3.11 | Carry Me Golems | Carrion/Stone Golem Elementalist | Very Tanky and High DPS summoner
" After importing your character in PoB (and adding Brass Dome as your chest piece, cause it was missing. Considering you're using Primodial Harmony i assume you're using stone golems, so i added a 6L stone golems with 20/20% gems), here's what I see : - You have 80% chaos, that means all elemental damage is dealing more damage to you with Divine Flesh, then without, because your max chaos is 88%. So 80% < 88%. I know you said 88% in your post, but i believe you were talking about max chaos res - Attack rate/Cooldown ratio is not right (missing A LOT on dps there), if using Stone Golems. If using Carrion, then that's another topic lol - You are using Determination, which is not really necessary (already at 90% phys dmg reduction before flasks with it) so use Pride instead for a damage boost - You could allocate Ravenous Horde instead of Indomitable Army for more speed and damage - You could get a better Primordial Chain (35% reduce damage), if using Stone Golems. If using Carrion, again its another topic - Get Gravepact nodes wheel in your skill tree Of course this build is tanky, but definitely not unkillable, personally i've less life, less regen, less phys damage reduction (before flasks), then you, no corrupted blood immunity jewel, and Sirus feels like a walking simulator for me. I don't know how you handle the fight, that might be the main problem here, considering you're used to your jugg that facetank everything. Because, except the chaos resistance, defense-wise you have a better build then me lol. But, on offense-wise, you could get a ton more damage out of your build just by fixing the attack rate/cooldown ratio and swap Determination for Pride. I personally don't really pay attention to Sirus when I fight him (even on the clone phase) (that's why I die sometime lol), but I usually die once per 10 fights on average. Just by not getting too close to him if not necessary and focusing on dodging Meteor, Corridor beam, die/thrill of the void beams, etc. is enough. I usually can tank a single hit, so I have a second chance to dodge with my movement skill if slowed. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย bigtoaster64#0429 เมื่อ 31 ส.ค. 2020 20:53:59
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" Thanks - a couple of things. 1) POB doesn't handle timeless jewels correctly. I am definitely at 88% chaos resist. 2) Brass Dome is shared between my two characters, hence why it was missing. 3) I am using Determination primarily for the "cannot be affected by vulnerability" mod on my watcher's eye. Until I was able to get that maps with vulnerability were rippy as heck. That solved my problem instantly. It was either that or get bleed immunity from either Craecian's or Death's Door. I value bleed immunity more than pretty much anything else, as it is probably the one thing that can RIP you almost instantly if you zoom zoom zoom without piano flasking. 4) DPS was plenty for me personally that I opted to invest in mitigation at the expense of more DPS. At this point only Sirus has provided any difficulty. Even now with 1.25m DPS per Golem, it still kills things ultra fast. Guardian's last maybe 2 seconds at A8. Getting that down to 1 second just isn't important to me if I can grant me some extra ailment immunity and such things. It is possible another 500 HP may solve my issues. The problem is that it takes a lot of effort to spawn Sirus (like 40+ maps). 5) Stone Golems are what I am using. Good catch - when I swapped out for my watchers eye, I took the wrong one out (I took out the harmony and intended to take out the Eminence. Fixing that now, although it only was a problem when using flesh offering (I don't usually cast it). I am even willing to drop damage a bit more (1m per golem personal hard cap) if I can work this last tidbit out. Anyway, configured for Sirus - 1.25m DPS per minion, assuming they are at full life (not something I really trust, honestly). One thing I noticed is that my lightning golem died multiple times in the fight. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย ArchAngelGabe777#5481 เมื่อ 31 ส.ค. 2020 22:14:47
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"Your lightning golem is missing quality, which is 20% life. Probably why Sirus keeps killing it. When I was running stone golems, I was using level 21 gems for all three - stone, chaos, and lightning. I'd rather have a 21/0 over a 20/20. Stone Golem AI is kind of weak, so you really need to place them near Sirus with convocation. Flasks shouldn't matter much, however, you shouldn't need a mana flask. Maybe another damage mitigation flask instead? Basalt? Or a bottled faith, I'm realy fond of bottled faith. I'd suggest that you don't need to worry about bleed. I haven't had bleed immunity and haven't died from it once all the way to level 98. Our golems kill everything, we do minimal damage ourselves, plus Forbidden Taste will let us heal back to 100% instantly twice, which will outlast any bleed I've run into so far. I'd swap your sulphur flask over to curse immunity instead, that will take care of all curses, including vulnerability, so you can drop the watcher's eye for another golem jewel, and drop Determination for Pride. Then just work out your cooldown speed on Stone golems, and Sirus should drop faster than a brick. :) Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on. |
