nothing either. Catalyst your ring and amulet for more mana, roll proper flasks like anti-curse diamond, anti-freeze quicksilver (why does it even have attack speed %?), enduring mod on mana flask.
Your main 6l storm brand gems, none of them have any quality. Colour 2b1g to socket blade blast in wand, swap gems in glove setup to boots. Use Orb of storms + power charge on crit + archmage + whatever else in gloves to gain power charges.
I understand all of these. And im thankful for your replies. But as I said. With my current not so optimal setup I deal 50k damage per second. With these adjustments you suggested ill deal 10 million damage per scond? I don't get it. Thats my main issue. I doN't see how this changes will have any major impact on my damage. I thought I did something very wrong. I have the pob fork installed and i ticked the same settings as in the post PoB but i have 0.5% of the same build. :(
There is no way you are doing only 60k damage per second because you arent, according to the Fork PoB, you are doing 1.6m per brand with flask and exposure on a regular boss, 1.4m on shaper. you dont need the +30 dex node, pick dreamer, you dont need the purity of flesh node, pick another jewel socket below faith and steel and get another fevered mind.
If you want even more damage, drop arcane swiftness and get the jewel node at the north and put another fevered mind.
Thanks for checkin my tree.. absolutely forget about my life nodes...
โพสต์โดยmojito000#5584เมื่อ 8 เม.ย. 2020 15:52:28
If you can't afford the 40ex jewel, i think an indigon-arcane cloak version is way better
โพสต์โดยEject919#7955เมื่อ 8 เม.ย. 2020 21:30:13
Like your guide, it has helped me immensely. Got a question:
Taking Santuary of Thought gives - 50% mana cost, isn't that lowering archmage support damage? Like the post above, arcane blessing is much more popular, which is interesting because that means:
1) the perma arcane surge is irrelevant, it's lvl 1 and we can proc it permanently by linking it to brand recall anyways.
2) elemental ailment immunity is what the ascendency offers taking it (+1 open gem slot for maybe flame/dash)
3) Question is, is it more popular because it's better to pump mana cost to pump archmage support damage, but have it consume more mana, or is the qol + defenses worth the reduction in mana cost?
Your videos have you casting 3 brands at a time and each cast takes roughly 15% of your mana which is recovered quickly. That doesn't work if Arcane Blessing is picked. Not sure which route to go.
โพสต์โดยTheAtrocity#1611เมื่อ 9 เม.ย. 2020 01:59:00
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย IllusiveGuy#3506 เมื่อ 9 เม.ย. 2020 02:07:43
โพสต์โดยIllusiveGuy#3506เมื่อ 9 เม.ย. 2020 02:07:12
Arcane Blessing is more popular on the top builds because most of them have a 40+ ex Clarity Watcher's Eye to counter the big ES loss from not using Sanctuary of Thought.
Without Sanctuary you lose 20% ES to Mana whixh is usually over 2k ES. So yes, your damage is insanely higher but most builds would drop to 6k or less ES which makes you very fragile.
So while your damage is almost doubled, you lose A LOT of survivability.
And honestly for the most part the damage is high enough anyway but you can pick whatever you like ;-)
The perma Arcane Surge is technically not irrelevant cause it frees up another gem slot which may or may not be useful. The Arcane Surge from Arcane Blessing overrides the possibly higher Arcane Surge you have from your Links. (Someone asked that earlier)
Btw I also saw a few people using Conviction of Power instead of Arcane Blessing for easily generated Endurance charges and more damage.
Edit: forgot to mention about the Arcane Blessing vs Sanctuary of Thought: Until you have Skyforth, you need to take Sanctuary for the mana reservation. Otherwise you cant fit in your Zealotry aura.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Laxxus#3863 เมื่อ 9 เม.ย. 2020 03:02:47
โพสต์โดยLaxxus#3863เมื่อ 9 เม.ย. 2020 02:47:24