3.11 | Carry Me Golems | Carrion/Stone Golem Elementalist | Very Tanky and High DPS summoner

Replacement idea for Brass Dome/Craiceann's.

Desirable Hunter prefixes: %life, phys dam taken as chaos, additional curse
Desirable Warlord prefixes: +1 gems (100% reduced reflected dam taken for minions)
Desirable Hunter suffixes: inc effect of offerings
Desirable Warlord suffixes: inc life recovery
Desirable base prefixes: flat life

So I decided to Awaken two armors, one with +gems and one with +offering bonus. It was easy to augment chaos for "phys dam taken as chaos". Takes couple of tries, but add/remove life gets you high tier flat life eventually. Getting life recovery suffix would be hard because there are many life tagged suffixes and rerolling life with flat prefix and recovery suffix would require a ton of crafts.

I didn't have much use for suffixes, so I filled one slot with Aspect of the Spider (my favorite aspect). But it could be some other aspect or even non-aspect suffix. One suffix is resist, it could be changed to something else, but I'm not in need of anything atm.

And even without this armor, I highly recommend ppl getting 90% chaos res if using Divine Flesh. And if someone wants to try to get +1 curses on this, it's fine. Just a bit harder to roll other stuff and you lose one defensive prefix.

TL:DR; +1 gems, +offering is nice damage boost, phys as chaos taken is nice defense boost.
Why not use Primordial Bond?
Only lines that explicitly state "minion's" will apply to minions. Primordial Bond does not, so it only gives your minions health and a little bit of life regen.

can someone explain it to me pls i dont get it
doest primordal bond give you:

10% incresed Damage per Summoned Golem
40% incresed Effect of Buffs granted by your Golems
Golens have 25% increased Maximum Life

why shouldnt you benefit from that juicy stats ?
yildirim123 เขียน:
Why not use Primordial Bond?
Only lines that explicitly state "minion's" will apply to minions. Primordial Bond does not, so it only gives your minions health and a little bit of life regen.

can someone explain it to me pls i dont get it
doest primordal bond give you:

10% incresed Damage per Summoned Golem
40% incresed Effect of Buffs granted by your Golems
Golens have 25% increased Maximum Life

why shouldnt you benefit from that juicy stats ?

*YOU* get increased damage per summoned golem. Your golems do not. Same for buff effect.

This is great for an Elomancer that is primarily doing the damage dealing themselves, and using golems to boost that. It's not great for anyone using the golems themselves as their primary source of damage.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
Thank you very much for making this build!

I started out with a flicker this league and got lucky, found 3 ex before making it through yellow maps and decided that was more than enough budget to give this build a go.

Was super fun to play and turned out to be the highest level char I've had so far thanks to the superb tankieness.

Just wanted to share a bit of my journey with the build and what I ended up with in roughly the order that it happend in:

I stuck to the Brass Dome perhaps losing out on some DPS but the survivability through no crits taken is insane and phys capping is a piece of cake with it.

This was my second super lucky event by the way. I failed to link it with my 400 fuses and got the 6-link harvest craft 10 minutes later. Once I had the 6-link I felt confident enough to use Carrion Golems for mapping and boy are they nice for it.

Made this fairly early on, didn't get lucky with the enchant sadly.

These budget boots dropped in one of my temples with the dex and hybrid speed mod on. Never got to make better ones as dex was really bitch to get, saved those to replace as the last piece but never really needed to.

These took a while but worth it. To further min max this one could use a delve minion ring for 35% minion damage instead of 25%. But vermillion bases with the delve mod arent often available and expensive at least when I last looked. Plus one needs the wiggle room with the resistances to sacrifice a suffix slot.

Third super lucky event:
I got a Cortex off Zana mission and this beauty dropped, it had almost min rolls so I one divine into and got almost max rolls.

At the beginning switching this in felt clunky while mapping as a lesser amount of Golems did not spread their DPS as well. But later on with higher Damage and Attack speed it felt clean again.
Chose the life reg base over stats as I was set on dex already since I ran Primordial Chain before that ofc. I changed the Ravenous Horde allocation to Art of the Gladitator, because when I switched necks I couldn't run lightning Golem anymore and I felt rather slow.

If you are bored you could also make a second amulett here with +int gems for Carrion Golems to switch in and out.

All self crafted aswell with spamming life seed rerolls and then adding phys.
Even though Primordial Bond provides no dps the buff effect is so good for phys capping and more reg. I prefer it over 10% increased Minion Damage and some leech.