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" Thanks for your suggestions/advice. You know, not using convocation might be my problem. I mean, I do use it, but pretty rarely. I assumed my pets would attack Sirus on their own (and they do to a point), but I still don't truly understand pet AI in this game. Sometimes they run off, other times they run ahead of me... For example, if I turn away from a boss at times, they sometimes leave the boss (even if he is still on my screen) to run ahead of me as if they just lost interest in what they were doing. I found that I often had to run circles, thus slightly facing the boss in order for them to consistently stay on the boss while I avoid some nasty floor candy. I have been reading up on Sirus, and I swear to God, either the stream quality sucks, or my eye sight is terrible, because they point out him turning in the direction to teleport and I even when I slowed the youtube video guide down to .25 speed, it flashed so quick, I was like WTF? How does this guy see that? Even at .25 speed I couldn't track him. I also wonder if the bloom setting changes I made had an impact (I tried to dial mine down when that patch went live last week). I also learned something new about the fight - those quad beams might actually be the catalyst that is killing me. From what I understand, they stack up to 8 times (80% increase damage, assuming additive) and they also slowed me to a snail. I was more focused on trying to avoid his triple shot (not knowing where he was). I am wondering if the triple shot would kill me, if I didn't have "corruption of the awaker" - I will be recording my next fight with him, to learn from my mistakes. I thought I hit record the last two times, but I might not have hit the key correctly or had it running. Another mistake I think I was making is that I was using twirling blades to avoid the beams. From my understanding, it doesn't work like Dash or Flame Dash, as TB is causing those stacks from the quad beam as I circle around. I know I will get this figured out. It is just muscle memory, but the most aggravating part in the fight right now is the visual acuity. Everything is dark and red, and all meshes together. There is something about "confidence" going into a fight that makes it easier. Knowing that tiny clip from his beam can be my demise has me playing in a non-smooth frantic manner, which is no doubt contributing to my struggle. Anyway, as for DPS - I was running 2mil DPS per golem (Sirus configured, POB), but my experience wasn't good for maps with that configuration - I literally ripped on vulnerable maps multiple times in a row. Not a big deal once I hit my desired level. Mind you, I am running juiced maps. I don't just alc and go, I use chisels, sextents and harbinger to add a ton of mobs to the map and I like to zoom zoom - so once I made those changes mapping, it has been perfectly safe. No deaths. Personal preference, of course. Once DPS hits a certain point, I build my characters more towards being sturdy. My philosophy in the game is probably different than some people. I do my best to mitigate as many map mods as I can so that I can spend less time and currency re rolling maps. Elemental Weakness: Overcap 37% so that I can ignore. Wise Oak: I balance all my resistances. Vulnerability: Typically run bleed immunity, or in this case, Watcher's eye and "Cannot be inflicted by Corrupting Blood" to combat the two most common forms of bleed damage. Poison Maps with Pantheon Crit Immunity with Brass Dome Elemental Ailments I know that a curse flask can handle 4 negative map mods on its own... The problem is I really don't like flasking. I am starting to get CPS from the game, and so I do my best to eliminate some of these actions. Piano flasking just isn't my thing. But I do acknowledge it is probably the most efficient means to remove poor map mods rather than trying to build a character to passively mitigate them. Then again, building the character like that is where all the true fun is for me. Again, I just prefer to be able to run as many maps as I can without having to reroll them. At this point I only reroll physical reflection for this toon, and no regen maps. Anyhow, thanks for the advice - I'll keep working on this fight. I love this build and I plan to play it next league unless some huge nerf or QOL changes happen. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย ArchAngelGabe777#5481 เมื่อ 1 ก.ย. 2020 11:09:42
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So my suspicions were confirmed. What was actually causing me to die was the quad beam, not the triple die beam. I deliberately disabled twirling blades (habit, to gain fortify), and then just was careful not to get clipped by his quad beam. Although I dodged nearly all of his 'die attacks', I was able to tank them just fine. In fact, just as a test, I ate two triple die attacks with seconds of each other (not sure on what the CD is, but in my video it shows him do triple die 2 times within 6 seconds.
