[3.10]The CEO of lightning Storm Brand Hierophant [Retired]

how do you do with the RF in the helmet cuz it pretty much activates and kills me most of the time...also please make a video of a map to see your playstyle
Elemental overload is a loss of ~65% of your dps. While excellent for leveling, I'm not too confident in it's ability to perform versus crit multi. There are several useful cluster jewels, no reason not to experiment with them for sure. I'll do some toying around.
norxe เขียน:
how do you do with the RF in the helmet cuz it pretty much activates and kills me most of the time...also please make a video of a map to see your playstyle

Only use Vaal RF for large bursts. Do not use regular RF as it will literally burn you alive.
f1rstborn เขียน:
norxe เขียน:
how do you do with the RF in the helmet cuz it pretty much activates and kills me most of the time...also please make a video of a map to see your playstyle

Only use Vaal RF for large bursts. Do not use regular RF as it will literally burn you alive.

hmm well its linked to cwdt so it activate itself,unlink it?

oh it should be higher lvl so that cwdt wont activate it
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย norxe#3935 เมื่อ 12 เม.ย. 2020 03:55:22
f1rstborn เขียน:
Elemental overload is a loss of ~65% of your dps. While excellent for leveling, I'm not too confident in it's ability to perform versus crit multi. There are several useful cluster jewels, no reason not to experiment with them for sure. I'll do some toying around.

I have done some experiments with cluster jewels.


Not optimized of course. I like Scinciliating Idea to give 20% mana + other helpful passives.

Probably will remove the medium curse cluster and get another brand one (Grand Design + Brand Loyalty).

I have been looking at Will Shaper small jewels as well but cant fit it in in my levels atm.

Also I revised how many nodes the Thread of Hope picks up (only the 2 best ones). Might be another size/socket where it is better.
Hello all,

first - thank you for this build idea, it is amazing. I got frustrated with my previous chars not doing much single target dps, so I sold all my expensive stuff and give this a try. And with this build finally times are over where I run around like a headless chicken for 10+ minutes to kill a bigger boss ;)

I decided to go for Elemental Overload to free up passive points for cluster jewels, getting resistances from tree, belt and boots mainly to keep the ring slots free.

- I switched the amulet to Presence of Chayula, for sweet stun immunity, life converted to ES and chaos res

- I switched the Ascendency points from Sign of Purpose to Arcane Blessing, for perma Arcane Surge and immunity to Ele Ailments - super important to ignore being chilled, frozen, shocked and ignited. This helps a lot to focus on other things on gear and flasks.

- Soul of Shakari pantheon for poison immunity.

- Soul of Lunaris for some phys reduction and extra movement speed when crowded, very helpful for this league.

- At the moment, two medium cluster jewels with Seeker Runes & Brand Loyalty and Remarkable & Grand Design - though I am thinking about replacing Remarkable with another Seeker Runes sooner or later :D 4 brands seem to be enough for my taste.

- 2x Perandus Signet and annointing Utmost Intellect for stacking INT! I'm still using Apep's Rage, it is an absolutely solid wand for this build. Therefore, with a total of 8 used unique items this gives 40% increased INT, which means, more ES, more mana and more damage :)

- I skilled Ghost Reaver to actually make use of the life leech from the Illuminated Devotion ascendancy and Atziri's Promise flask. Correct me if I am wrong here.

- Use Mind over Matter!!! With the Mindspiral helmet, this is insane!

- Granite and Basalt flask to deal with phys damage, and we only need anti bleed and anti curse on flasks. Phasing flask would be nice, but I just use flame dash here and there.

- Use Phys to Lightning gem for Wave of Conviction -> no worries about phys reflect maps.

- Switching Elemental Focus for Energy Shield Leech gem for certain stuff also helps surviving a lot.

- Since all the resistances are covered with other stuff, we can switch rings anytime, which leaves some interestig options:

-- Sibyl's Lament ring (left slot) and Soul of Yugul pantheon for ele reflect immunity, hell yeah!

