[3.10] Low Life CoC Phys Spellslinger (EK+Bladefall+Blade Blast) 20M+ Shaper DPS
Disclaimer: This build worsens the visual clarity and performance of the game in general, not just in Delirium. If you have epilepsy or similar issues I suggest not playing this build.
Sharing the build I used for 36 challenges. Did every piece of content in the game with this build. Inspiration is taken from Astarift's original Poet's Pen variant. His guide can be found here https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2785328. This build is not cheap, the bare minimum starting investment into it is 15 ex as I would estimate and I think I have sunk around 80 ex into it, the most expensive component being Awakened CoC. I suggest heading over to his guide if you do not have currency to spare as he goes through budget options.
Poet's Pen vs Spellslinger
- More survivability due to having more EHP, self-cast high leveled Steelskin on a low cooldown (36.1% uptime if you bind it to LMB) and Fortify from Shield Charge. Also being an ES character allows us to use an ES gain on hit Watcher's Eye which is insanely powerful. I got hit multiple times by Sirus 8 in my video and survived, did multiple deathless T16 100% Delirious AL8 juiced maps and Simulacrum runs with no issue. - More damage assuming your wand is good. Added flat physical damage is really powerful even though the damage effectiveness of Blade Blast is 60% because of Awakened Brutality. Also "% chance to deal Double Damage while Focussed" is so strong (Focus cooldown is reduced by CDR). Cons - More starting investment needed (endgame investment is roughly the same cost but with a higher ceiling). The Poet's Pen variant can pretty much do all content as well. - More punishing, no instant life flask. - No explode mechanics so porcupines are the most lethal enemies to deal with. But if you have currency, solves that problem.
Spellslinger is a gem that triggers spells that are linked to it when you fire your wand at the cost of mana reservation. The flat damage of the wand is added to the spells (damage effectiveness is taken into account). By triggering Bladefall and Ethereal Knives using Spellslinger and a CoC setup triggering another Bladefall, we leave a lot of lingering blades on the ground. One more Spellslinger setup is used to detonate these lingering blades using Blade Blast. The same enemy can be hit by multiple explosions detonated by Blade Blast as long as they are within the AoE.
Use with the PoB Community Fork.
https://youtu.be/utUGADMP9Gk Deathless 3 minute Sirus 8
https://youtu.be/5ht2Nf1_hYw Deathless Simulacrum waves 18-20 Recording Delirious maps and Simulacrum kinda kills my fps which sucks, couple that with the severe lag that the Singapore realm has been experiencing lately and you get videos of absolutely no substance so there's limited footage for now, but I've done rare T16 100% Delirious maps with AL8 deathless with a decent clear speed if you want to take my word for it.
Math and ideal CDR-ApS equivalent
Skip this part if you are not interested in the calculations. I do not claim that this is accurate, but from my ingame testing it seems to be working as I have calculated.