But if you even so much as touch or pass the quad beam, you will instantly have 7 stacks of a debuff which slows movement speed heavily and increases our damage taken by 70%. As far as I know, you can get up to 8 stacks and I never observed less than 7 from even a quick flesh through it. For more testing, I dragged the fight out, I wasn't interesting in killing him or getting *lucky*, so when his quad beam came out, I just kept in that quadrant, even if Sirus was off screen. As the fight goes on, more and more floor candy pops up. This became a problem for even my stone golems. During the fight, I unreserved mana and attempted to respawn, but I eventually made a mistake while focusing on getting my minions up (not to mention my damage mitigation went down as soon as I only had a couple of golems left, so I eventually ate a shot and died). So, just for reference for facts: 5400 HP 90% Phys Mitigation 88% Chaos 76/75/75 Fire/Cold/Light is plenty to tank to the triple die beam. I'd estimate you can survive the triple die beam at 4400 life, with the above mitigation, based on my health bar. Now, should you want to take the triple beam? No way. Not at all. But it is nice to know that if you are going to make a mistake, error on the side of avoiding the quad beams, as that is what is going to end up killing you. I found a lot of people say, just "get "gud". But part of getting good is having the freedom to think clearly, integrating that into muscle memory. A lot of people learned the Sirus fight with cannot die builds which allowed them to build muscle memory. Muscle memor is something every single person can develop, but if you try to learn the fight in a glass cannon build, it will take you much longer as you only get 6 portals and then have to spawn him all over again. Having a toon, either this league or last few leagues that could sit there and play around for an hour in the last phase was a distinct advantage that not a lot of people realize or care to admit. You didn't get good with running a 1HP build. You got good, then were able to run a 1HP build. If you claim to have done it other-wise, you are a masochist, as you created a ton of extra work to spawn the portals just to get enough experience to finally 'get it'. IB4 someone says "I did it on HC with a 1HP build, first time fighting him" - there is always that one guy... แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย ArchAngelGabe777#5481 เมื่อ 2 ก.ย. 2020 15:12:53
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This is interesting. I tryed out many golem builds. Fire/Ice/Stone, but never Carrion Golems.
Normaly you use Skin of the Loyel for +1 on your Golem gems, any reason why you dont use it? In all the game, the worst Boss i have killed 3 times in the last 3 leagues is Sirus. Every time he does his "die" beam and i die, becourse the game freezes for 2s and i am dead. if this build is able to tank the beam, maybe i can finaly kill this guy for good, and dont need to sell him anymore. @ArchAngleGabe777 you tested it on S8, right? |
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" Most definitely. The 4400 HP needing to survive is going to include proccing Molten Shell. Without it, you'd need around 6,200, assuming hit hits the high end of his damage. I worked out some calculations after the fact on POEBE. He can hit for a max of 3942 x 2.5 (150% damage multiplier) x 3 shots. There is some conversion on those shots, 30% is fire, 30% lightning and 40% physical worth case scenario. This is where 90% physical reduction isn't accurate. The only thing that is accurate is 45% (5*9 golems) and an additional 6% on mine from Watcher's Eye & Det. That leaves 17K Armour to fill in the rest, which doesn't do much against super large hits. Luckily the beam is split into 3 hits, thus armor does a bit better than it normally would, assuming the hit was a) pure physical and b) all the damage happening in one hit. So depending on the physical hit, I would have anywhere from 51% to 90%, where it naturally caps. Effectively, any hit large enough to make armor completely useless would outright kill me anyway, unless I have 15K HP. Anyhow, worse case scenario with my setup appears to be 6,200 HP needed survive that die beam, assuming you do not have fortify, wise oak, endurance charges, molten shell. With any or some of those, the required HP to survive a worst case scenario hit is lower. If you have some way to have fortify up, and MS, you would like survive the 3 shot upper limit at around 4K health. Of course there is some variation to this. For example, if all three shots were pure physical (can't confirm if this is possible), then you will take more damage than if he converts, again, this is because the 90% phys reduction is a sheet only metric, and assumes a level of monster physical damage. Again, just to reiterate, you could survive on less, but you need to plan for the worst possible rolls. Is it likely his damage would always roll 3942 each and every time? Naw, so there are scenarios where, if you get lucky, you could survive a 3 shot on 2500 HP. I wouldn't want to bank on him for that though... Also, my calcs are assuming crit immune... After all, we are referring to the build in this thread/guide. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย ArchAngelGabe777#5481 เมื่อ 2 ก.ย. 2020 17:44:07
