[3.10] LL Storm Brand Hierophant 8k+ ES, 10k Mana, 10M+ DPS per brand

McGrath_ เขียน:

Very nice snipe sir ! Gz !

Thank you mate :)
Hope you will find one for a modest price too.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Hey0cean#0102 เมื่อ 10 เม.ย. 2020 15:15:09
Hey0cean เขียน:
The build is awesome . Working even with a fairly budget gear i have.
Would recommend to play it.

fairly budget? Dudes liek you make me sick, just teh watchers eye u are sporting is worth 45 exalts
KopaKabana เขียน:
Hey0cean เขียน:
The build is awesome . Working even with a fairly budget gear i have.
Would recommend to play it.

fairly budget? Dudes liek you make me sick, just teh watchers eye u are sporting is worth 45 exalts

But how would we know how large his e-peen is if he didnt brag about it!?!?!
Thank you for this build idea, I had never played storm brand and had no idea how fun the skill was to use.

This build can destroy endgame content w/o awakened gems and the ES watchers/bottled faith. If you invest 20-30ex to get this off the ground, it will make you that much in a weeks time. The ES jewel gives you incredible QOL and is a great chase item. After that, like OP said, you could invest and improve til the end of the league.

Thanks to op for nice build(and guys who helped me, of course). done 19/20 simulacrum on a budget(really, not like that guy above, only one gem is expensive, enother items is 20-50c(my body is 45c, linked myself)). But can't do 20/20, seems dps is problem(boss fight is 10 minutes, and I failed, lol).
p.s. non-crit
p.p.s. anyway - build is solid! recommended!
p.p.p.s shaper guardians, conq - ezpz
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย RawDamage#1722 เมื่อ 10 เม.ย. 2020 18:21:03
I can't do simulacrum 20 clear until 19 i'm ok but after straight 5 die. How you guys do?
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย h4mi22#7641 เมื่อ 10 เม.ย. 2020 23:42:18
I get to Wave 18 and then just melt under the 8 billion monster mods. It's fucken ridiculous, I'm level 93 with over 1m Shaper DPS and Simu just kicks my ass.
Well if you die wave 19+ it will be hard.. Failed in wave 20 last time.. All mobs where at the entrance (well or at least enough of them) and with their 40+ mil HP and only the chance to get 1 brand up before almost getting one shotted, I can't see any way to complete it if you died once in wave 19+.

If anyone has a valid tactic for this, let me know. The last one was the oriath one.

I really hope GGG will make it so that brands will actually stay up when you portal in, will at least give you a fighting chance. Would also be nice for vaal areas btw..

Or give you a x second invul period, perhaps put everything else in stasis. The who simulacrum thing is broken I think for our build (unless you don't happen to die once in wave 19+).
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Zweetsok#4583 เมื่อ 11 เม.ย. 2020 01:49:42
Yep, it can be rough if you die, depending on which Simulacrum map you get. On some of them the entrance portal is relatively free of mobs.
When they stack up like that on the portal I try to flame dash through the map and find a spot that is a little bit less crowded, usually that seems to work out for me.
Overall the damage needed for wave 20 mobs is pretty insane.
Hey guys! I haven't played last week, now I'm back with questions.
I have ~6ex budget, what should I upgrade now? I'm nowhere close the op damage, POB says 469k



