[3.10] LL Storm Brand Hierophant 8k+ ES, 10k Mana, 10M+ DPS per brand

ThorTheGray เขียน:
ThorTheGray เขียน:

So this is odd. Maybe someone can enlighten me as to why this wand in game gives me 1k more tooltip dps but in PoB it gives less overall dps compared to my Apep's? I know this doesn't have crit, cast speed or super high spell damage but that total mana roll makes me go from 6954 mana to 7897 mana.

I'm not well versed on casters, usually play melee. Was thinking of actually throwing on trigger socketed spells and replacing Apep's. Is the wand actually not as good as I think it is?

Laxxus เขียน:
ToolTip shows Average damage of a Brand per use, not DPS. So it doesn't take Cast Speed into account which Apep's has a lot of.

Ok makes sense. Let me ask this. Would you think throwing trigger a socketed spell on this would put this higher than Apep's or just keep trying on another wand?

I personally never used Trigger Spell on this build, prefered to put another damage mod on the Wand and cast Wave of Conviction myself.
But I guess it should overall increase your damage with constant resistance decreases (and a lot more ES), so probably go for it.
And then it's easier to compare wands for upgrades.
Laxxus เขียน:
SCUBAST3V3N เขียน:
Hey! Pretty fun build so far. I just started messing with this tonight. I have one question. I just hit maps, and I'm having a bit of a struggle maintaining my 5 brands. I always seem to have them fall off, and find myself in a bad spot, trying to re-cast them while mobs are around- which leaves my mana pool low, and puts myself in danger.

I assume this is something you just get the hang of through practice? Or do you have any tips on when you like to recast them, if at all. I always assumed that the brands stuck around as long as you were constantly on the recall button.

Thanks in advance!

Put Brand Recall on Left Mouse so it always gets used when off CD. Also higher Brand Recall + Empower to reduce the CD as much as possible, when you manage to bring it to 1.2s or close to that your Brands expire a lot less.

Also get a Cinderswallow, that Mana and ES on kill refill is just so good. Cast Brands, kill one pack of monsters --> back to full Mana.

The BR on left mouse => bigest QoL improvement EVER
Thank you so much for that tips !!

Why do we take Sanctuary of Thought? Doesn't the reduced mana cost of skills lower our storm brand damage output?
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย PrincessRevolver#0808 เมื่อ 17 เม.ย. 2020 20:18:54
YUscuti เขียน:
Laxxus เขียน:
SCUBAST3V3N เขียน:
Hey! Pretty fun build so far. I just started messing with this tonight. I have one question. I just hit maps, and I'm having a bit of a struggle maintaining my 5 brands. I always seem to have them fall off, and find myself in a bad spot, trying to re-cast them while mobs are around- which leaves my mana pool low, and puts myself in danger.

I assume this is something you just get the hang of through practice? Or do you have any tips on when you like to recast them, if at all. I always assumed that the brands stuck around as long as you were constantly on the recall button.

Thanks in advance!

Put Brand Recall on Left Mouse so it always gets used when off CD. Also higher Brand Recall + Empower to reduce the CD as much as possible, when you manage to bring it to 1.2s or close to that your Brands expire a lot less.

Also get a Cinderswallow, that Mana and ES on kill refill is just so good. Cast Brands, kill one pack of monsters --> back to full Mana.

The BR on left mouse => bigest QoL improvement EVER
Thank you so much for that tips !!

It really is. I was so reluctant to do it because I thought it would make movement clunky as hell but it’s buttery smooth.
nico5051 เขียน:
Dropping Sanctuary of Thought and replacing my boots with Skyforth somehow fucked up my mana regen, what's wrong here?

Help, please D: I can't afford cinderswallow with crit

Well you are not even using a cinderswallow flask with 3% roll on mana and ES regen per kill. That is a HUGE regen and this flask is more or less mandatory for this build unless you want to stick to yellow maps.


Decent want although it lacks mana and depending on playstyle the trigger socketed spell craft is a huge QOL improvement as well and greatly increases your clear speed and defenses. Unless you cast everything manually all the time ofc.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Zweetsok#4583 เมื่อ 18 เม.ย. 2020 00:04:31
Zweetsok เขียน:

Well you are not even using a cinderswallow flask with 3% roll on mana and ES regen per kill. That is a HUGE regen and this flask is more or less mandatory for this build unless you want to stick to yellow maps.


Decent want although it lacks mana and depending on playstyle the trigger socketed spell craft is a huge QOL improvement as well and greatly increases your clear speed and defenses. Unless you cast everything manually all the time ofc.

What would be the best mod? I can't afford one with crits now
nico5051 เขียน:
Zweetsok เขียน:

Well you are not even using a cinderswallow flask with 3% roll on mana and ES regen per kill. That is a HUGE regen and this flask is more or less mandatory for this build unless you want to stick to yellow maps.


Decent want although it lacks mana and depending on playstyle the trigger socketed spell craft is a huge QOL improvement as well and greatly increases your clear speed and defenses. Unless you cast everything manually all the time ofc.

What would be the best mod? I can't afford one with crits now

Movement speed is always nice although the stun mod is kind a useless if you are using skyforth.. But yeah, looking for a crit version myself atm but find the price rather steep.

Your amulet kan have much higher rolls (mana regen wise)... And you can use catalysts to further improve it.. So maybe look for a better one or use divines and go for a lucky shot.

Also Mana flows annoitment is the more expensive one over utmost intellect but also is better. Although you will probably take a little hit on your ES..
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Zweetsok#4583 เมื่อ 18 เม.ย. 2020 01:16:13
Hello Guys
Just a quick question,

Why is everyone going for the Annointment Mana Flows
and not for Primal Spirit or Utmost Intellect or even Druidic Rite seems kinda ok for me.

Is there any hidden mechanic or is 40% of mana reg that good ?
Thanks in advance
Zweetsok เขียน:

Well you are not even using a cinderswallow flask with 3% roll on mana and ES regen per kill. That is a HUGE regen and this flask is more or less mandatory for this build unless you want to stick to yellow maps.


Decent want although it lacks mana and depending on playstyle the trigger socketed spell craft is a huge QOL improvement as well and greatly increases your clear speed and defenses. Unless you cast everything manually all the time ofc.

I weighed that heavily and ultimately decided it was worth at least trying it since the DPS increase seemed so massive. Ultimately I haven’t felt the sting of missing trigger and just cast wave on bosses to curse and debuff them. I use chain for clear and my DPS seems high (assuming I set up POB correctly) that I don’t need it.