-- Lori's Lantern ring for some extra movement speed, more ele and chaos res (use this and skip one Perandus ring if you don't want to spend a lot of currency for high res belt and boots). And most important, Damage from enemies hitting you is unlucky, which seems to be a very strong defence layer.

-- Mark of Submission with Conductivity curse, drop the curse on hit setup instead for other gem options

-- probably some more funny options to try out

Here is my setup so far:

DerPestmann เขียน:
Hello all,

first - thank you for this build idea, it is amazing. I got frustrated with my previous chars not doing much single target dps, so I sold all my expensive stuff and give this a try. And with this build finally times are over where I run around like a headless chicken for 10+ minutes to kill a bigger boss ;)

I decided to go for Elemental Overload to free up passive points for cluster jewels, getting resistances from tree, belt and boots mainly to keep the ring slots free.

- I switched the amulet to Presence of Chayula, for sweet stun immunity, life converted to ES and chaos res

- I switched the Ascendency points from Sign of Purpose to Arcane Blessing, for perma Arcane Surge and immunity to Ele Ailments - super important to ignore being chilled, frozen, shocked and ignited. This helps a lot to focus on other things on gear and flasks.

- Soul of Shakari pantheon for poison immunity.

- Soul of Lunaris for some phys reduction and extra movement speed when crowded, very helpful for this league.

- At the moment, two medium cluster jewels with Seeker Runes & Brand Loyalty and Remarkable & Grand Design - though I am thinking about replacing Remarkable with another Seeker Runes sooner or later :D 4 brands seem to be enough for my taste.

- 2x Perandus Signet and annointing Utmost Intellect for stacking INT! I'm still using Apep's Rage, it is an absolutely solid wand for this build. Therefore, with a total of 8 used unique items this gives 40% increased INT, which means, more ES, more mana and more damage :)

- I skilled Ghost Reaver to actually make use of the life leech from the Illuminated Devotion ascendancy and Atziri's Promise flask. Correct me if I am wrong here.

- Use Mind over Matter!!! With the Mindspiral helmet, this is insane!

- Granite and Basalt flask to deal with phys damage, and we only need anti bleed and anti curse on flasks. Phasing flask would be nice, but I just use flame dash here and there.

- Use Phys to Lightning gem for Wave of Conviction -> no worries about phys reflect maps.

- Switching Elemental Focus for Energy Shield Leech gem for certain stuff also helps surviving a lot.

I believe its a true testament to a build that all these changes can be made to suit the individual and it's still viable. With that said, a couple of suggestions for you that may increase your damage/survivability.

-Presence is nice for stun immunity but worse in every other way. Converting life to ES lowers the ES from ivory tower. It's complete lack of mana is lowering your DPS (archmage/arcane cloak) and your survivability (mindspiral and sanctuary of thought convert mana to ES) and it doesn't provide mana regen. As your budget increases adding Skyforths will deal with stun problems without gimping the amulet slot.

-I'll be updating the build today to include self-cast arcane cloak providing permanent level 20 arcane surge. Arcane blessing is only level 10. Better to take a flask for freeze/chill than lose the damage, brand recall cooldown and extra brand from sign of purpose.

-Mind of matter does not work with energy shield

-Ghost Reaver and Energy shield leech are redundant. Ghost reaver provides double the leech, losing elemental focus for energy shield leech is a major damage loss. You are rarely leeching to get its full effect due to cinderswallow keeping you full.

-I like the idea of perandus signet INT stacking!! Will have to check to see if it's worth losing Cerulean rings however.

Cheers Exile.

i took Ghost Reaver to because i dont have 3.4ex to spend on a cinderswallow and also i just die alot in maps even with the ghost reaver i still die...it feels like i move slow or i dont know got 5.6es res capped and still its frustrating
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย norxe#3935 เมื่อ 13 เม.ย. 2020 19:01:06
I cant stand this anymore i die all the fking time cant even do t11 maps...i think im going back to my imaple build
@OP - Are you self-casting Wave of Conviction? Only for bosses or what? I changed my abilities to match yours. Shield charge & flame dash out for Dash, and a lvl 1 clarity =p.



