[3.10] Voidzero's Storm Brand MoM Hiero Archmage | League Starter | 10k eHP | 5M dps | 8k mana

Akris85 เขียน:
Can someone tell me why it feels like I can't replace my Apep's? It seems to out damage just about everything i try in PoB to replace it with.

because you need to be replacing with a new weapon + fevered mind jewel to make up for apep's mana cost.
thinking of going crit since getting this armor:

worth it?
regarding item trades: i don't check the forum often so don't send me PMs about the items i have for sale, just add me ingame and contact me when i'm online.

i'm usually online for a few hours after 20.00 UTC and a lot more during weekends.
Hey, after levelling this build to 95 and killed Sirus I started my next char. Maybe someone her e is interested in my gear. Just wsp Ingame or drop me a line. Thx

Tell me ur offer!
Kiyoshi_Ito เขียน:
Akris85 เขียน:
Can someone tell me why it feels like I can't replace my Apep's? It seems to out damage just about everything i try in PoB to replace it with.

because you need to be replacing with a new weapon + fevered mind jewel to make up for apep's mana cost.

Thanks for the info. I guess ill take out one of the mana jewels and drop another fevered mind in.
StorgutBorsit เขียน:
Hey, after levelling this build to 95 and killed Sirus I started my next char. Maybe someone her e is interested in my gear. Just wsp Ingame or drop me a line. Thx

Tell me ur offer!

Just bought a chest like that for 8 exa.
I'm trying to figuring out how to fit arcane surge into my brand recall - second wind setup but i have no more open links and have second wind linked to my dash as well. I want to try dropping arcane surge for awakened elemental focus, pob says my dps would go from 11.8mil dps to 14.8mil. Wondering if taking innervate off my orb of storms - curse on hit - conductivity setup would be a good idea. Anybody have a suggestion/opinion? I would lose 20% chance to shock on bosses, which is the only occasion i use orb.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Tramazings#0885 เมื่อ 6 เม.ย. 2020 21:10:19
StorgutBorsit เขียน:
Hey, after levelling this build to 95 and killed Sirus I started my next char. Maybe someone her e is interested in my gear. Just wsp Ingame or drop me a line. Thx

Tell me ur offer!

PM'd could use the chest :)
I'm enjoying the build. Thanks for the guide.

Went off the track with the anoint, though; got the "warcries are instant" node and use the war cry key to walk. :)

แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย nihilisticGoliath#5662 เมื่อ 7 เม.ย. 2020 16:48:05
nihilisticGoliath เขียน:
I'm enjoying the build. Thanks for the guide.

Went off the track with the anoint, though; got the "warcries are instant" node and use the war cry key to walk. :)

How's that working out for ya? I put brand recall on left mouse click and it's amazing for me
Anyone have any thoughts on swapping arcane surge out for elemental focus on the main 6L?
burdd เขียน:
Anyone have any thoughts on swapping arcane surge out for elemental focus on the main 6L?

It was a 3.5 mil dps increase for my build taking out arcane surge and putting in awakened elemental focus, currently at 16.1 mil dps. I put arcane surge on my second wind - dash - brand recall, be sure not to lvl arcane surge up. You can still shock bosses with orb of storms, which are the only thing that stand up long enough anyway.

Here's my pob if you need a look.



