[3.11] Essence Drain+Contagion AMAZING BUDGET Easy Starter ! NOW GOING CI !


3.11 updating

hi all ! will start to update the build from today ! 22 June 2020 =D

First this build is very very cheap !!!!
make 5 socket end 5 link using harvest league crafting , easy to go !!
get a cane of unravelling for 1 chaos and a a sadist garb ilvl 70 ( because easy to get 5 bleu with it ) about 1 alch and you are ready to go

for leveling

First go for Blight then at act 3 once you have done the library you can slowly start contagion + essence drain .

leveling go for dual wand or wand and shield depends what you gonna loot .

Bandit > kill them all

Pantheon : mapping :Soul of shakari / soul of Lunaris
once you go to Sirus/uber elder take > " Soul of Arakaali "
+ "Soul of yugul" for Ubber Elder

Ascendency >> patient reaper >> prolong pain >> Ghost dance >> Escape Artist

Life POB

POB : https://pastebin.com/Y4nG1cGp

Update 04 jully 2020 !

goiing to CI ! got a bow crafted it and got lucky !

here is my pob started using some cluster, you may try to craft it with harvest !



have fun and if you get anyquestion just ask for it ! this build is pretty cheap and will clean all content there is less than 10 ex the bow is the most expensive craft about 4.5 ex that's all ... then with the Harvest you can really make good stuff for free !

Gems Link

5 link on the saff Essence drain - swift affliction support - void manipulation support- - controled destrucyion support

6 Link
Essence drain - swift affliction support - void manipulation support- empower - controled destrucyion support

6 link on body armor

here cerefull about Arcane surge level , keep in mind you it instant once you use contagion or bligh so around lvl 5 -7 it should be fine

Vaal Blight - contagion , arcane surge support, increase area effec support - intensiffy support - 6 link > infused channelling support

4 link / gloves / boots / helmet try to get aspect of the spider on gloves or boots , it can also be on your ring or belt .

Malevolence - Vaal Dicsipline - Enlighten - flesh & stone

flame dash - second wind or faster casting- cast when damage taken - immortal call

wither -spell totem support clarity , vaal righteous fire alone without link

If you go low life > Wither + Spell totem link and Blood magic + Zealotry link

LIfe Gear


CI Gear

3.10 section

Well I 've been playing Essence Drain for the first time in 3.10 league, I got a lot of pleasure to play it, from the build I choose to start I got a lot of issue to go end game with it .

So i did my own research to find about the best between Big Evasion buils and Glace Canon build ....

CI in the end is the best option cheap and pretty good to clear all content
Going Low Life is a nice endgame DPS but very weak compare to CI I wont recommand to go Low life unless you will be above 9K ES because it will miss a lot of evasion and ES comapre to CI and it will end with more death...

Well I found my way going to CI ending Lv 97 with alomost 2M DPS DOT with 10.5k ES, farming Sirius Aw8 Shapper/ Elder doing all content I die sometimes of course that's POE !

Now I 'm testing a Low life setup I keep the same tree , only change CI to use pain attunement

Just done my first Ubber Elder ! with this build <3 with the low life setup, that was my first try ever ! =D

I choose to link a Sirius fight with a stupid death xDD because that's the true even it can be deathless , actually what we want to know is if we can kill him or not ? with or without big effort ? that's all ... you can learn the mechanics while looking this video

I 'll soon add more endgame fight and more farming content , this is just to start the thread today so if you have any question I will answer ASAP and add more things soon =)


Pros & Cons


- amazing clear speed
- ED is a starter build till end game
- all content
- safe and tanky for spell caster

I see only one >> single target take sometimes untill you get around 1M dps then it will be better and better

You can find my actulal cluster jewel inside the pastebin they are mandatory , you can start with x1 medium and x1 small till you get enought skill point to go for a bigger cluster jewel setup

for leveling you can choose any ED trickster life build till you will convert to CI , I will add a leveling section ASAP

Bandit > kill them all

Pantheon : mapping :Soul of shakari / soul of Lunaris
once you go to Sirus/uber elder take > " Soul of Arakaali "
+ "Soul of yugul" for Ubber Elder

Ascendency >> Ghost dance >> Escape Artist >> patient reaper >> prolong pain

Here is my CI pastbin , lv 97


Almost 2.M dps you can swap a flask to get more DMG and be above 2M dps

Low Life 2.5M DPS

https://pastebin.com/U5BXAYNf 3.7M DPS

I 'm not counting blight even this gives you a lot ! once you apply ED just blight the target then you will get arcane surge and blight will boost your DOT it's just insane

My actual gear and tree :

about the gear there is few mandatory things ,
one is to have at least x2 endurance charge ( rings , amulet ) x3 if you are still CI it's what makes us stronger while mapping

Find a piece of your gear with at least one free suffix to craft " aspect of the sipder "

if you don't know about it > press " alt" while you look at your glove, ring, belt.... and see if there is more than 2 suffixe on it the maximum is 3 so if you have 3 suffixe you wont be able to craft a suffixe on it
>> So be carfull on >POE Trade once you look for something >> prefix /suffixe and what's you plane...

