[3.10] LL Storm Brand Hierophant 8k+ ES, 10k Mana, 10M+ DPS per brand

Wienic เขียน:
tona91 เขียน:
Can you tell me why did u remove Runesmith from your tree? Also, is cluster jewel mood "grand design" that good. Sure extra brands are nice, but as you said isn't it better to try and stack more Fevered Minds and pump single brand dmg more. The clear will still be fine with Chain swap but on bosses, it's easier to maintain 4 brands then 6 due to mana.

Is it possible to attach more than 2 brands to a boss?

It's not, i wrote this before i even thought about it...
I removed it to fit in Voices.
And grand design / holy conquest are so good because they give you activation frequency.
Hello there! still rocking the build, finally downed AL8 Sirus, and got myself few Awakened Gems!

I also finally ditched the Orb of Storms setup, Skyforth is more than enough to generate Power Charges.

This frees me some space to entirely dedicated to lvl20 Arcane Cloak linked with lvl 20 Arcane Surge (so i have space for the AW gems in the Brand links), Increased Duration and Second Wind.

This way i spam AC on cooldown to have a powerful Arcane Surge up most of the time.

This way i can try the weapon trigger setup. So far i think i'm quite liking it.

For last i wanted to ask you: with awakened gems i see you don't use Energy Leech support anymore. Are you leeching ES from another source? Or did you decide to not leech ES at all? If so, what are your impressions so far?

I switched to illuminated devotion which gives 0.5% of spelldamage leeched. With the amount of damage the build puts out that brings me to leech cap without issues. Energy leech was mostly used for it's multipliers, which are not as good as the awakened gems.
I will have about 20 ex to invest in a new build... I was running frost blades but realized after investing about 25 ex into it, I'm nowhere near the single target dps i need to do endgame bosses.

Do you think this build can do 36/40 this league? I really want to push for that. Also is that amount of currency enough to get this build rolling once i get leveled?
How does Ivory Tower compare with Cloak of Defiance?
I'm running cloak right now and wondering if I should switch to this to scale better with more currency as I approach endgame, recognizing it'll take a lot of Regrets.

KasperBN เขียน:
How does Ivory Tower compare with Cloak of Defiance?

Cloak will not work for this build unless you swap 100% to life.

10% of Damage is taken from Mana before Life
Mind Over Matter

MoM and the unique explicit both say life, not ES
cjbender เขียน:
I will have about 20 ex to invest in a new build... I was running frost blades but realized after investing about 25 ex into it, I'm nowhere near the single target dps i need to do endgame bosses.

Do you think this build can do 36/40 this league? I really want to push for that. Also is that amount of currency enough to get this build rolling once i get leveled?

So far I've not run into anything the build cannot handle, so for challenges you are probably good. I never go for 36 myself, so not 100% sure.

As for starting out with 20 ex, that should give you all the fevered minds a six link ivory tower and all uniques you need to start out. From there it's pretty much smooth sailing.

KasperBN เขียน:
How does Ivory Tower compare with Cloak of Defiance?

As scotty pointed out, not really comparable as cloak is for life based builds. If you wanna go lowlife you can really only go sahvs or ivory tower, and for this build Ivory tower is better imho.
Hi I just started your build and have some quick questions. I was wondering why you go sanctuary of thought over arcane blessing or conviction of power other than the reservation. If I pick up a pair of skyforth's the reservation problem is basically solved. Also, I was wondering why Ghost Reaver is picked up since I don't see any source of life leech in the build. Otherwise this is a great build and I'm really enjoying it. Thanks!



