3.11 | Carry Me Golems | Carrion/Stone Golem Elementalist | Very Tanky and High DPS summoner

How does this build fair as a league starter? I assume it wouldnt work since you need the jewels to make it work.
ArchAngelGabe777 เขียน:
SwiftyOwns เขียน:

P.s - can someone explain how to manage the stone golem attack speed thingy? ofc i've read the guide but i dont understand how to know if it's managed well or not in PoB (what do i have to look at?)

So, mayke sure your POB has all you tree and gear loaded. Select your Stone Golem and then select his "Slam" ability. Now, if you have a source of frenzy charges, check off minion has frenzy charges. If you have feeding frenzy, check that off as well. Now, look at the attack value and divide that into 1.

So 1 divided by 2.8 for example results in .3571. Now, take this value and multiply it by 3 if using regular Multistrike, and 4 if you Awaekned MS. Most people will have regular, so it would be..

.3571 x 3 = 1.07

This (1.07) value needs to be HIGHER than the Skill Cooldown Value for the Golem itself (not your character). If it is LOWER, then you will have situations where after the Golem uses slam, the ability will still be on CD, so he is forced to use a basic attack or roll, which will lower DPS, even though POB won't indicate this loss of DPS. So as you replace a eminence for a harmony, for example, you might find the DPS goes down slightly. Ignore this, because if your Golems slam attacks finish before the CD, then POB DPS numbers are meaningless as your golem wont be able to consecutively use that ability.

IMO, you are best off giving yourself a little extra leway, in case there is something else that increases their attack speed... Like onslaught for your pets for example, or possibly a shrine? Haven't looked into those. So in that case, I usually error on the side of making sure the CD was about a 10th of a second lower than my calculated length of time to complete the slam. So in the case of 107, I would have likely used 8 harmonies at 44% to result in 1.0 second CD. This way if they gain a little extra attack speed from who knows what, it probably wont eclipse the CD, though it could. You really need to know the maximum attack speed your golems are capable of realistically having, and then making sure the CD is lower than that calculated value. Note, in some cases, that extra 2% attack speed on a jewel, or something may be enough to bring the slam ability below the CD. I know that happened on my character. So the more expensive cluster jewel actually created a slight problem. Though, that could be mitigated any number of ways.

Thank you man ! that's great explanation
i'm going to try to check it on my PoB and see if i get it right :)
How does this build fair as a league starter?

That depends on when you start and how fast you play.

If you really want to finish acts in the first 8 hours after launch, there are better options.

If you start a couple days in, or play at a casual pace, it should be fine.
IT should be fine to start with, just slower I imagine. You'd end up trying to save a few alcs up, maybe a chaos or two for your first couple clay shapers. Once you get them going combined with a zoo of zombies/skellies/whatever you should be good enough to get into early maps and then it's just chaos recipes and gradual gem upgrades. It should actually be a pretty even and consistent upgrade curve for the build compared to some where you need to save up for multiple ex items to get them going and they suck until then.
I really enjoy starting the build as a Arc/Ball Lightning spell slinger with the damage boost you get from Golems and once I have Primordial Chain + Anima Stone + 3 Harmonies + 2 CIP + at least 5 Link, I switch over to Stone Golems.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย KellogZ#6846 เมื่อ 10 ก.ย. 2020 08:55:32
Someone in this thread mentioned that even with subpar gear, the were able to AFK T16 Blight Maps. After running some Blight Maps, I have to say that I tend to doubt this person's claim. Maybe it was hyperbole? That said, I am not an expert at blight, so I had some additional questions if this claim stands.

1) What oils were you enchanting these maps with?
2) Were you Chiselling them and Alcing them?
3) What is your definition of AFK?

I have run a bunch of T13/14 Blight maps, and they are still a bit of a challenge just playing them. I usually Teal or Crimson them, and Chisel + Alc. Certainly open to learning something new, if it exists.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย ArchAngelGabe777#5481 เมื่อ 10 ก.ย. 2020 10:45:10
Wow, read the leveling section of the guide. It's unusable. Your guide is based on having all the gems and everything before you start. It'd be nice for a league starting guide to transition into this build instead.
Ravenous0001 เขียน:
Wow, read the leveling section of the guide. It's unusable. Your guide is based on having all the gems and everything before you start. It'd be nice for a league starting guide to transition into this build instead.

Well, the original writer of the guide has been MIA for months. So a lot of this information you can find in these threads. I have already resigned myself to making my own leveling transition guide as soon as the patch notes are released. I have a suspicion this build will be nerfed, especially the carrion golem non-primordial version. I don't think it will receive a direct nerf perse, but probably will from an indirect nerf due to direct necro nerfs. But that is just speculation on my part.

The reason I am starting to suspect this is because youtube is now filled with all sorts of videos about this build. So what started out as somewhat of a silent build, is now everywhere. That also means it will be harder as a league starter to transition into it with more players competing for the same items. Thus, items will increase in price, not to mention the lack of harvest crafting... Who knows, again, just speculation on my part. We won't know until the patch notes are released.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย ArchAngelGabe777#5481 เมื่อ 10 ก.ย. 2020 11:14:14
Ravenous0001 เขียน:
Wow, read the leveling section of the guide. It's unusable. Your guide is based on having all the gems and everything before you start. It'd be nice for a league starting guide to transition into this build instead.
Leveling is so trivial, it's not worth detailing. You need to get to level 34 if you have a primordial chain, or can buy one. If you're going with clayshapers instead, level 41. Getting to either level with a witch character is seriously as easy as socket any skill, add supports as they become available, and make sure you upgrade your flasks.

Personally, I run zombies, summon raging spirits, craft a fire wand early on, and swap to a reverberation rod as soon as I can afford one. That will carry me to level 60+ in act 8 easily, and you only need late act 4 complete to be able to switch to 2 clayshapers, Golem Commander on the tree, which will give you 4 golems that destroy content.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
ArchAngelGabe777 เขียน:
Someone in this thread mentioned that even with subpar gear, the were able to AFK T16 Blight Maps. After running some Blight Maps, I have to say that I tend to doubt this person's claim. Maybe it was hyperbole? That said, I am not an expert at blight, so I had some additional questions if this claim stands.

1) What oils were you enchanting these maps with?
2) Were you Chiselling them and Alcing them?
3) What is your definition of AFK?

I have run a bunch of T13/14 Blight maps, and they are still a bit of a challenge just playing them. I usually Teal or Crimson them, and Chisel + Alc. Certainly open to learning something new, if it exists.

Do not Alch Blighted Maps. That make the maps harder but does not effect the loot from the Blight Boxes.