TL;DR Fully buffed, press C and check your Frenzy's Attacks per Second and make sure it is at 3.03 (2.75 with Tailwind) while having at least 33% CDR from your belt and boots and a level 4 Awakened CoC. https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/fh8bnh/spellslinger_cooldown_thresholds_and_all_other/ The above Reddit thread shows the thresholds for various amounts of CDR you have with regards to CoC and Spellslinger. What isn't described there however is how Barrage (or any projectile skill linked to Barrage support) functions. As confirmed by Bex and Mark, Barrage spends 40% of its attack time on wind-up animation and 60% firing the projectiles. This means that if your 6 projectile Barrage ApS is 1.0, you spend 0.4s bringing your wand up and 0.6s firing the 6 projectiles. From this we can calculate that projectiles are effectively being fired at the rate of 10.0 ApS despite only having 1.0 ApS. Therefore, if you fire 6 projectiles, the projectile fire rate to ApS ratio is 10:1. For our build, it is important to find a CDR threshold with ApS equivalents for both Spellslinger and CoC that have a common multiple to optimize output of all the setups. That happens to be at 52% CDR - Spellslinger ApS equivalent will be 3.03 and CoC ApS equivalent will be 10.1/20.2/30.3. However, the main distinction between Spellslinger and CoC is that Spellslinger does not need to take into account projectile hit rate as spells are triggered upon attack, so raw ApS is all you need to hit. CoC on the other hand is a different story, as you need to crit to trigger the spells. However, as shown above, the projectile fire rate to ApS ratio with 6 projectile Barrage is 10:1. Therefore, the CoC ApS equivalent which is actually really just projectile hit rate equivalent of 30.3 ApS with a 3.03 ApS Barrage setup. Therefore, the optimal ApS for this build is 3.03. Relevant math for this: 3.03 ApS with 6 projectile Barrage -> you fire 18.18 projectiles in 1 second, but only 0.6s is spent firing that 18.18 projectiles with Barrage. Therefore, projectiles are effectively being fired at the rate of 30.3 ApS. Obviously this would change for different number of projectiles fired but with my setup I have 6 projectiles (Frenzy gives 1, Barrage Support gives 3, Dying Sun gives 2). These calculations are also assuming 100% accuracy and crit which this setup has. Also this is accurate with flasks being active. Expect DPS loss without Dying Sun active.
Potential Shaper DPS calculations
As PoB doesn't really show DPS for builds like this, I decided to do some manual calculations.
Note that PoB doesn't take into account the extra 20% chance to deal Double Damage with Critical Strikes from the Medium Cluster Jewel notable Pressure Points. Bladefall's damage is also very inaccurate as the "6% less Damage per Volley" and "20% reduced Critical Strike Chance per Volley" modifiers aren't taken into account so I will only take into account Blade Blast's damage for this (it's the main source of DPS anyway). From PoB: ApS: 3.03 Blade Blast Average Damage: 130,827 EK has 12 projectiles and leaves 1 lingering blade every 6 projectiles (trigger penalty). Per attack we get 2 blades. Every second we get 6. Bladefall has 30 volleys (due to Awakened Spell Cascade "repeating" casts 4 times and helm enchant granting 1 more volley per cast, pause my Sirus videos and count how many there are on the ground as I precast before he's targetable) and leaves 1 lingering blade every 2 volleys (trigger penalty). Per attack we get 15 blades from the Spellslinger setup and another 15 from the CoC setup (potentially 30 from the CoC setup if EK and Bladefall don't kill the targets and Frenzy continues to hit a target; CoC cooldown is 99 ms and we hit every 33 ms per projectile with 6 projectiles so 2 triggers). Every second we get up to 135 (45 from Spellslinger and 90 from CoC). In total: Blade Blast: 130,827 x 141 = 18,446,607 DPS We're getting 18M DPS from Blade Blast alone not taking into account Bladefall and EK, and this is assuming the detonation AoEs from the lingering blades spread are all hitting the boss (which is not too unrealistic if you have Awakened Spell Cascade, EK and Bladefall all with 0% quality so the spread is smaller). When Bladefall and EK are taken into account, the total DPS is easily more than 20M+ (I'd estimate it to be around 27-28M). If I had a mirror tier wand and 3 mod Watcher's Eye I'm pretty sure it would be possible to kill phase 2 Sirus before he teleports.
Monster armour and Physical Damage Reduction
Monster armour was changed recently. The average T17 monster now has 16161 armour. Using the armour formula found on the wiki, the average hit from Blade Blast is reduced by 1.22%. Sirus has 100% increased armour, and so he reduces the hit by 2.41%.
This means to maximise damage output on bosses and Sirus who have no additional map mods, the total you want to get from the mod "Enemies have -X% to Total Physical Damage Reduction against your Hits" is at least 3% as Physical Damage Reduction cannot be negative unlike resistances. This mod is found on the tree, corrupted jewels and as a Hunter belt mod. However, this build has a total of 47% as monster mods and map mods often increase their Physical Damage Reduction by at least 40%. This is relevant for content that includes such mods like Simulacrum, delving and incursions, so try to get as much as you can (it's essentially Physical Penetration).
