[3.21] Aegis Incinerate Elementalist - Tank with over 10mil Shaper DPS!
Oh Bastion of Elements is much better than I thought. I absolutely love it.
I had this image that after 5 seconds it would start a recharge cycle. But after 5 seconds it is instantly back to full. I feel so safe in the bubble :) I assume it is going to have to take an amazing amount of elemental damage to kill use considering our overcapped resists and the pretty bubble that encircles us. |
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" I am using it in maps now and I have almost constant up time on elemental overload. Single target too. I think I may change out the sulphur flask for something else (not sure what though). |
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" Silver for the 20% increased cast speed |
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" nice!!! I will give this a test drive tomorrow. Bottled Faith still looks like it may be BIS for this flask spot but that is many many maps away :) I am going to focus on getting the 3 awakened gems first. The defense on this build feels just as good if not better than Inquisitor and we seem to have a fairly large damage bump once every thing is in place. |
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Just failed a normal maven watched shaper fight, actually never thought it could happen and maybe I suck.
My current POB for reference: https://pastebin.com/eDsFShmN under ideal circumstances showing around 3.5mil sirus dps, no vaal rf. I use CI+golem, lazy gearing. Somewhat slow in maps but nothing too major. Obviously lots of improvement can be made from here but mostly somewhat heavy investment, like +2aoe or +1chest, +4empower, aspect of spider craft. My take on this build, is that it has big problems in current version of POE, I dont think this is very ideal for the game today. First of all, 8mil dps is very inflated, it requires very specific situation, including standing still for 5seconds, plus vaal RF is just pob warrioring. Second of all most debuff requires block or be hit to apply, with my Maven watched shaper fight there are two shapers on the screen, I cant be hit by two-three balls in a roll which means shaper is almost never debuffed at all. Third problem, you will never get a chance to stand still for 5seconds. In most boss fights in this league since Maven spawn multiple bosses which can one-two shot you or degen you to deah regardless of defense it is almost not possible to stand still for 1-2seconds even. With constant kiting and boss not being debuffed the dps is laughably low. Not to mention it also takes time to charge up to 10stages of incinerate to have optimal dps. With constant kiting and no debuff on bosses I am looking at around 1mil dps which is nothing in today's game. Just my two cents, while this build sure feels more tankier than most builds in maps, it is in my opinion not suitable for real end game fights. It did shine when Neato introduced this in delirium with trash mobs surrounding you offering free ES regen but in Ritual end game standing still builds simply cant tank 2-3bosses together on the same screen with no ads. Happy to hear other people who attempted Shaper or Cortex in this league to share their take on it. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย naderni#5516 เมื่อ 30 ม.ค. 2021 09:49:00
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" I think all of these comments are generally fair. The build clearly functions better in a group setting than it does in a single target boss setting. That being said, your build has a TON of changes that the build designer does not employ so there are extra variables in place here to consider. I have played this build for many leagues now and I have a good feel for it. Just from a quick glance I have the following observations(some of which you noted above): 1) You are CI and have a much smaller health pool than the hybrid build guide version has. You have 2k less than I am tracking for my end game in the hybrid pool. 2) You anointed Command of Steel on your boots. The build typically employs Soul of Steel. 3) You have no anointment on your amulet 4) You should never need a mana flask in the recommended build. The build sustains mana by itself through regen. You are missing out on either an offensive or defensive flask here. 5) Your regular gems are not leveled up. Just getting the basic 20-20 levels on all gems should help dps 6) You do not have the two awakened gems yet for incinerate. These both add nice DPS 7) You don't have the two curse set up in place, this adds large dps 8) Your build is running the Golem setup, which most of us are not using, so it is hard to compare. We all settled on the Shaper of Storms/Bastion of Elements build which has a great combo of dps and more defense. 9) Your armor is much lower than what the build intends. The build requires high armor to function at its best level 10) You are missing a lot of DPS by not having Empower 4 and Enlighten 4. 11) Your Megalomaniac jewel is not great for the build. We use Mega for Overlord and then hope to pick up something useful. With out Overlord in the jewel, you are missing its main benefit. If you eventually anoint Inexorable, you may want to consider removing this cluster entirely. 12) The build functions based on ES going up and down. Your node of Thaumophage won't proc very often. Essence Rush (as the build guide suggests) is the better node in the large cluster. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย AndyLovesHisBge#5265 เมื่อ 30 ม.ค. 2021 15:21:28
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" 1. This is just normal shaper fight I'm talking about. Usually this is mid league content. Not realistic to expect anyone to invest in awakened jewel for marginal upgrade to just defeat regular shaper. Or maybe now maven witnessed shaper fight is no longer mid game I dont know. 2. To be fair to the build it does pretty well in regular sirus fight and mastermind fight where people are too lazy to learn the mechanics and you generally can tank your way through. I think this is the reason for the build you are slow but you want to do well face tanking bosses. 3. Yes I use a slightly tweaked version just because it was dirt cheap to put it together and I loved incinerate back to dual apep days so just want to experiment it again. I think pure ES in this case is not the way to go and I do think golems are not the optimal way. A lot of the things you pointed out is just because I have it so I use it. I was not going to invest in some ex for a failed end game. I think the main problem with this kind of build is how incinerate and natures affinity combo works in general, you have to be able to face tank boss at least 5secs and keep boss in dps range too to be able to start doing dps. Back in Neato's delirium build he introduced it heavily abusing the mechanics so he could face tank delirium with minimal investment. ps I just realized OP is actually not Neato. link to Neato's build where it was made known on reddit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9rsL-EAbSw&t=1s Anyways best of luck and I think I need tweaking on the build too since pure CI might not be the way to go here, and to be honest slow in maps and this shaper fight makes me question whether I should do it or not. I think Ritual league end game heavily favors fire and forget builds and afk builds, DOT or summons would work great because you need to dodge mechanics and do dps in the same time. Looking forward to see more sharing on the end game on this build. And just a disclaimer as mentioned above this build does do pretty well against regular content, and some hard boss fight like sirus and mastermind. |
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I did my first 10 boss fight today at level 81 and it went well. It was quite a rush though.
It should get easier as I get stronger. I have a bunch of health and a ton of DPS growth to go. Back to grinding :) |
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Finally got to fight the last shaper guardian and then got to fight all 4 of them in front of Maven. I have now unlocked the Uncharted Realms.
This is going to be fun to explore! |
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" I just did this fight, and I can see where you are coming from (I failed as well haha). Maven in the house means Shaper
and/or his clones (there are 2 clones now) are attacking constantly, even during phases where Shaper would normally be immobile and vulnerable. Add to that ground effects (cold? judging by the appearance) which eat away at our ehp, cast within Zana's bubble during the bullet hell phase. Then 2x or 3x "gaze into the abyss beams", with the floating chaos portals chasing you around.
The fight gets hectic real fast haha. I did manage to get him down to the last 1/3 of his hp, even with my low crit chance and poor single target damage, so there is hope. But for this version of the fight at least, the build's toughness really only protects you from shaper slam 1-hit KO and not much else. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย j3pli#1177 เมื่อ 30 ม.ค. 2021 21:24:10
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