[3.10] MyOwnAuraBot (Now with 200m dps, the god of Delirium Build) T19 100% delirious

one last question.how does Chaos Inoculation works with Righteus fire,cause from the time that i dan my life to 1 i cant use this buff cause of 1 life i guess so i am wondering if there is any trick to it or i have dan somethink wrong

eg ty for the last 2 responces guys
you only use vaal rf I'd guess
normal RF would work in the 1000 ex Version with Shavronne's, if you have enough Life Regen
RF is only usable with the last version and thats why the last version have alot more dmg than the rest. RF does not work with haos innoculation, you must have more than 1 Life to use RF.
I have a question regarding brutal restraint. How needed is it? I'm asking because I've got interested in your build but cannot find that brutal restraint to buy.
HELP!! i tried using this build with EK, but I keep committing suicide.
I have also have Shav on and I cant seem to know why I keep committing suicide.

Also, I i felt that my ES recharge doesnt start as early as what i saw on videos.
vexbrazil เขียน:
I have a question regarding brutal restraint. How needed is it? I'm asking because I've got interested in your build but cannot find that brutal restraint to buy.

its not that important.
skybluerock เขียน:
HELP!! i tried using this build with EK, but I keep committing suicide.
I have also have Shav on and I cant seem to know why I keep committing suicide.

Also, I i felt that my ES recharge doesnt start as early as what i saw on videos.

We are converting Life regen into ES regen. We dont use ES recharge at all. Most of our regen comes from Vitality actually and the Templar Ascendancy.
In version two, why do you go through the top line and take the jewel socket up there, rather than connecting low through foresight, and just taking an extra jewel socket in the clusters for the watcher's eye? It saves a couple passive points that way.
Where do u get the Strength to lvl up Vitality? or just let it low leveled?
any leveling guide?!?