Aspect of the spider is a craft that will from the Menagerie, there you will craft it if you do not have the beast to craft it you can buy it on POE trade .
look for " Fenumus, First of the Night "
once you have it youu can enjoy it !

you will need an enlighten lv 4 you can use a lv3 with " The Vertx " that will be your budget option till you go to a hubris ciclet with at leat -9 chaos resistance to nearby enemies + you enlighten lv4 .. ED % increased damage is your endagme stat on your helm that will come step by step unless you already have plentu of currency ...

Empower lv4 is something you want you can't skip it , this boost your DPS it's insane !

of course when you can get a Essence Drain lv 21 /20%

any amulet CI or LL you should allocate " Tranquility "

CI gear


LL Gear


actual tree



Gems Link

6 Link on bow
Essence drain - swift affliction support - void manipulation support- empower - controled destrucyion support

6 link on body armor

here cerefull about Arcane surge level , keep in mind you it instant once you use contagion or bligh so around lvl 5 -7 it should be fine

Vaal Blight - contagion , arcane suge support, increase area effec support - intensiffy support - infused channelling support

4 link / gloves / boots / helmet try to get aspect of the spider on gloves or boots , it can also be on your ring or belt .

Malevolence - Vaal Dicsipline - Enlighten - clarity

flame dash - second wind - cast when damage taken - immortal call

wither -spell totem support - multiple totems support that's a 3 link then vaal righteous fire alone without link

If you go low life > Wither + Spell totem link and Blood magic + Zealotry link

Crafting section

coming soon Hubris Circlet craft

Sadist garb


1) Grab an ilvl 85+ Sadist garb body armor without influence

2) Increase the quality on your body armor about 28% using perfect fossils or betrayal quality benches.

3)craft quality on your body armor and use fusing orb to 6 link it might take about 1k fusing , early on the league you can be fine with a 5L contagion

4) colouring : since this is a dext / intel armor using chromatic 1 by 1 might give you at least 5 blue then you could try with Vorici white socket to get what you want ... as you want it 's not hard for this one since there is no " off color "

5) use an aberrant fossil till you get something like that
you migth want to craft some resitance as well choose the fossil going with the resistance you are looking for or craft the one you need at the end .
I recommand to focus on having hight Evasion with the biggest ES you can get .

now you get your own sadist garb self crafted !

5 Ex bow


1) First, start by grabbing a 6l bow. The best is an ilvl 50 shortbow, or any 6 L under 124 dext requiermenent . You can get them easily by using the following divination cards:PORCUPINE

2) Then, use chromatic orbs to get the following colors on your bow:

3) Then, use an orb of transmutation to make the item magic:

4) Proceed to use alteration orbs until you get the following modifier:
(parangon's)+1 to level of socketed gems

5) Use a regal orb to make the item rare.

6) Now press alt and check the amount of prefixes on your bow. If you do not see them, go in options>UI>advanced_item_desctiptions and check it on.
If your bow has only one prefix, go to 8. If it has two prefixes, use an orb of anulement on your bow:

7) If your bow now has only the parangon(+1gems) prefix and no other one, continue. Otherwise, go back to step 3.

8) Craft on your crafting bench the following modifiers:
Can have up to 3 crafted modifiers
+2 to level of socketed support gems
(36-40)% increased chaos damage over time multiplier

10 ex end game bow


1) Grab an ilvl 82+ Maraketh bow without influence. with max " 124 DEXT " or you wont be aible to use it
Maraketh bow has a nice implicit% increased movement speed

2) (Optionnal) Increase the quality of your bow using perfect fossils or betrayal quality benches.

3) Increase the quality of your item on the crafting bench (+18% quality) for 4 chaos.

4)Use the crafting bench to set the socket amount to 2.

5) Use the crafting bench to force 2 blue sockets.

6) Then, use jeweller's orbs to do what's called the "vorici coloring technique".
Set your socket amount to 3 using the bench. If it is red or blue, continue, otherwise reset your bow to two sockets and repeat. When you have 3 blues or 2 blues-1red, do the same technique for the 4th socket.
Stop when you have 3 blues and one red socket.
Then, set the socket amount to 6 using the bench to get:

Or you can First 6 Link it make at least 3 blue socket en try to get lucky with Vorici white socket bench , make sure you will have x2 chance to get x3 white socket whith him ( more chance )

7) Use orbs of fusing to 6 link your item. This should take 900 on average due to the high item quality.