As mentioned earlier, you want bare minimum of 33% CDR on boots + belt. This coupled with a level 4 Awakened CoC and level 20 Spellslinger will give you 52% CDR on both setups. Going over 52% is no issue as the server only refreshes every 33ms, and there's no way we can reduce the trigger cooldowns by more than 33ms with a mere 2-10% at that threshold. Crown of the Inward Eye is not needed, but it's a nice damage boost for any low life build. The rest of the uniques are necessary. For your wand, prioritize +1 level to Phys spell gems (go for at least 50% Spell damage instead if you already have a level 21 Blade Blast as the radius doesn't increase) followed by flat and % increased Phys damage. High roll Attack Speed is not necessary as it's not too difficult to hit 3.03 ApS. In fact, I think Demon's Horn might be the best base wand for this setup. If you have an extra mod space, craft "X% chance to deal Double Damage while Focussed". Try your best to get Accuracy on both rings and gloves. It is pretty important to get 100% chance to hit despite Spellslinger not requiring it. Helmet enchant should always be +1 additional Bladefall volley. If you have extra currency, you can use an Awakener's Orb on a Hunter belt with "Enemies have -X% to Total Physical Damage Reduction against your Hits" and a Shaper/Crusader belt with tier 1 CDR to make a belt like mine. "Non-Channelling Skills have -X to Total Mana Cost" is also very important as there's no mana sustain in this build. It can be either a mod or a craft, if you get it as a mod then you can craft "Shocks nearby Enemies for 4 seconds when you Focus" which is an insane DPS boost. This build also has high attribute requirements (159 Strength and Dexterity if you use level 21 gems), so remember to get some on rings. The Shaper mod "Socketed Spells have +X% to Critical Strike Multiplier" is really powerful for Blade Blast. Strongly suggest buying a pair of gloves with it. Another Shaper mod that is extremely powerful is "#% Global chance to Blind Enemies on hit/Socketed Gems are supported by Level # Blind", it makes you extremely hard to kill, strongly recommend it.
Dying Sun for extra AoE and Frenzy/EK proj. Bottled Faith not needed, you can replace it with a CoH Ass Mark ring.
Gem links
Wand: Precision-Shield Charge-Fortify If you don't have enough mana to reserve a level 21 Precision, just use a lower leveled one. Prism Guardian: Pride Vaal Discipline Haste Shavronne's Wrappings: Frenzy-Awakened CoC-Bladefall-Awakened Spell Cascade-Conc Effect-Barrage Support Use Conc Effect over Controlled Destruction or Frenzy's mana cost will be too high. Helm: Spellslinger-EK-Bladefall-Awakened Spell Cascade EK is more total DPS than supporting Bladefall with Conc Effect because unlike Poet's Pen, Frenzy triggers both spells in 1 attack. This helps produce more blades for Blade Blast which is the main source of damage. Gloves: Spellslinger-Blade Burst-Awakened Brutality-Awakened Inc AoE Boots: Dash-Steelskin-Second-Wind-Arcane Surge Leave Arcane Surge at level 5. If you can't afford to support Dash and Steelskin with Arcane Surge due to having too little unreserved mana, replace this with Vaal RF. None of the curses are needed. War Banner is not worth it for its reservation.
Watcher's Eye
+X Energy Shield gained for each Enemy Hit while affected by Discipline
X% chance to deal Double Damage while using Pride X% to Critical Strike Multiplier while affected by Precision The rest of the mods are not too important. X% increased Attack Speed while affected by Precision if you have a lack of attack speed. The Precision flask charge mod is really weak because it has a cooldown of 200ms which means it can only trigger 5 times per second, and on top of that it applies to a random flask.
Cluster Jewels
There really aren't any choices here because there are clear cut best in slots that are way better than the rest.