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Anyone feel like testing other movement skills through the quad beam? I was using whirling blades until I dropped the cold iron point daggers, as it deals physical damage. Since I dropped those for a staff, I've switched back to flame dash, which I *think* doesn't get tagged by the quad beam debuff if you move through it, but I'm not 100%.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on. |
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"In this setup, we use Brass Dome for chest armour to boost, well, armour, by a massive amount, plus no extra damage from crits. Huge physical mitigation plus no crits beats extra DPS on the golems, and they are already effectively immortal and pushing ludicrous damage numbers. I have seen some folks go for a corrupt brass dome with extra gem levels. Or white sockets. /me shrugs. Seems like overkill to me. Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on. |
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As far as I know, Flame Dash is the only skill that can move past the quad beam without getting the debuff. I can't verify that for a fact. But what I can tell you is that you don't actually ever need to leave the quadrant.
I spent the last two hours re-spawning Sirus and I feel I have it completely figured out now. I did make a few mistakes in the fight, but did it deathless. I am confident that the more practice the get, the better I will become. The two primary mistakes I made were related. 1) I took the full hit of the triple die beam. I was distracted, not focused. Information overload, if you will. 2) Because I was clipped a few seconds earlier, my MS was down. I should have noticed this and applied VMS, or Taste of Hate/Wise Oak. Regardless, I still didn't die, but as you can see, I almost did. :-) So this is my analyses of the fight for this build and I really hope someone finds it useful. 1) Golems need around 22K life, it would seem to avoid the one shot. I figured out that my lightning golem inherently has less life than the chaos golem, level for level, quality for quality. I never really knew that. I bought a 21 lightning golem with some level of quality on it. I also took a few extra minion life nodes - I think that might be overkill after my last test, but I can safely say you need your golems to have around 22K life at a minimum. Chaos and Stone don't have an issue with this. There are multiple ways you can go about increasing their life. A) Get a helm with +3 instead of +2 Socketed minion gems B) Get a helm with built in Minion Life, which not only adds minion life to your two golems in the helm, but another mod rolls gives life to all of them which is included with that roll. C) Socket Minion Life support gem and place flesh offering somewhere else. D) Take some minion life nodes. E) Get a better a better Primordial Chain F) Get a better Primordial Might jewel 2) The Quad Beams are slow and easy to predict where they will start. While Sirus is getting ready to launch them, should stay close to him, but not too close. You want your pets to attack him. Just get close enough to him for you minions to hug him. If you find yourself on the wrong side, you can either wait it out and stay in your quadrant (but be ready to move), or you can risk a flame dash. In my experience, I would wait it out and try and do better about tracking him so that you are in the right quadrant in the first place. By the time you realize you are in the wrong quadrant, a risky flame dash over there isn't likely to result in much DPS up-time, so I would just wait it out if you end up on the wrong side. It is a 50/50 chance, if randomly playing, to be near him, really, because whether you are on either side, your pets should be able to DPS him, while you avoid touching or risk touching the quad beam. 3) Sirus does two triple shots within 4 seconds or so. If you eat part of the first one, you must be ready to use a flask, unless you have super high mitigation. I was clipped in my last encounter, which triggered MS and MS was not up in time to re-trigger for the next "Die Beam". In