8) Use a scouring orb and an orb of transmutation to make your item magic.

9)Proceed to use alteration orbs until you get the following modifier:
(of liquefaction)(31-35)% increased damage over time multiplier

10) Use a regal orb to make the item rare.
Pro tip: If you care about crafting this item fast, you may use a Craicic chimeral beast to create an imprint of your item just before regaling. This usually costs around 1ex, and allows you to go back to this step anytime you want. This can save you the process you using alteration orbs again if you have a bad annulment roll and must retry.

11) Use annulment orbs until the only modifier left is "of liquefaction"(chaos multiplier). If you remove the chaos multiplier, go back to 8.

12) On your crafting bench, craft the following mods:
Can have 3 crafted modifiers
Cannot roll attack mods

13) Use an exalted orb on the bow. You will get "Parangon's" +1 to level of socketed gems prefix.
14)On the crafting bench, remove crafted modifiers.

15) on the crafting bench, craft the following mods:
Can have up to 3 crafted modifiers
+2 to level of socketed support gems
(36-40)% increased chaos damage over time multiplier

16) (optionnal) Use a conqueror's exalted orb to add a last suffix.
I recommend redeemer for a good chance at movementspeed or onslaught on kill.


แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย mitenayo#0161 เมื่อ 4 ก.ค. 2020 02:14:16
ขุดครั้งสุดท้าย เมื่อ 23 ก.ค. 2020 07:20:42
hey exile !

if you get any question feel free to ask ! I just updated my POB


GL HF =)
Nice guide, but just to tell, the CI build on pob is with a lvl 22/20 Essence Drain on it.
renatokun89 เขียน:
Nice guide, but just to tell, the CI build on pob is with a lvl 22/20 Essence Drain on it.
Does it use +1 to chaos / int gem amulet? Cuz normal pob (not fork) doesn't count it so he could have added it manually for that reason.
renatokun89 เขียน:
Nice guide, but just to tell, the CI build on pob is with a lvl 22/20 Essence Drain on it.

yes it's because there is a +1 amulet on the items , so if you look at ED in the skill section it will be at 29 that's normal =)

was lazy to find out if there is a right setting for it ( didn't find any ...), what matter is that ED is at lv 29 +)
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย mitenayo#0161 เมื่อ 27 เม.ย. 2020 10:51:09
Viktranka เขียน:
renatokun89 เขียน:
Nice guide, but just to tell, the CI build on pob is with a lvl 22/20 Essence Drain on it.
Does it use +1 to chaos / int gem amulet? Cuz normal pob (not fork) doesn't count it so he could have added it manually for that reason.

yea that's right ! you figured it out ! =)
I have around 8.1k ES and I'm getting one shoted by the boss at castle ruins what do i do? Using low life btw
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Ev0lving#6808 เมื่อ 28 เม.ย. 2020 21:44:41
Ev0lving เขียน:
I have around 8.1k ES and I'm getting one shoted by the boss at castle ruins what do i do? Using low life btw

Morning ! =)

Can you allow people to see your character in your profile please ? or link your stuff here ?

8k ES is kinda low , like I wrote in the topic to play LL being above 9k Es is better

but that's for Big Boss fight like Ubber elder ... 8k ES should be fine for mapping , do you have endurance charge on your ring ?
your resistance ?
do you play immortal call with CWDT ?

แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย mitenayo#0161 เมื่อ 29 เม.ย. 2020 06:03:24
yep I do and also I just made my thing public. I don’t think I got endurance charges but I am max res on everything except for like chaos resistance. I’m just not sure what to upgrade next
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Ev0lving#6808 เมื่อ 29 เม.ย. 2020 08:54:30
Ev0lving เขียน:
yep I do and also I just made my thing public. I don’t think I got endurance charges but I am max res on everything except for like chaos resistance. I’m just not sure what to upgrade next

You seem to be having typical ES characters problems. That is, a large EHP pool, good recovery, but ass mitigation. CI/LL spellcasters often have very low physical mitigation, and your setup is no exception.

- Endurance charges are a great way to mitigate 12% of phys damage. Idk which pantheon you're using, but make sure you're using either solaris or lunaris for more.
- I'd recommend recrafting your basalt flask. It's really important for it to be up, and alchemist is really difficult to sustain. Chemist grants two uses, which makes it much much more comfortable.
- Upgrade your soul glisten jewel, it's not very good ^^'
- Consider dropping your clarity and using flesh and stone instead. You can probably fit it in, and it's an enormous defensive boost. You can probably get away with lower mana regen, but I don't play this setup so maybe you'll have to tweak things a bit. You'll want to use clarity if you have an extra ES watcher's eye tho. But most likely a level 1 blood magic one.



