[3.11] Ice trap Saboteur - Freeze the Atlas
In the shield I have a portal and precision I lack a gap that's why I say it
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" You can put there something like flame/stone golem. |
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Have you done the simulacrum and A8 sirus with this build?
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Is it possible for me to just switch from lighting to ice? Can u take a look at my character?
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" Yes I was doing both simulacrums and a8 sirus. Though for Sirus I recommend to use devouring diadem and play as EB version since it's really hard to sustain mana with flasks there(for things like simulacrum it's not a problem at all though). |
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" Yes it's not a problem at all since both skills benefit from similar stats so you don't need to change much. Just want to highlight though that there are plenty of inefficient things you have in terms of both skilltree and gear. I understand that probably your gear is mostly self-found and you're running on a low budget but just wanted to mention that you could probably improve your character's power by like 300-500% at pretty much no cost. If you want some further guidance in that regard let me know. |
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Yes please, I am new to the game and is still learning the game mechanism. For example I think my weapon is not bad but my damage still sucks, I really don't know what mod or skill nodes affect damage (other characters as well), appreciate your advise
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" Alright, starting from the skilltree. First thing to notice is to distinguish between travel points and custom wheels. In general, to make a good skilltree you want to reach the valuable notables using as few travel nodes as possible, since those travel nodes are in general much less efficient. So what is something you should try to avoid is making circles - having a situation where you are reaching those good notables not just using one path, but from multiple sides. For example in your case : from the shadow starting area you take two parallel paths which in fact then meet elsewhere, so in a sense this loses you 4 points. Of course, those travel points are not completely worthless, as you may need attributes to equip some gear or use some gems. However, it is way more efficient to have those attributes as mods on gear, rather then to get them from tree. Yet another smaller example of the tree pathing mistake is for example more to the left side of the tree between Cruel Preparation and Insightfulness - again here you can cut one branch without making tree disconnected. When it comes to gearing - I would say it that way: in general, builds tend to have a small amount of some very good uniques, which synergise a lot, but the majority of the gear should actually be rare as they are simply much better than most of the uniques you could use there. For example in my ice trap build, tinkerskin body armour is a very good choice - it provides frenzy charge generation, phasing, life and ES recovery, and it also has some good amount of flat life and ES/Evasion. Again, not mandatory, but very good here in particular. On the other hand, most of the gear I use in this character is rare - and for a good reason, as they are usually the best source for the kind of stats that most of the builds are looking for. Now let's take a look at some of your gear and see what is wrong with them. Starting from your weapon, mod by mod: 1. 40%elemental damage (implicit) - good, improves your damage 2. 22% lightning damage - okay, roll is not very high but it still improves your damage- but if you change skill to ice trap it will not 3. 27% increased critical strike chance- bad, it does not improve your damage. This is because this critical strike chance refers to weapon critical strike chance- and you are not using it to attack with it, because you are dealing damage with a spell- lightning trap 4. +14 life gain on kill - bad, again, this is unfortunately something that requires some game knowledge - life gain on kill is not very good in general, but in particular for traps it does nothing - you do not "kill" with your traps, so this doesn't do anything 5. gain 6% of fire damage as extra chaos damage - bad, you are not dealing fire damage in the first place so you can't gain something from nothing 6. 36% increased elemental damage with attack skills - bad, you are not using an attack, so this stat does not increase damage of your traps 7. 48% increased spell damage(craft) - good Similar remarks apply to your other pieces of gear- the unique gloves and boots you use do almost nothing for you, amulet has maybe 1 useful stat, etc. The key is to understand what kind of stats are useful for a particular build - it really isn't difficult or expensive to obtain some good gear, but it takes some experience and understanding to know what to look for. Of course there is no universal solution- many builds require different things, but still there are some global trends of what is considered generally good and bad. For this particular build, you can check out both my gear overview and general gear overview- in the general gear overview there is listed what kind of bases and what kind of mods you should look for. And lastly a bit general advise for your build - what are the best ways to improve damage and defences. When it comes to damage, the most important thing is gem links. In your main skill you want to have 5-link or ideally 6-link. Usually every extra link gives you 30-50%more damage. Another thing: spells (traps are also spells) as skill gems benefit a lot from gem levels. So of course you can level them up, but you can also consider buying a main skill gem of level 20 or 21, as this is another source of great damage improvement. When it comes to defences, for most builds it is the best idea to look for rare gear with life and resistances - usually good life rolls are within 70-100, and resistances within 35-45. Also, flasks are a very helpful in improving both offence and defence- the choice of their type and rolling them should not be left forgotten. Hopefully some of that can be useful for you to keep learning and improving in the game. There is some learning curve everyone has to take but it's always a good idea to look for information and try to observe how others approach the problems in order not to repeat same mistakes others did many times. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Grozaa#1443 เมื่อ 21 พ.ค. 2020 06:20:56
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what is the difference between e.g. Increase Cold Damage and Increase Cold Damage with Attack Skills? One of them benefit more to trap?
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" If it is "with attack skills" it means that it only applies to a specific group of skills - attacks https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Attack . So this stat will not apply to other groups of skills - for example traps are not attacks. Meanwhile something like "increased cold damage" will apply to any type of cold skill - whether it is attack, spell etc. |
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