Large (ALWAYS 8 passive skills) Force Multiplier Iron Breaker 2 Jewel Sockets Medium (EITHER 4 or 5 passive skills) Precise Commander Pressure Points OR Quick Getaway (really good for mapping and gives you AS) 1 Jewel Socket Small (I prefer 3 passive skills but you can go for 2) Energy From Naught OR Conservation of Energy (this increases leech rate but it's not very significant, recommend the other) Chaos Resist Ele Resist/Attributes if lacking
Energy From Within for the hybrid cluster between Shadow and Witch, corrupted with "Enemies have -2% to Total Physical Damage Reduction against your Hits" if possible
Rare jewel with ES Attack Speed with Wands/Attack Speed while holding a Shield Global Crit Multi/Crit Multi with Spells Ele Resist/Attributes if lacking
Q: Is this build possible with other Ascendancies?
A: Yes but capping crit will probably be significantly harder so I don't recommend it. Assassin also happens to scale the best for crit and CoC, I don't see a reason to go other Ascendancies other than this. Q: Is this build HC/SSF viable? A: No. If you have questions about the build, please leave a comment. I'm unlikely to respond ingame. Thanks for reading. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย kaevix#0167 เมื่อ 27 เม.ย. 2020 13:40:33 ขุดครั้งสุดท้าย เมื่อ 19 มิ.ย. 2020 03:45:44
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You say it's not a cheap build but what would be a good starting amount to at least get it started? Not sure I will be able to play it but awesome build either way.
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enjoying a self made life version of the build. But I think I'm missing something as my attacks per second on frenzy tab is only 2.70 attacks per second? how do I reach 3.03? my wand has 1.51 attacks per second and I even took 20% atk speed on the tree and jewel. I check fully buffed ofcourse. I would need another 15% attack speed but I dont see you take any attack speed except for the jewel, watchers eye and wand?
it feels like im missing something :p thanks for the build idea anyway really enjoying it editL think i know what i missed the 15%atk speed while being elusive แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย tiasim#7260 เมื่อ 9 เม.ย. 2020 13:11:38
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" Somehow I didn't get a notification for this comment. You can probably get it working at around 15 ex, that's what I invested to start this build off. Most of it will go into your 6L Shav's and Wand, followed by gloves with AS + Accuracy and rings with Accuracy. The most expensive upgrades in this build are Tailwind + CDR boots and Awakened gems which are not necessary. " Edit: Peeked at your character. I know what you mean now. Glad you like the build! แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย kaevix#0167 เมื่อ 10 เม.ย. 2020 07:14:21
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I like it!
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Hello there!
Going to level a character right now and i'm curious why not just go CI? Still trying to to learn this side of the game as I usually just do cyclone/impale characters haha Any tips for leveling this build or when to switch? Thanks! |
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" Pain Attunement is a really powerful boost to the DPS. Also if you go CI you might not be able to account for the heavy reservation of this build without investing into reduced mana reservation from the tree or gear. I suggest leveling as a normal spellcaster build then respeccing, I don't think leveling with this build in mind will be very smooth. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย kaevix#0167 เมื่อ 13 เม.ย. 2020 03:49:22
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ah I apologize I didn't realize how the shield worked...now i'm silly for asking about CI haha.
Last question I promise...Why opportunistic instead of ambush and assassinate for the final 2 asc. points? Just curious about the thought process behind it. Thanks again i'm loving the build so far its excatly how I wanted spellslinger to be! |
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" The benefit of Ambush and Assassinate is mainly the 25% more damage against low life enemies + Culling Strike, full life benefits are pointless since we are a trigger build i.e. we hit them with Frenzy first before skills. Compare that to 25% more damage all the time when a rare/unique enemy is near from Opportunistic, I think it's just far inferior. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย kaevix#0167 เมื่อ 14 เม.ย. 2020 05:59:26
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Updated gear and PoB. Should be easier to cap accuracy and attack speed now.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย kaevix#0167 เมื่อ 17 เม.ย. 2020 11:51:13
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