retrospect, had I noticed, I would have used VMS. But, I didn't notice, and I was almost killed from the Die Beam, as CWDT couldn't trigger MS again so soon as it was on CD. But, either way, you could use Taste of Hate, VMS if you get clipped by one of the beams, which puts your MS on CD. To be perfectly clear, the last phase he fires off a triple beam that is "feel the void" which is different from "die!", although they both do a ton of damage. Upon researching POEDB values, I can't confirm that entirely. They may in fact be the same ability, but either way they are both final phase triple shots and will absolutely kill you no matter what if you have the debuf from those quad beams. So, at all costs, do not clip those quad beams if you want to be able to tank the triple die beam. I am willing to upload my video to youtube, only as a means to help, if you guys think that would be help. I'll likely turn comments off, as people are asses in the comments. You will see my mistakes, but also get to see how I am able to mitigate the fight. I believe each time I spawn him, I will get better and better, and eventually no longer get clipped or hit by his beams. Additionally, some of the people who find him easy don't actually know the fight either. They just burn him down so fast, they don't ever have to learn it. I see it all the time... Same with Veritania. They walk in and kill her before she can even cast her snow storm. Are they skilled? Maybe, but that is no way to prove it, as they are basically doing such high DPS to never face the mechanic. I have noticed that with Sirus too. Basically people burn him down and brag that they can do it deathless. That said, there was a video on the web, which shows a guy beating Sirus with a 3 link. Now *that* is skill. The guy was phenomenal, and I highly suggest you watch it if you really want to see a highly skilled player. He obviously has the fight memorized and has great visual acuity. 3) Convocation only seems to be necessary once you leave the meteor. This is related to the #1 point, if you have enough health on your golems they should still survive, even getting hit by the meteor. But you might want to cast it when leaving the meteor, just in case. My POB Sirus config was 1.24m DPS for the fight, which is plenty. but that is assuming curse up-time. Since I linked my curses to CWDT, I don't think they trigger very often, hence the DPS is proably closer to 1M per minion. Unfortunately I didn't think to show AL8 in the video (as until now, I had not planned to upload it), however, I think you can tell it is AL8 because his life is at 75% when I start recording in the last phase. I don't believe AL7 buffs him back up to 75% life. And... I just looked it up to confirm. " So that should be enough proof that it is AL8, though I would have no issue recording another video. 4) If you are want to be *able* tank the triple die beam consistently, then I would recommend 2 things. A) Get at least 5K HP B) Use Determination Watcher's Eye with "Reduced Physical Damage", and remove one of your eminence jewels to make room for it. You will lose 1% physical damage mitigation from the chaos golem buff, but add 6%-8% (depends on the roll) physical reduction from the watchers eye in addition to a nice larger armor buff and some extra life. You will, of course, lose about 20-25% DPS by not having pride. Again, definitely worth the trade-off. Once you get used Sirus and get better, you can eventually stop planning on ever getting hit by the beam... But, from my perspective, is 20-25% more DPS worth losing the ability to make a mistake? Your call. Each of us is different. My general philosophy in the game is to mitigate as much human error as I can. I hope this helps someone get past this hurdle. I know I was baffled until I sat down to research it. Sadly, there is not much good info on Reddit, or these forums. It is quite vague. that is one of my complaints about POE - The fact that GGG doesn't actually keep a compendium of factual data is irritating. You have to figure it out for yourself, often. People post things that are outdated/wrong and it sends people on a wild goose chase... Luckily POEDB exists, which provides some framework for factual theory crafting - assuming the values are right. And they certainly appear to be right, as I was able to successfully counter the issues I have was having in this fight. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u43aIuQb6TU&feature=youtu.be - Excuse the poor video quality. The source is clear, but youtube compressed it so much that it looks like crap. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย ArchAngelGabe777#5481 เมื่อ 3 ก.ย. 2020 03:33:36
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