Forth super lucky even't and the most lucky of them all.
I did my first Simulacrum ever as I had skipped a few leagues. And that thing dropped. Most expensive drop I've ever found myself.

I made a Hunter Stygnian vise before which was pretty nice but in the end decided to take the higher DPS.

They don't look that way but this is one of the most expensive items I've made. Fossil crafting T1 Minion Damage with at least T4 Dex was a pain

Last but not least the Wands. Very expensive do it last.

And that's it! I'm sure there is still things to optimise that I have overlooked but the character is sitting at roughly 35 million shaper DPS, solo cleared everything in the game including farming juiced 100% delirium maps, all bosses (besides Aul I never find that doodoo-head) deathless and that's as far as I want to push it.

Here is the passive tree and PoB if anybody is interested:



Again thank you so much for taking the time to type out this amazing guide, seeing how popular Golems are this league I bet you brought a lot of joy to a lot of players. Cheers!
grimjack68 เขียน:
yildirim123 เขียน:
Why not use Primordial Bond?
Only lines that explicitly state "minion's" will apply to minions. Primordial Bond does not, so it only gives your minions health and a little bit of life regen.

can someone explain it to me pls i dont get it
doest primordal bond give you:

10% incresed Damage per Summoned Golem
40% incresed Effect of Buffs granted by your Golems
Golens have 25% increased Maximum Life

why shouldnt you benefit from that juicy stats ?

*YOU* get increased damage per summoned golem. Your golems do not. Same for buff effect.

This is great for an Elomancer that is primarily doing the damage dealing themselves, and using golems to boost that. It's not great for anyone using the golems themselves as their primary source of damage.

Primordial bond as a 3rd notable in a 8-node large cluster is a really nice luxury, it nicely boosts your survivability, you can boost your life regen above 1200, and more phys. damage reduction is also a really nice plus.
Have a blast with this Build!
Got some nice Items which i replaced and would sell now, to someone who wants to start this build/upgrade his gear!


If anyone is interested hit me up Ingame: @Larokan
We can negotiate a price

I decided that damage is good enough so I can forgo second weapon and use a shield instead. I really like Enduring Cry, so I got a shield with warcry cdr. Now cooldown time is 3.9 seconds and I get 2k life whenever I use it. It's bind on left mouse button so I walk with it. And it triggers wand's spells (Desecrate + Offering).

Hunter affixes on shield are nice; I can cap my chaos resist max to 90% (along with Small Cluster Jewel). I also get mana reservation so I can use Skitterbots and Aspect along normal stuff.

Icing on the cake is percentual life prefix. I happened to get 9% ms implicit shield, so that's a nice bonus as well.

Just a hint: don't get a shield with any es on it. Those have tons of chaos prefixes and if you try to augment chaos on it for max chaos res, you'll have a bad time. Double and triple check poedb/craftofexile before doing any purchases.
Hi all i not have exalt for cluster pliz...
Pasives tree no cluster pastebin plizzz
VirlanIon เขียน:
Hi all i not have exalt for cluster pliz...
Pasives tree no cluster pastebin plizzz

You can try to roll them yourself. Buy ilvl 50+ large cluster jewel with 10 passives (obviously minion damage jewel). Then you can reroll it with garden's life reforge or physical reforge.

You can buy couple and keep rerolling and keep the best. The impale is achieved by 2x Rotten Claws cluster jewel node, Impale support and Dread Banner. So whenever you get two jewels with Rotten Claws, you can keep impaling opponents 100% of the time.

Eventually you'll reforge into Rotten Claws and Renewal, which is the best two node combo for this build.
dejuvenate เขียน:
How would you improve the clear speed of this build?

My Carrion golems deal less than half of my stone golems; stone golems are retardedly slow by comparison.

POB doesnt work with carions. Add this item (assuming u use pob fork)


The Jinxed Juju
Citrine Amulet
Unique ID: 18a40e5779722e623d9691ac67ec3909d4e41cc9ac1d58343b38ae9766748192
Item Level: 72
LevelReq: 48
Implicits: 2
{crafted}Allocates Charisma
+24 to Strength and Dexterity
+37 to Intelligence
+25% to Chaos Resistance
15% increased Effect of your Curses
15% increased effect of Non-Curse Auras from your Skills
10% of Damage from Hits is taken from your Spectres' Life before you
== Carrion Golem boost for nearby minions ==
Golems deal 50% more damage
=== Combo attack multiplier (based on others math) ===
Golems have 133% more attack speed



